Search: For - net neutrality

17 results found

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India
Sep 13, 2023

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India

By most indications, India has arrived at a principled affirmation of net neutrality; the country must now turn its attention to its regulatory aspects. This essay examines whether the Competition Commission of India (CCI) can assume the primary role in enforcing net neutrality. It will trace the Commission?s short history to determine whether it has adequate jurisdiction and the strength of precedent to regulate the internet.

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19
Apr 28, 2020

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19

As work from home becomes the new normal, regulators around the world have come under pressure to relook at the rules relating to bandwidth, traffic a

Net neutrality: A threat to PM Modi's vision?
Apr 18, 2015

Net neutrality: A threat to PM Modi's vision?

Like the Arab Spring, the netizen revolt was against a "perceived" threat to their empowerment. In this case, cheap access to the internet, which ironically is also one of PM Modi's promises to the entire nation.

As India gears up for net neutrality 2.0, lessons from Ajit Pai’s ‘war on the open internet’
Aug 01, 2017

As India gears up for net neutrality 2.0, lessons from Ajit Pai’s ‘war on the open internet’

While the FCC and TRAI chairmen may share similar goals, India’s telecom regulator should pick and choose what it wants to take away from the US debate.

Beyond net neutrality
Jul 02, 2014

Beyond net neutrality

Internet of Things ensures that all data cannot be treated as equal. The principle of net neutrality needs an overhaul to reflect the complicated future of the cyberworld

Exploring net neutrality
Aug 12, 2014

Exploring net neutrality

With India seeking to connect the next billion, and becoming a key player in the global Internet debate, it is important to have clearly formed domestic policies. The combination of regulatory interest, corporate opposition and constitutional rights suggest that the time is right for a nuanced debate on net neutrality in India.

South Asian Perspectives on Net Neutrality
Jan 27, 2016

South Asian Perspectives on Net Neutrality

This Special Report examines key themes highlighted during a series of panel discussions exploring South Asian Perspectives on Net Neutrality, hosted by the Observer Research Foundation and the Centre for Internet and Society in New Delhi on 12 December 2015. The first panel analysed the potential effects of net neutrality regulation and zero-rated platforms on the market. The second explored viable regulatory frameworks for net neutrality that c

TRAI firmly anchors net neutrality in India, but the debate is far from over
Dec 01, 2017

TRAI firmly anchors net neutrality in India, but the debate is far from over

TRAI has its work cut out in framing additional regulations — the regulator will have to enumerate on what constitutes reasonable traffic management practices and lay out supplementary disclosure requirements for service providers.

Revolt of the free-riding Netizens
Apr 21, 2015

Revolt of the free-riding Netizens

The mantra of Net Neutrality would require the user to pay for new capacity since telcos then become mere managers of "dumb pipes" conveying data as it comes and recovering costs from users. No one, least of all Netizens, can stomach an increase in Net usage charges.