Search: For - proactive

58 results found

A Proactive Indian Navy: Upcoming Naval Exercises
Mar 13, 2021

A Proactive Indian Navy: Upcoming Naval Exercises

The Indian Navy has a bevvy of planned engagements this spring,. including with the UAE and France.

From reactive to proactive: Japan’s advances in cybersecurity and cyber defence strategies
Mar 27, 2024

From reactive to proactive: Japan’s advances in cybersecurity and cyber defence strategies

Japan's efforts to elevate its cybersecurity are transforming its defence capabilities across land, sea, air, and outer space, marking a shift in its

Need for more proactive government role to revive economy
Oct 21, 2013

Need for more proactive government role to revive economy

The recent shrinking of the trade deficit to $6.7 billion in September (from $10.9 billion in August) has cheered the UPA government. However, we need to be cautious about favourable signs like a reduction of the trade deficit. Because though it is going to reduce one of the disturbing parameters that are slowing down growth, it could also be indicative of slack industrial activity.

All out at sea: on India’s engagements in the Indian Ocean
May 16, 2019

All out at sea: on India’s engagements in the Indian Ocean

India’s engagements in the Indian Ocean reveal a tactically proactive but strategically defensive mindset

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India
Apr 13, 2012

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India

India has been proactive in the Arms Trade Treaty debate and has submitted its views on the issue. Currently, the debate is shifting towards the content of the treaty. Differences continue to exist, but India feels the final treaty should emerge by consensus.

BIMSTEC and climate change: Setting a common agenda
Oct 18, 2017

BIMSTEC and climate change: Setting a common agenda

The BIMSTEC region is among the most vulnerable in the world from increased threat due to climate change. In the foreseeable future, climate change is projected to affect each BIMSTEC member country with greater severity and frequency, thereby impeding their response capacity significantly. This brief explores the vulnerability of the region from climate change and the BIMSTEC-level initiatives that have taken place to address the issue. Although

Brazil is back
Jul 29, 2023

Brazil is back

The proactive foreign policy by Lula aims to raise Brazil’s global profile. Whether this comes to fruition is yet to be seen and it remains a diffic

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean
Dec 05, 2022

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean

This has been a longstanding policy of China, but more recently, Beijing has been perturbed by New Delhi’s proactive push in China’s periphery along the wider Indo-Pacific. Beijing is attempting to portray itself as the new leader in the emerging multipolar world

China’s Xinjiang Policy: The Imperative for India
May 12, 2021

China’s Xinjiang Policy: The Imperative for India

Over the past two decades, China, in the name of counterterrorism has been carrying out a repressive campaign against the minority Muslim Uyghur population in its northwest region of Xinjiang. Its policy has provoked widespread condemnation from Western democracies. However, Beijing appears unscathed by such criticisms, especially as the Muslim world has either remained silent, or else have approved China’s actions in the region. This pap

Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability
Jun 05, 2023

Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability

The complex risks associated with climate change pose a threat to the global economy. Thus, it is crucial for regulators to proactively manage these r

Command and Ctrl: India’s Place in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons Regime
May 25, 2016

Command and Ctrl: India’s Place in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons Regime

Technological advancement in artificial intelligence has created a situation where the deployment of Lethal Autonomous Weapons has become practically, if not legally, possible within a few years. As the international community struggles to arrive at a definition of ‘autonomous weapons’, the need to regulate their use has become paramount. Apart from the legal and ethical considerations in the use of autonomous weapons, there are also con

CyberSpace governance: The American approach
Oct 04, 2013

CyberSpace governance: The American approach

The US has become more proactive in engaging with the international community to address cyberSpace challenges ever since the policy shift in 2009. However, it still maintains its opposition to the need for an international treaty to govern cyberSpace.

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan
Aug 09, 2023

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan

As an emerging power in the current multipolar global order, India can use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to protect, promote, and project its geostrategic and geoeconomic interests. The SCO is also a platform for India to reaffirm its commitment to revive and deepen its centuries-old civilisational, spiritual, and cultural ties with other member countries. This paper explores India's priorities at the SCO, chiefly connectivity, coun

Drones: Guidelines, regulations, and policy gaps in India
Mar 05, 2018

Drones: Guidelines, regulations, and policy gaps in India

Technology affects us in positive ways yet can also be disruptive; such is the case with Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA or more commonly known as drones). While drones are proving to be useful for military, commercial, civilian, and even humanitarian activities, their unregulated use carries serious consequences that need to be addressed. This paper examines drone operations in India and analyses the major policy gaps in the country’s evolving

Education as a Pivot in India’s Cooperation with BIMSTEC Countries
Nov 03, 2020

Education as a Pivot in India’s Cooperation with BIMSTEC Countries

This brief discusses the education component of cooperation between India and the countries of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC). It argues that nurturing the education link within BIMSTEC can play a transformative role in augmenting people-to-people contact and cementing a more fruitful regional connectivity. While progress has been achieved—to which India has contributed considerably�

