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15 results found

#UrbanPlanning: क्या दो नगर निकायों को जोड़कर एक नगर निगम बनाना सही है?
Sep 07, 2022

#UrbanPlanning: क्या दो नगर निकायों को जोड़कर एक नगर निगम बनाना सही है?

नगर पालिकाओं (Municipalities) की संख्या कम करने से प्रतिस्पर्द्धा �

#UrbanPlanning: क्या दो नगर निकायों को जोड़कर एक नगर निगम बनाना सही है?
Sep 07, 2022

#UrbanPlanning: क्या दो नगर निकायों को जोड़कर एक नगर निगम बनाना सही है?

नगर पालिकाओं (Municipalities) की संख्या कम करने से प्रतिस्पर्द्धा �

Administrators in municipal corporations: What does it mean?
Apr 19, 2022

Administrators in municipal corporations: What does it mean?

Since the OBC reservation in municipalities in Maharashtra has not been implemented, the municipal elections have been stalled.

Decentralisation @75: How the third-tier institutions have deepened India’s Democracy?
Aug 15, 2022

Decentralisation @75: How the third-tier institutions have deepened India’s Democracy?

Despite many structural shortfalls, the 73rd and the 74th Amendments were able to create critical democratic space for these underrepresented groups s

Indian cities—Stunted by partial democratisation
Dec 29, 2021

Indian cities—Stunted by partial democratisation

The Indian government should address the challenge of municipal inequity, and ensure that better opportunities are available to enhance urban governan

Is federalism failing in Nepal?
Mar 14, 2023

Is federalism failing in Nepal?

Rampant corruption in Nepal has raised a question mark about the sustainability of the present form of federalism in the country

Netaji’s mayoral tenure: People-centric administration through nationalistic ethos
Jan 24, 2024

Netaji’s mayoral tenure: People-centric administration through nationalistic ethos

Analysing Netaji’s efforts during his mayoral tenure offers motivation across the socio-political spectrum to give due importance to municipal affai

Proposing a new governance structure for Delhi
Apr 01, 2021

Proposing a new governance structure for Delhi

A two-tier structure, with elected municipalities for each city district, which share power in a regional government with central representatives, can be a viable model

Requirements for maintaining urban sanitation
Mar 27, 2024

Requirements for maintaining urban sanitation

Sanitation challenges will continue to persist in urban centres until there is an expansion in the managerial, financial, and technological capacities

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers
Sep 04, 2018

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers

The question of municipal leadership is of great significance in urban governance in India. There are various models of the position of chief executive of an urban local body (ULB), predominantly tilting towards the ‘strong mayor’ model either through ‘presidentialisation’ of the office or through a ‘mayor-in-council’[1] system. In India, it is the ‘state appointed municipal commissioner’ model that holds sway, sitting over a popu

The Causes and Consequences of Abolishing Cantonments in India
Sep 19, 2023

The Causes and Consequences of Abolishing Cantonments in India

India’s decision to abolish cantonments after carving out the military areas, announced in April 2023, has been met with scepticism and support. Cantonments, primarily created during the British rule to station and house the military, evolved to include civilians as residents and staff to provide support and logistic services. Over time, cantonment boards, with some civilian members, were created to manage the civil areas, but the rights of civ

The Morbi mishap: Not the first, not the last
Nov 29, 2022

The Morbi mishap: Not the first, not the last

A shortage of staff and funds and an outdated municipal governance system weigh the ULBs down, disabling them from properly executing their duties

भारत के शहर: अधूरे प्रजातंत्रीकरण ने बाधित किया विकास
Jan 04, 2022

भारत के शहर: अधूरे प्रजातंत्रीकरण ने बाधित किया विकास

भारत सरकार को नगर निकायों के सामने खड़ी असमानता की चुनौत�

म्युनिसिपल कॉरपोरेशन में प्रशासक: क्या हैं मायने?
Aug 05, 2023

म्युनिसिपल कॉरपोरेशन में प्रशासक: क्या हैं मायने?

चूंकि महाराष्ट्र के नगरपालिका में ओबीसी आरक्षण का अनुपा