Search: For - multilateralism

163 results found

Multilateralism: Ground zero of American retreat
Nov 02, 2020

Multilateralism: Ground zero of American retreat

Trump paved the way for a bold, unapologetic approach to US foreign policy and trade—termed as ‘America First’. This launched a US retreat from

A new disorder: Global economic multilateralism at an inflection point
Sep 24, 2019

A new disorder: Global economic multilateralism at an inflection point

French president Emmanuel Macron tried to manage the contradictions, but nothing of substance was achieved in Biarritz.

Addressing the inefficacy of multilateralism — Are regional minilaterals the answer?
Dec 28, 2020

Addressing the inefficacy of multilateralism — Are regional minilaterals the answer?

Minilaterals allow a group of countries with shared interests and values to bypass seemingly moribund frameworks, and resolve issues of common concern

BIMSTEC and the fate of multilateralism
Jan 10, 2023

BIMSTEC and the fate of multilateralism

Despite being a grouping that has members from what is frequently referred to as the least integrated region in the world, BIMSTEC continues to show i

BRICS and its future: The challenges of multilateralism
May 13, 2020

BRICS and its future: The challenges of multilateralism

The nature of the world order that eventually emerges will determine the future of BRICS and not the other way round.

China’s BRI in doldrums: Multilateralism to the rescue?
Oct 10, 2018

China’s BRI in doldrums: Multilateralism to the rescue?

As the challenges facing China’s BRI multiply, the initiative’s links to international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the AIIB

Emerging narratives and the future of multilateralism
Apr 22, 2021

Emerging narratives and the future of multilateralism

Get the narrative on multilateralism right, and we have the possibility to harness international cooperation for global peace and prosperity; get it w

Fractured multilateralism and the search for COVID19 vaccine
Jun 27, 2020

Fractured multilateralism and the search for COVID19 vaccine

The EU’s push for multilateralism on developing a vaccine against COVID-19 comes amidst fraying international relations

Harnessing New Opportunities in a World of Declining Multilateralism: What India Can Do for Itself and Others
Jan 26, 2022

Harnessing New Opportunities in a World of Declining Multilateralism: What India Can Do for Itself and Others

Amidst all the handwringing, it is often forgotten that the crisis of multilateralism could offer new opportunities that India should harness

India, Africa and the quest for reformed multilateralism
May 26, 2020

India, Africa and the quest for reformed multilateralism

Democratic reforms in global institutions are quintessential; that is why India and Africa have voiced their support for expanding both permanent and

India, the EU and the Future of Multilateralism
Jan 26, 2022

India, the EU and the Future of Multilateralism

India and the EU must explore new avenues for greater political and security cooperation to protect the world’s public goods

Long live multilateralism
May 12, 2021

Long live multilateralism

The pandemic might be exactly the crisis needed to force global unity and confrontation of the long-needed structural change to the UN system, and the

Network cities: Urban multilateralism for sustainable development
Jun 26, 2024

Network cities: Urban multilateralism for sustainable development

Urban multilateralism, through initiatives like sister city partnerships and resilience networks, can find solutions for climate action, economic equa

Non-Western multilateralism: BRICS and the SCO in the post-Covid world
Jul 29, 2020

Non-Western multilateralism: BRICS and the SCO in the post-Covid world

BRICS and the SCO are a graphic embodiment of Russian and Indian equidistant partnerships with other non-Western power centres, which is fundamental f

Raisina Dialogue 2021: World, multilateralism and challenges nationalism!
Apr 14, 2021

Raisina Dialogue 2021: World, multilateralism and challenges nationalism!

2021 का रायसीना डायलॉग उस ‘वायरल दुनिया’ के बारे में है, जिस�

Rebooting multilateralism? Lessons still to be learnt
Sep 23, 2020

Rebooting multilateralism? Lessons still to be learnt

There is an urgent need for convincing narratives, backed by data and grounded in fact, that can show people why multilateralism is worth preserving.

T20 Side Event | Think20 Youth Engagement: Geopolitics of Multilateralism
Feb 14, 2023

T20 Side Event | Think20 Youth Engagement: Geopolitics of Multilateralism

Think20, Youth Engagement, Geopolitics, Multilateralism, G20, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, SDG, macroeconomics, India, G20 Presidency, RCEP, FTA, Trade, economic, infrastructure, diplomacy, Climate Change

The Biden administration and the future of multilateralism
Apr 13, 2021

The Biden administration and the future of multilateralism

For multilateralism to be credible, the Biden administration will need to reconsolidate a US political consensus on global engagement and persuade for

The Changing Contours of Regionalism and Multilateralism in a Globalised World
Sep 12, 2023

The Changing Contours of Regionalism and Multilateralism in a Globalised World

This issue brief looks at the trends of regionalism and multilateralism, their importance and evolution in an age of problems without borders that require regional or global solutions.

The malaise of multilateralism and how to manage it
Jan 23, 2020

The malaise of multilateralism and how to manage it

Why multilateralism is in such a mess today boils down to three reasons: disillusionment with globalisation, lacklustre narratives in support of multi

The promise and anxiety of G20’s financial multilateralism
Jul 23, 2021

The promise and anxiety of G20’s financial multilateralism

The recent G20 finance ministers’ meeting has reminded us of the powerful role the G20 plays in financial multilateralism. Will the objectives be me

The World in Disarray: Is This the End of Multilateralism for Trade?
Aug 14, 2023

The World in Disarray: Is This the End of Multilateralism for Trade?

Russia’s war on Ukraine, interrupted value chains, and increased regionalisation are putting pressures on the already-strained multilateral trading system. Though a strong World Trade Organization (WTO) is needed to navigate these challenges, the organisation risks becoming irrelevant if far-reaching reforms are not implemented as soon as possible. In the short- and medium-term, WTO members must agree on limiting export barriers, especi