Finding Solutions to Fishermen Transgressions in the India-Bangladesh Maritime Space
Sep 10, 2021

Finding Solutions to Fishermen Transgressions in the India-Bangladesh Maritime Space

Aiming to secure their marine resources in the Bay of Bengal, India and Bangladesh settled their maritime boundary in 2014. Despite the delimitation, however, fishers from both countries continue to commit unlawful forays into each other's sovereign waters, leading to the enforcement of punitive measures against those accused or convicted. Such incidents not only jeopardise the fishers’ livelihoods, but repeated occurrences also nettle relation

For multinational corporations, there is a call to rise for the greater good
Nov 30, 2021

For multinational corporations, there is a call to rise for the greater good

Global corporations can proactively work towards sustainable and ethical development, particularly in the post-pandemic recovery

Harnessing data to optimise air quality policies
Jul 24, 2023

Harnessing data to optimise air quality policies

A dynamic framework incorporating predictive policy formulation supported by data can be the next phase in tackling air quality issues effectively and

India and the China-Taiwan Conflict: The Military Dimension
Mar 27, 2023

India and the China-Taiwan Conflict: The Military Dimension

Proactively taking advantage of China’s involvement in the Taiwan Strait to fight China in multiple theatres is something Indian military planners should think about.

India need to be pro-active to strengthen relations with Bangladesh
Apr 05, 2012

India need to be pro-active to strengthen relations with Bangladesh

The fourth India-Bangladesh Security Dialogue, organised by ORF in association with the BEI, Dhaka, stressed on the need for the Indian government to be more proactive in the promotion of its ties with Bangladesh.

India should take on more responsibilities in Indo-Pacific
Nov 24, 2014

India should take on more responsibilities in Indo-Pacific

It is clear that countries in the region would like to see India play a greater security role in the Indo-Pacific - that is India should be more proactive, rather than reactive. India should take advantage of the opportunities, and take on responsibilities.

India's dilemmas in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2019

India's dilemmas in Afghanistan

New Delhi should become more proactively involved in the peace process and not shy away from drawing its own red-lines

India's Indo-Pacific Outreach
Feb 17, 2022

India's Indo-Pacific Outreach

S Jaishankar’s visit to the Philippines from the Quad summit also showcased India’s willingness to more proactively shape the strategic contours of the Indo-Pacific

India-Africa Forum Summit: A new twist to Modi's foreign policy?
Oct 20, 2015

India-Africa Forum Summit: A new twist to Modi's foreign policy?

With the upcoming 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS-III) this month, Prime Minister Modi is set to prove a point to the country that he indeed follows a proactive foreign policy with exuberance and austerity. IAFS-III seems to be critical for reshaping and nourishing historical India-Africa ties and is considered as not just another diplomatic event.

India-Philippines relations: Robust ties for a secure and rules-based Indo-Pacific
Jul 12, 2023

India-Philippines relations: Robust ties for a secure and rules-based Indo-Pacific

India’s intent to play a proactive role in the Indo-Pacific coincides with the Philippines’ need to establish security ties with non-traditional p

India: Crucial cyberwarfare capabilities need to be upgraded
Sep 26, 2022

India: Crucial cyberwarfare capabilities need to be upgraded

Indian needs to adopt a more proactive approach and foresee the potential of cyber technologies in an active war scenario.

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024
Feb 03, 2024

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024

While the Indian Army’s emphasis on integrating advanced tools reflects a proactive response to evolving challenges, a broader transformation warran

India’s Enduring Challenge of Intelligence Reforms
Dec 09, 2020

India’s Enduring Challenge of Intelligence Reforms

India’s attempts at strengthening its intelligence infrastructure and capabilities have historically been reactive and incremental, rather than holistic and sustainable. This was seen, for instance, in the aftermath of the Kargil War, and following the terror attacks on Mumbai in November 2008. India has rarely undertaken proactive reforms and done little to implement corrective measures subsequent to these crises. This brief offers recommendat

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group
May 17, 2016

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group

India seeks to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group with the objective of playing a more proactive role in the nuclear non-proliferation realm. Political issues remain, however, particularly with regard to its status outside the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This brings to fore questions on the relationship between the Treaty and the Group with regard to their scope, mandate and membership. An assessment of prospective benefits

India’s tank problem and the two-front challenge
Oct 20, 2021

India’s tank problem and the two-front challenge

India must be more proactive in how it engages with China along its border

Industrial production remains in contraction zone, needs urgent support
Sep 16, 2020

Industrial production remains in contraction zone, needs urgent support

Any delay in taking a proactive approach on the part of the government can prove to be fatal.

