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#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला
Sep 12, 2022

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला

विभिन्न राज्यों में पार्टिकुलेट मैटर के लिए पायलट ईटीएस

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला
Sep 12, 2022

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला

विभिन्न राज्यों में पार्टिकुलेट मैटर के लिए पायलट ईटीएस

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला
Sep 12, 2022

#Air Pollution: कार्बन बाज़ार स्थापित करके वायु प्रदूषण से मुकाबला

विभिन्न राज्यों में पार्टिकुलेट मैटर के लिए पायलट ईटीएस

A four-pronged approach to tackle air pollution
Sep 22, 2022

A four-pronged approach to tackle air pollution

A multi-stakeholder approach that includes actors such as the government, private sector, and community needs to be adopted to improve the air quality

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps
Dec 18, 2020

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps

Delhi, a Union Territory that is home to India’s capital, New Delhi, is among the world’s urban agglomerations with the most toxic air. The magnitude of air pollution is massive. It causes devastating impacts on people’s health, the city’s environment, and economic well-being. Despite overwhelming evidence of the severity of air pollution and its consequences, however, India’s policy measures remain weak. This paper identifies the most

Atmanirbhar Bharat: Missing a focus on air pollution and climate change
May 12, 2023

Atmanirbhar Bharat: Missing a focus on air pollution and climate change

Will the government’s ambitious mission, ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India)’ eventually prove to be a missed opportunity? Earmarking funds worth 10 percent of India’s GDP, the mission not only aims to respond to the devastating blow caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to serve as a long-term roadmap to growth. It is largely hinged on business-as-usual practices, including providing a push to the coal sector, which may be under

Collective action against plastic pollution: A global priority agenda
Jun 05, 2023

Collective action against plastic pollution: A global priority agenda

This year’s World Environment Day is aiming to steer individuals, corporations, and governments towards the shared vision of reducing plastic produc

Combatting air pollution in Northern India: Cooperative federalism is the way forward
Dec 22, 2021

Combatting air pollution in Northern India: Cooperative federalism is the way forward

As the winter air pollution worsens over time, North Indian states need to collaborate to mitigate this issue, with Uttar Pradesh taking a lead on it.

Confronting air pollution by setting up carbon markets
Sep 07, 2022

Confronting air pollution by setting up carbon markets

India is on the right track as it sets up carbon markets and launches of pilot ETS schemes for particulate matter in different states.

Delhi is Failing Its Children, Air Pollution is Choking Their Future
Nov 06, 2021

Delhi is Failing Its Children, Air Pollution is Choking Their Future

India is ranked third only to Bangladesh and Pakistan for worst air quality. PM 2.5 concentration in India is 5.2 times above the WHO annual air quality guideline.

Indian cities and air pollution
Jun 04, 2019

Indian cities and air pollution

While steps are being taken to reduce air pollution at the national and state levels, cities could improve the national performance by introducing com

Indoor air pollution isn’t getting the attention it deserves
Mar 17, 2021

Indoor air pollution isn’t getting the attention it deserves

A growing body of research suggests that indoor air pollution can be much more concentrated than pollution outside.

Indoor air pollution — A challenge for India
Jul 12, 2019

Indoor air pollution — A challenge for India

Complete transition towards clean cooking fuels has a long journey to cover.

Manage or close the tap: International law to end plastic pollution
Mar 22, 2022

Manage or close the tap: International law to end plastic pollution

Proceeding with the intention to end plastic pollution, an international legally binding instrument needs to be introduced

Multi-sectoral approach for minimising air pollution
Jan 18, 2022

Multi-sectoral approach for minimising air pollution

The fourth Master Plan for Delhi aims to address the increasing air pollution in the city. Would such an action plan be enough to improve Delhi’s ai

Ordinance on Commission on Air Quality lapses, air pollution persists
Apr 01, 2021

Ordinance on Commission on Air Quality lapses, air pollution persists

The continued inability of the executive bodies to implement judicial orders not only leads to the persistence of the problem of air pollution, but al

Outrage over local pollution: Not an elite? Your cries don’t qualify.
Oct 11, 2021

Outrage over local pollution: Not an elite? Your cries don’t qualify.

Immediate policy changes due to public outrage over health and the ill-effects of pollution are seen only because it is the rich who raise these issue

Real time satellite mapping key to addressing India’s pollution problems
Feb 03, 2018

Real time satellite mapping key to addressing India’s pollution problems

Technology solutions exist today, it depends on us how we use it effectively to handle the man-made environmental challenges.

Tackling Industrial Pollution in India: Where is the Data?
May 10, 2023

Tackling Industrial Pollution in India: Where is the Data?

This brief argues that the understanding of city-level air quality could be strengthened if residents who live in spaces where industries are present, are able to access information about industrial emissions in their areas. Indeed, even as there are some 4,000 OCEMS (online continuous emissions/effluents monitoring systems) in place in different pollutive industries across the country, the data they collect—inarguably vital for public health�

Taking on a burning problem: Mumbai's air pollution
Nov 27, 2021

Taking on a burning problem: Mumbai's air pollution

While much focus is given to North India’s air pollution crisis, Mumbai must now wait till there is a health emergency to act on its rising air poll

The silent threat: Exploring the link between air pollution and diabetes
Nov 14, 2023

The silent threat: Exploring the link between air pollution and diabetes

Recent research has drawn attention to the potential link between air pollution and diabetes, indicating that environmental factors may play a crucial

To battle pollution, involve the private sector
Oct 17, 2020

To battle pollution, involve the private sector

The private sector, through its technical expertise, sector-specific knowledge and ability to design unique, cutting-edge innovations, can devise effective long-term solutions to two of the major challenges government is faced with — lack of technological solutions and large-scale monitoring

Winter air pollution and stubble burning in North India: A regulatory governance perspective
Nov 20, 2021

Winter air pollution and stubble burning in North India: A regulatory governance perspective

Can the long-standing challenge of winter air pollution be mitigated through regulatory governance?

#BleedBlue: Building a new narrative to support marine conservation
Nov 28, 2021

#BleedBlue: Building a new narrative to support marine conservation

Blue bonds, like green bonds, can catalyse global capital to work towards the conservation of our marine ecosystems

#वायु प्रदूषण: दिल्ली में मोटर वाहन द्वारा पैदा होने वाले उत्सर्जन पर कार्रवाई
Sep 02, 2022

#वायु प्रदूषण: दिल्ली में मोटर वाहन द्वारा पैदा होने वाले उत्सर्जन पर कार्रवाई

दिल्ली में वायु गुणवत्ता पर अलग-अलग अध्ययनों से पता चला ह�

#वायु प्रदूषण: दिल्ली में मोटर वाहन द्वारा पैदा होने वाले उत्सर्जन पर कार्रवाई
Sep 02, 2022

#वायु प्रदूषण: दिल्ली में मोटर वाहन द्वारा पैदा होने वाले उत्सर्जन पर कार्रवाई

दिल्ली में वायु गुणवत्ता पर अलग-अलग अध्ययनों से पता चला ह�

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits
Aug 07, 2023

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits

In India, the line separating social cost and benefit from private benefit and cost is blurred, leading to less than ideal outcomes for both citizens

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener
Jun 05, 2023

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener

This Environment Day, India can focus on adopting an actionable framework that will ensure the creation of an agile, green, and resilient medical supp

Actions on Motor Vehicle Emission in Delhi
Aug 30, 2022

Actions on Motor Vehicle Emission in Delhi

Various studies on air quality in Delhi have reported that transport sector is a major contributor to air pollution.