Search: For - peace talks

24 results found

Afghanistan: Mullah Omar's death and the peace talks
Aug 11, 2015

Afghanistan: Mullah Omar's death and the peace talks

The confirmations about the death of Mullah Omar, who is said to have died in 2013, may not have taken many by surprise. His absence from the public domain for years led to various theories about his possible whereabouts.

Afghanistan: Pakistan obstructing peace talks?
Feb 21, 2014

Afghanistan: Pakistan obstructing peace talks?

The killing of a former Taliban minister, Mullah Abdul Raqeeb, has raised questions about the involvement of the Pakistan establishment in the peace process and a possible rift within the ranks of the militant movement.

Afghanistan: Peace talks must prioritise inclusivity and compromise
Sep 08, 2020

Afghanistan: Peace talks must prioritise inclusivity and compromise

The talks must be viewed as an opportunity to transform the Afghan social and political landscape, by reflecting local voices – especially that of w

Afghanistan: Peace talks with Taliban gain momentum
Jul 06, 2012

Afghanistan: Peace talks with Taliban gain momentum

For the first time, Taliban and Government representatives met publicly on June 27 in Japan, signalling another round of parleys between the belligerents to find a negotiated end to the insurgency.

Afghanistan: Procedural issues continue to threaten peace talks
Nov 03, 2020

Afghanistan: Procedural issues continue to threaten peace talks

The Taliban seems to be negotiating in bad faith, constantly shifting the goal post to delay progress in talks until the outcome of the US presidentia

Crisis in DRC after M23 peace talks fail
Nov 26, 2013

Crisis in DRC after M23 peace talks fail

The collapse of peace talks in the Democratic Republic of Congo is the latest blow for the mineral-rich east border zone with Rwanda and Uganda. The stalemate could re-ignite tensions not only with the rebels but also with Uganda which was trying to mediate an end to the conflict.

Fast-tracking Sri Lanka peace talks
Apr 09, 2004

Fast-tracking Sri Lanka peace talks

By declaring that India should be actively involved in the Sri Lankan peace process, Mahinda Rajapakse, the newly sworn-in Prime Minister of the island-nation has put both the peace process and India back at the centre-stage back again. Lakshman Kadirgamar, the ruling dispensation¿s foreign policy czar, has said as much. In her maiden national telecast after the parliamentary polls

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks
Jul 24, 2013

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks

After three years of being at a standstill, peace talks are to resume between Israel and Palestine, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry. He said in a statement, "I am pleased to announce that we've reached an agreement that establishes a basis for resuming final status negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis."

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks
Sep 30, 2020

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks

Calls for immediate ceasefire for a comprehensive political solution have fallen flat. Seemingly because Pakistan has used the Taliban as a lever to k

TTP-Pakistan peace talks: The pitfalls and their implications
Aug 18, 2022

TTP-Pakistan peace talks: The pitfalls and their implications

The fulfilment of TTP’s demand would indirectly help the Afghan Taliban achieve its expansionist position on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Afghan President's Taliban predicament
Apr 20, 2015

Afghan President's Taliban predicament

More than six months into his tenure, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is possibly as far from achieving a breakthrough with the Taliban. There is no unanimity in the Taliban for peace talks. And Pakistan's failure to bring the Taliban to the table could possibly be a reflection of its limited influence over the group and a bigger obstacle to the talks may be the Taliban itself.

BRI in the ‘Af-Pak’ region: Security challenges and China’s response
Oct 12, 2020

BRI in the ‘Af-Pak’ region: Security challenges and China’s response

Beijing's approach to Af-Pak can be attributed to its growing geostrategic interest in South Asia and the Indo-Pakistani rivalry.

India as a peacemaker at the Global Peace Summit?
Jun 12, 2024

India as a peacemaker at the Global Peace Summit?

PM Narendra Modi has an opportunity to play peacemaker at the most important peace summit since World War II. India’s well-established relationship with Russia is the key.

Japan-Russia dilemma over the territorial dispute
May 20, 2019

Japan-Russia dilemma over the territorial dispute

Peace talks between Japan and Russia have remained at halt ever since the World War II.

Northwest turbulence
Mar 04, 2015

Northwest turbulence

What Delhi needs is a strategy that will generate some influence for India in shaping the future of the critical northwest sub-region. Such a strategy will necessarily involve sustained dialogue with Pakistan, a recalibration of the Afghan policy, encouragement to the peace talks between Kabul and Rawalpindi and the readiness to engage all powers who have a stake in the region's stability.

Peace summit on weak footing
Jun 21, 2024

Peace summit on weak footing

Battlefield conditions and operational realities will decide terms of Russia-Ukraine peace settlement

Talks with Pakistan: Feel good factor of a different kind?
Jan 27, 2004

Talks with Pakistan: Feel good factor of a different kind?

In one of the most recent analytical pieces on this website it was very wisely quoted ¿Don't hear, listen. Listen to what is not being said¿ (sic) as regards the Indo ¿ Pakistan peace talks and their decision to hold a composite dialogue. Thus ironically while most peaceniks, in Pakistan and India are hailing this recent thaw in relations it remains advisable to be cautiously optimistic for the time being.

Tatmadaw’s outreach to armed organisations: Extending an olive branch?
Aug 16, 2022

Tatmadaw’s outreach to armed organisations: Extending an olive branch?

The lack of technical details and progress of the peace talks amid ongoing land and air incursions in the borderlands has drawn criticism that the neg

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process
May 01, 2006

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process

The India-Pakistan peace process, punctuated with -uctuating waves of optimism and anxiety, has completed three years, and it is appropriate, and timely, to review whether the primary On April 22, 2003 the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, told the Indian Parliament that India was unilaterally opening “the doors for talks” with Pakistan. The offer was based on two simple premises: one, that Pakistan would stop cross-border in

The Ukraine Conflict: Pathways to Peace
Jan 27, 2023

The Ukraine Conflict: Pathways to Peace

Now in its twelfth month, the Ukraine crisis is caught in a protracted winter of war rather than one of frozen hostility or attempted peace. Most prognoses point towards continuing military action instead of dialogue in the near term. This is primarily because Russia and Ukraine have made their maximalist positions clear. But is the door to dialogue completely shut, or is there room for ‘strategic accommodation’ through creative peace diploma

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?
Jun 05, 2024

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?

Speculation is rife on both sides of the Radcliffe Line about a possible re-engagement between India and Pakistan. However, it remains uncertain wheth