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1736 results found

"Comfort Women" issue and its impact on Japan-South Korea relations
Aug 06, 2022

"Comfort Women" issue and its impact on Japan-South Korea relations

If allowed to spiral out of control, Japan’s and South Korea’s domestic nationalist fervour against each other could further damage already fragil

#India-Vietnam Relations: भारत के प्रति वियतनाम का ‘दृष्टिकोण’
Jul 30, 2023

#India-Vietnam Relations: भारत के प्रति वियतनाम का ‘दृष्टिकोण’

वियतनाम के साथ करीबी संबंध का दावा करने के बावजूद हक़ीक़�

#India-Vietnam Relations: भारत के प्रति वियतनाम का ‘दृष्टिकोण’
Feb 12, 2022

#India-Vietnam Relations: भारत के प्रति वियतनाम का ‘दृष्टिकोण’

वियतनाम के साथ करीबी संबंध का दावा करने के बावजूद हक़ीक़�

10 yrs of Indo-US civil nuclear deal: Transformation of bilateral relationship is the real big deal
Jul 20, 2015

10 yrs of Indo-US civil nuclear deal: Transformation of bilateral relationship is the real big deal

The real objective of the historic Indo-US civil nuclear initiative was to end decades of alienation between the world's largest democracies and build a genuine strategic partnership. Delhi and Washington knew that there could be no real partnership without resolving differences on non-proliferation that had so severely poisoned the bilateral relations from the early 1970s.

2+2 Dialogue will further cement India-Japan strategic relations
Nov 30, 2019

2+2 Dialogue will further cement India-Japan strategic relations

The dialogue has wider strategic implications beyond the bilateral relationship itself.

30 years of bilateral ties: What Indo-Israeli relations look like
Sep 12, 2022

30 years of bilateral ties: What Indo-Israeli relations look like

India's de-hyphenation policy in West Asia has been instrumental in sustaining bilateral ties with Israel.

50 years of India–Bangladesh relations: Marking maturity
Mar 25, 2021

50 years of India–Bangladesh relations: Marking maturity

The future will present itself with an abundance of opportunities to help the two countries to reach a new plane of bilateral relations higher than ev

77th Independence Day: Assessing India–West Asia relations
Aug 14, 2023

77th Independence Day: Assessing India–West Asia relations

From partnerships formed in and around the Non-Aligned Movement to critical components such as energy security and diaspora, much has changed in India

A brief history of India-US relations: Nehru to Modi, Truman to Biden
Jun 17, 2023

A brief history of India-US relations: Nehru to Modi, Truman to Biden

This retrospective analysis traces diplomatic relations between India and US, from a bipolar world to a multipolar one

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union
Oct 03, 2023

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union

The Visegrad Four (V4) countries—Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary—are examples of communist states that have transitioned to liberal and democratic governance systems. In recent years, their visibility in the European Union (EU) has surged due to their contrarian positions on certain critical issues facing the Union, such as mass migration and, since 2022, the conflict in Ukraine. This paper analyses the impact of these trend

A glimmer of hope in Indo-Pak relations
May 30, 2014

A glimmer of hope in Indo-Pak relations

Narendra Modi is a post-Partition Prime Minister who has no family history linking him directly to the event. This could work to his advantage if he chooses to take a less emotional and more logical approach to the Indo-Pak relationship.

A hitch in Bangladesh-US relations?
May 29, 2023

A hitch in Bangladesh-US relations?

The once-harmonious US-Bangladesh ties are witnessing a few hiccups due to Bangladesh’s socio-political issues

A new normal has now been set for India-US relations
Feb 27, 2020

A new normal has now been set for India-US relations

That Trump travelled to India without any substantive deliverable is the real story here

A new phase in China-ASEAN relations?
Dec 06, 2013

A new phase in China-ASEAN relations?

China's renewed engagement with the Southeast Asian neighbours seems to be a policy of the new leadership. However, it must follow up on these successful visits by its efforts and actions. For now, maintaining good relations with ASEAN members seems to be Beijing's new strategy to ease tensions in the SCS.

A ray of hope in US-Russia relations?
Apr 05, 2013

A ray of hope in US-Russia relations?

Russia's response to new missile defence plans of the US points to Moscow's continued distrust of Washington. However, Moscow and Washington have announced a meeting to discuss the new missile deployment plans in Moscow in late May this year. Perhaps, a breakthrough is still possible.

A reset of Gilgit-Baltistan’s relationship with Islamabad
Feb 15, 2019

A reset of Gilgit-Baltistan’s relationship with Islamabad

The political-intellectual discourse of the region had over the years evolved a historical disconnect with Kashmir — somewhat inherent, some enginee

A reset of India–Nepal relations
Jan 29, 2021

A reset of India–Nepal relations

Interdependence between India and Nepal is the secret to reset the relations between the neighbours.

A thaw in Saudi-Iran relations?
Jun 02, 2014

A thaw in Saudi-Iran relations?

