Search: For - speculation

29 results found

Beyond speculation: Shaping realistic practices in generative AI
Dec 11, 2023

Beyond speculation: Shaping realistic practices in generative AI

AI will lead to an age of radical abundance; the development of increasingly capable AI should be monitored to due to the risk they pose for societies

#Omicron: ओमिक्रॉन से जुड़े तथ्यों को अटकलों से अलग करने की गंभीर कोशिश
Jan 18, 2022

#Omicron: ओमिक्रॉन से जुड़े तथ्यों को अटकलों से अलग करने की गंभीर कोशिश

ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट के चलते शुरू हुई कोविड-19 महामारी की तीसर

A step back from democracy
Aug 07, 2010

A step back from democracy

The speculation regarding General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani's possible extension came to an end last week. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani in a rather dramatic fashion announced a full term extension for General Kayani on national television.

BRICS, Steel, Mortar....and Money
Apr 04, 2012

BRICS, Steel, Mortar....and Money

The unity and purpose of BRICS has been the target of speculation and scepticism from various quarters. With the Delhi Declaration, BRICS members have been able to assuage such doubts as they have begun to create a credible hedge against traditional global narratives of security and development.

Centre and Hurriyat dialogue: Why now
Jan 21, 2004

Centre and Hurriyat dialogue: Why now

Days before the historic talks between the separatist amalgam, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference under the leadership of Maulana Ansari, and the Government of India, there is widespread speculation as to the outcome of the same. After all this is the first time

China's efforts to improve Rule of Law
Nov 05, 2014

China's efforts to improve Rule of Law

The Fourth Plenum of the CPCCC discussed at length a rather unusual theme -- the "Rule of Law", a sensitive topic. This has led to many speculations. Is China looking at a totally independent judiciary? What would be the red lines for the legal system? And what are the real motives for such a move?

Chinese discourse on US economic hegemony
Apr 20, 2023

Chinese discourse on US economic hegemony

As speculation over the demise of the dollar grows, it suits China to fan the flames and pitch Yuan as an alternative

Dismantle the jihadi network
Mar 26, 2006

Dismantle the jihadi network

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has given enough reasons for President Pervez Musharraf to feel at ease. His unambiguous expression of not letting the peace process between the two countries flag should lay to rest speculations and allegations in Pakistan about India's commitment to peace in the region.

Evaluating India-Maldives relations under the Muizzu leadership
Dec 10, 2023

Evaluating India-Maldives relations under the Muizzu leadership

Despite media speculations, the bilateral ties between India and Maldives seem to be off to a good start under the new Muizzu administration

India’s Malabar Dilemma
May 10, 2023

India’s Malabar Dilemma

Speculations are rife about India possibly inviting Australia for the next Malabar naval exercise—which COVID-19 has caused to be moved to 2021.[1] If true, this would represent a break from the past and signal a change in the Asian strategic environment. Over the past few years, India has consistently resisted including Australia in the exercise, despite the latter’s willingness. The only other time that Australia was included in the Malabar

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time
Aug 06, 2019

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time

It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation.

Maldives: Govt rules out 'assassination plot' behind presidential boat-blast
Oct 02, 2015

Maldives: Govt rules out 'assassination plot' behind presidential boat-blast

Putting at rest avoidable speculation about the Opposition being behind Monday's blast on the presidential speedboat, the Maldivian Government has ruled out the possibility of an assassination attempt, saying a mechanical issue was the probable cause.

Missile Antics by India and Pakistan
Mar 22, 2004

Missile Antics by India and Pakistan

On March 9, 2004, Pakistan test fired solid propellant Shaheen-2 ballistic missile, which is supposed to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead upto a range of 2500 kilometers. The aim of the test as stated officially was ¿to ensure the reach of the missile was sufficient to deter aggression and prevent military coercion¿. The speculations -or unstated aims- of the test were

Modern democracy: Data, surveillance creep and more authoritarian regimes?
Oct 10, 2020

Modern democracy: Data, surveillance creep and more authoritarian regimes?

There continues to be speculation and worry about what will happen next and about when the pandemic will end and what the world will look like after.

Monsoons to test Modi Govt's crisis management
Jun 08, 2015

Monsoons to test Modi Govt's crisis management

As usual there is speculation about the normalcy of the monsoons. A deficient monsoon this year will certainly aggravate the stress of farmers who suffered losses due to the unseasonal rains in the last winter season. It will also dent the high growth profile that India is currently enjoying. Such a situation will test Modi's ability to manage crisis.

