Search: For - lynch mob

4 results found

Debunking lynch mobs: An ethical approach to online harassment and free speech
Nov 03, 2016

Debunking lynch mobs: An ethical approach to online harassment and free speech

"Lynch mobs" on Internet exist and have real effects. But only way to effectively regulate is social regulation. And that too through an ethical appro

Has India become "Lynchistan"?
Jul 01, 2017

Has India become "Lynchistan"?

The Modi government needs to urgently revisit the opaque and draconian cattle trade rules.

Mob rule ushers anarchy
Jul 24, 2017

Mob rule ushers anarchy

The nature of mob violence, now, is different. It is more seemingly random and anarchic.

Why we need a special law to curb mob lynching
Jul 31, 2018

Why we need a special law to curb mob lynching

The SC/ST Act of 1989 lists 22 offences relating to various patterns or behaviours inflicting criminal offences and breaking the self-respect and este