Search: For - shared heritage

2 results found

Silenced histories, razed shrines: The difficult task of rediscovering India and Pakistan’s shared heritage
Aug 21, 2023

Silenced histories, razed shrines: The difficult task of rediscovering India and Pakistan’s shared heritage

The national identity of Pakistan is rooted in the ‘two-nation theory’—the very basis of the creation of the country—which says that the Hindus and Muslims of the subcontinent were two different nations and therefore, the Muslims were entitled to a separate homeland where Islam would be practiced as state religion. Does Pakistan’s quest for identity, however, mean neglecting the non-Islamic culture present in the country? This brief cal

Reel v/s real: Examining anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh
May 14, 2024

Reel v/s real: Examining anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh

The credibility of the 'anti-India' sentiments emerging in Bangladesh warrants scrutiny, as reality portrays a different narrative from what is depict