La Pérouse - Quad naval exercise and India’s strategic partnership with France
Apr 04, 2021

La Pérouse - Quad naval exercise and India’s strategic partnership with France

The advantages of India’s early prudence on cultivating multiple “strategic alignments” in the Indo-Pacific, are apparent with French proactiven

Mapping Next Big Steps in India-US defence partnership
Oct 01, 2015

Mapping Next Big Steps in India-US defence partnership

As the power balances of the 21st century shift, Indo-US defence partnership will not be solely about defence commerce. Instead this vital partnership flows from geopolitical interests. To sustain the momentum, both countries should undertake proactive measures to resolve the complex policy challenges.

Modi picks up the gauntlet
Sep 14, 2016

Modi picks up the gauntlet

PM Modi becoming a proactive participant in the great game

Mt Everest: Overcrowding at the top of the world must be regulated
Aug 09, 2019

Mt Everest: Overcrowding at the top of the world must be regulated

Nepal needs to be proactive in safeguarding the tourism industry centred around Mount Everest

North Korean Crisis and China
Dec 06, 2010

North Korean Crisis and China

China has to recognise that North Korean actions are triggering several developments that are not necessarily in the interests of China - like the major debates in Japan on becoming proactive in defending themselves, including the option of nuclearisation. Can a nuclearised East Asia be ruled out in the next decade if Pyongyang continues on the same path?

Obama 2.0: Who will crash the party?
Dec 01, 2012

Obama 2.0: Who will crash the party?

If the first term of President Obama is any indication, U.S. foreign policy will to continue to develop in a cautious, limited, pragmatic, yet largely reactive manner. There will be few American efforts to order the new multipolar world, or respond proactively to much of anything.

Rebooting the forests and tree cover agenda for climate action
Nov 03, 2021

Rebooting the forests and tree cover agenda for climate action

Forests and tree cover can be leveraged in a proactive manner by developing countries like India to boost their climate action compliances and support

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations
Jun 10, 2020

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations

This report tracks the changes to India’s business regulatory framework in the first 40 days of the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus. The Union and state governments have been highly proactive in creating spaces for doing business while managing the ongoing health crisis. The governments have attempted to modify the business-related legal infrastructure within the confines imposed through the lockdown. While under normal circumstan

Reimagining India’s Engagement with BIMSTEC
May 11, 2023

Reimagining India’s Engagement with BIMSTEC

This brief outlines a framework for India if it is to play a more proactive role in integrating and reimagining its immediate neighbourhood, in particular with reference to the economic relations with its BIMSTEC partners. The analysis is done in the context of important economic and strategic developments in the Asia-Pacific region in the recent years. It describes how India can navigate between competing economic and geo-strategic imperatives b

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Aug 11, 2023

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Stop being a bully State
Oct 13, 2015

Stop being a bully State

Our brand of secularism is too passive for anything but harmful politicking. It is time to make it proactive and more effective. Perception is everything in today's social media-powered world. Let's not squander our common future for petty temporal gain.

The elusive promise: Stability challenges in the world of stablecoins
Nov 29, 2023

The elusive promise: Stability challenges in the world of stablecoins

The stablecoins have not achieved full price stability, thus raising concerns about their credibility. Continued monitoring and proactive policymaking

The four pillars of a safe city
Mar 20, 2013

The four pillars of a safe city

Defining safety in urban spaces as just one of physical protection is self-defeating as it presupposes the existence of only reactive action. The construction of safety in sheer physical terms reduces, and often completely eliminates, the possibility of proactive action.

The Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative: Towards a Coherent Indo-Pacific Policy for India
Dec 23, 2020

The Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative: Towards a Coherent Indo-Pacific Policy for India

The Indo-Pacific region is increasingly being viewed as a global centre of gravity, both for its economic and demographic potential, and the security challenges that could frustrate those possibilities. India—as a champion of the principle of ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ or FOIP—has initiated engagements with its partners in the region, such as the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) that aims to ensure the security and stability of the

The pandemic and its effect on children in the Seychelles
Sep 14, 2021

The pandemic and its effect on children in the Seychelles

The Seychelles has taken proactive legislative steps to ensure that the pandemic’s impact on children is reduced

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats
Dec 18, 2018

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats

The question of tackling global terrorism efficiently and proactively is rendered even more complex by other issues.

The TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Understanding the Reform Agenda
Nov 26, 2021

The TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Understanding the Reform Agenda

Past debates on waiving certain sections of the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) have centred on issues such as development and technology transfers. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought more urgency to such discussions, prompting India and South Africa to table a waiver proposal in October 2020. This brief discusses the evolution of the TRIPS Agreement and the link between the a

Time for Pax Indica?
Jun 19, 2024

Time for Pax Indica?

In his third term, He should take a proactive approach to peacemaking, like Norway & Switzerland. This will help India better mangae its external environment.