Pannun case will remain mere blip in surging India-US ties
Dec 11, 2023

Pannun case will remain mere blip in surging India-US ties

World's two major democracies are getting better at riding through the bumps

Reasons for rupee depreciation more complex: Former Revenue Secretary
Jul 06, 2013

Reasons for rupee depreciation more complex: Former Revenue Secretary

Theoretically the rupee cannot be traded because there is no capital account conversion for it. However many countries such as Singapore and the US sell the Indian rupee. This speculation pushes up share markets and plays around with exchange rates, according to a former Revenue Secretary.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 33
Aug 18, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 33

After eight years of ruling Pakistan, former Army Chief and President Pervez Musharraf stepped down on August 18, 2008. It was amidst growing speculation and doubt that Musharraf, facing a possible impeachment in the National Assembly, announced the decision to quit in his last Address to the Nation.

South Asia Weekly Report 71
May 11, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 71

After days of speculation and diplomatic haggling, the United Nations Security Council finally decided to discuss the humanitarian issue in Sri Lanka arising out of the ethnic conflict in the island nation.

South Asia Weekly Report 81
Jul 20, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 81

The so-called executive committee of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) appointed Kumara Pathmanathan alias Selvarasa Pathmanathan as the chief of the once dreaded outfit. There is intense speculation on where the executive committee is located.

Sri Lanka bombings are a dark augury
Apr 22, 2019

Sri Lanka bombings are a dark augury

The events in Sri Lanka yesterday have shocked many around the world. An Easter day attack on three churches and an equal number of hotels, in such coordinated fashion, sounds surreal, even bizarre. Latest reports say over 200 people are dead and over 500 injured. It suggests the attacks were planned in meticulous fashion to inflict maximum damage. While no organization has stepped forward to take responsibility, there is speculation that this mi

Tactical gaps in Indo-Russia ties despite Putin-Modi’s bonhomie
Jun 05, 2017

Tactical gaps in Indo-Russia ties despite Putin-Modi’s bonhomie

Speculation was rife that the bilateral relationship had lost its strategic sheen and had become a transactional one, where Russia was just a convenient one-window stop for some military equipment.

Taliban 2.0: Stronger or Moving Towards Fragmentation?
Sep 07, 2023

Taliban 2.0: Stronger or Moving Towards Fragmentation?

Two years after the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, the debates around whether the group remains intact or has become divided have surfaced once again. In the immediate aftermath of the fall of Kabul in August 2021, there were speculations that the country could be going into a civil war or the Taliban would eventually come to a split. This brief analyses the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s resurgence in Kabul and weighs in o

The Brahmaputra conundrum
Dec 04, 2017

The Brahmaputra conundrum

Despite denials from the Chinese authorities, there is strong speculation that plans for a 1000 km-long tunnel is being tested in order to transfer water from the Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet to Xinjiang. Given this mix of Chinese denial and Indian apprehension, how should Indian strategists react?

The changing contours of Russia’s South Asia policy
Jul 27, 2017

The changing contours of Russia’s South Asia policy

Russia’s policy towards South Asia has been the subject of much speculation lately. With closer cooperation between Russia and China and the former’s warming up to Pakistan, it is becoming increasingly evident that Russia is moving away from its India-centric approach in the region. This brief studies the changes, and continuity, in Moscow’s foreign policy towards South Asia as it transitioned from the Soviet Union into the Russian Federati

The Key to Iraqi Peace: Zarqawi or Saddam?
May 26, 2005

The Key to Iraqi Peace: Zarqawi or Saddam?

There has been speculation galore regarding Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of the Al Qaeda in Iraq, ever since the US Marines carried out a flushing-out operation to smoke out foreign terrorists allegedly operating from the Sunni stronghold of Qaim, which is located in a desert area where the Euphrates river crosses from Syria into Iraq.

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape
Aug 02, 2013

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape

Qatar is creating a large footprint for itself in the West Asian Qpolitical landscape. The Gulf state was previously known primarily for its oil and gas reserves, and compliance with US interests in the region. However, Qatar has in the recent past made significant efforts to assert regional pre-eminence through an aggressive foreign policy. Emir Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who recently handed over the reins of power to his son, Tamim bin

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?
Jun 05, 2024

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?

Speculation is rife on both sides of the Radcliffe Line about a possible re-engagement between India and Pakistan. However, it remains uncertain wheth

What’s the shelf-life of Shehbaz Sharif’s ‘hybrid pro-max’ regime?
Mar 12, 2024

What’s the shelf-life of Shehbaz Sharif’s ‘hybrid pro-max’ regime?

For all intents and purposes, this government is here to stay so long as it doesn’t fall out with the military