Saudi Arabia recently extended an invitation to Iranian Foreign Minister, indicating towards a possible thaw in relations. Is this shift in Riyadh's stand because of a change in US-Iran relations and the positive reception of Iran's overtures by the other GCC States?

A thaw in Thailand and Saudi Arabia relations
Mar 04, 2022

A thaw in Thailand and Saudi Arabia relations

Both the countries are eager to start off with a clean slate by working towards rebuilding amicable ties

A US-China trade deal is likely, but will not resolve a deteriorating relationship
Nov 12, 2018

A US-China trade deal is likely, but will not resolve a deteriorating relationship

The tariff war is not the only issue hindering cooperation. Differences over Taiwan and the South China Sea, the basic lack of trust in the relationship is acting as a dampener across the board.

A year of Ukraine Crisis: Where do EU-India relations stand?
Mar 14, 2023

A year of Ukraine Crisis: Where do EU-India relations stand?

As the ties between India and the EU continue to flourish, it is clear that the mutual need for greater security and economic cooperation may continue

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship
Mar 08, 2023

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship

Amidst geopolitical shifts and multipolarity, New Delhi’s ties with Berlin could be vital in shaping a new global order

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations and the Durand line: Why is it important?
Jan 31, 2022

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations and the Durand line: Why is it important?

The historical Durand line continues to be a thorn on the side as both Pakistan and Afghanistan are unable to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion

Agreements boost Indo-Bangla relations
Feb 16, 2013

Agreements boost Indo-Bangla relations

India and Bangladesh relations got a major boost following the signing of two agreements, an extradition treaty and a liberalised visa agreement between the two neighbouring countries.

Are India-China relations really improving?
Mar 01, 2018

Are India-China relations really improving?

It seems unlikely that the bilateral relations will improve significantly — there are a couple of indicators of the slight improvement in the relations.

Are India–Bangladesh relations at a crossroad?
Mar 25, 2021

Are India–Bangladesh relations at a crossroad?

The two South Asian neighbours — Bangladesh and India — share a common history, and linguistic and cultural heritage. Their strategic locations co

Armenia-India relations: Budding partnership benefits New Delhi
Dec 16, 2022

Armenia-India relations: Budding partnership benefits New Delhi

It is in New Delhi’s interest to strengthen its partnership with Yerevan by further deepening its defence ties

Art Not For Art’s Sake: China and Hollywood’s Mutual Gains From a Symbiotic Relationship
Apr 24, 2023

Art Not For Art’s Sake: China and Hollywood’s Mutual Gains From a Symbiotic Relationship

The use of America’s movie industry, or Hollywood, to advance an agenda is not new. This paper explores how China has expanded its financial footprint in Hollywood and consequently is able to use films for propaganda. It engages with the importance of propaganda and censorship in China, and how China has historically used mass media and other cultural tools to serve its political interests. It underlines the symbiotic nature of the rela

ASEAN-India Relations: समुद्री क्षेत्र में भारत और आसियान के संबंध-एक विश्लेषण
Nov 25, 2021

ASEAN-India Relations: समुद्री क्षेत्र में भारत और आसियान के संबंध-एक विश्लेषण

ASEAN-India Relations: भारत और आसियान दोनों को ही अपने समुद्री संबंधों �

Australia should become part of relationship between India and China
Jun 19, 2012

Australia should become part of relationship between India and China

Underlining the need to develop an India-US-Australia trilateral, Mr. Rory Medcalf of the Lowy Institute says the recent US pivot to Asia is an opportunity for this relationship to burgeon.

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling
May 24, 2023

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling

Over the last three decades, Australia and China have established mutually beneficial economic ties. However, Australia’s decision to ask for an independent enquiry into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has led to a backlash from China. This brief examines the more important developments since 2015 that persuaded Australia to take measures aimed at protecting both its open economy and its democratic polity against China’s sys

Australia-India relationship has reached new maturity: Report
Feb 03, 2014

Australia-India relationship has reached new maturity: Report

The relationship between Australia and India has reached a new maturity: that was key theme of a major bilateral dialogue convened from Sydney to Canberra to Melbourne, in early 2014.

Australia–India scripting a ‘new chapter’ in bilateral relations
Mar 01, 2022

Australia–India scripting a ‘new chapter’ in bilateral relations

Given the changing geopolitics, both Canberra and New Delhi are keen to move beyond mere rhetoric and build a robust partnership

Bangla MPs hope Modi Govt will take bilateral relations to a different level
Nov 22, 2014

Bangla MPs hope Modi Govt will take bilateral relations to a different level

A delegation of visiting Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, taking part in an interaction with academics, media-persons and ORF faculty, hoped that the new government in India would take the relations between the two countries to a different level.

Bangladesh: A positive boost to relationship with India
Oct 07, 2020

Bangladesh: A positive boost to relationship with India

The meeting has paved way for further interaction among the top leadership of the two countries.