Search: For - legislation

57 results found

Effective Legislation Critical for Fighting Terror
Jul 24, 2023

Effective Legislation Critical for Fighting Terror

In India there has been no consistency in policies to deal with terrorism. Political consensus is missing even today. A strong, responsible political leadership, thus, is paramount to the drafting and implementation of an effective, strong and permanent counter-terrorism law.

Japan's new security legislation: Need for domestic consensus
Sep 28, 2015

Japan's new security legislation: Need for domestic consensus

The passing of the security legislation recently has fulfilled at least partly PM Abe's long-drawn quest towards making Japan a normal country. He has always believed that Article 9 of the US authored Japanese constitution, which put severe restrictions on Japan's right to collective self-defence, should be amended.

Need to focus on key legislations in "real world"
Apr 22, 2014

Need to focus on key legislations in "real world"

There is an urgent need to focus on key legislations in the real world; expanding internet access in India by ensuring social and technological growth go hand-in-hand; and the complexity of bridging divides between various factions on the issue.

Private sector protests exemplify fears of Rajasthan’s Right to Health legislation setting off a nationwide ripple effect
Mar 31, 2023

Private sector protests exemplify fears of Rajasthan’s Right to Health legislation setting off a nationwide ripple effect

Rajasthan’s Right to Health law mandating private hospitals to provide free emergency care has irked private medical practitioners who doubt government’s commitment to reimburse costs. But for citizens dreading medical expenses bankrupting them, the state covering for emergencies is a welcome safety net

The Search for a Model Land Legislation: The New Land Bill and its Challenges
Jul 23, 2023

The Search for a Model Land Legislation: The New Land Bill and its Challenges

While the draft Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011 makes a genuine push for a better land acquisition regime in the country, the proposed legislation fails on many fronts to address some of the vexed issues related to land acquisition. This Paper looks at the key challenges to this legislation.

2014: The year of the Lokpal?
Jan 07, 2014

2014: The year of the Lokpal?

What India needs to understand is that legislation or institutions by themselves do not bring about social change. Countries of Europe or the United States, too, had a history of political corruption. But over the years they have cleaned up their act considerably because of popular sentiment, as well as institutions and laws.

70 Policies — Special Economic Zones, 1965
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Special Economic Zones, 1965

The Special Economic Zones Act was, and still remains, a difficult legislation to turn into action.

Adopting the One Health approach
Apr 05, 2024

Adopting the One Health approach

Constitutional provisions for the right to health cannot be realised without integrating frameworks for the health of people and the planet.

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape
Jan 30, 2024

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape

Given the rapid pace of change in AI systems, the development of AI standards and certification programmes has become more urgent

Auditing AI: What is it and why does it matter for India?
Jan 30, 2024

Auditing AI: What is it and why does it matter for India?

To ensure that AI’s benefits are realised and risks are addressed, algorithmic auditing can help analyse how these systems operate, and in the proce

Balancing Old and New in Delhi: Modern Delhi’s Perspective on Built Heritage Conservation
Aug 23, 2023

Balancing Old and New in Delhi: Modern Delhi’s Perspective on Built Heritage Conservation

While existing literature provides solid documentation of conservation policy and legislation, coverage of civil society's perceptions and role within conservation schemes is relatively sparse. This paper presents the under-represented perspective of modern Delhi on the policies and realities of heritage conservation.

British Parliament deadlock leaves Brexit in purgatory
Oct 25, 2019

British Parliament deadlock leaves Brexit in purgatory

Boris Johnson has succeeded in breaking the logjam in British Parliament on the deal by presenting a solution which has now much greater traction than ever before. However, that’s just not enough in overseeing Brexit.

Centre needs to continue pace of labour reforms
Dec 03, 2014

Centre needs to continue pace of labour reforms

The labour laws certainly represent a small step but the introduction of even small reforms in labour legislations was long awaited to keep at bay the rising discontent among domestic as well as foreign entrepreneurs from India's manufacturing sector.

Commission for air quality management in National Capital Region
Aug 31, 2021

Commission for air quality management in National Capital Region

A look at Delhi’s long-term air pollution problem and the newly approved legislation to combat it

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws
Aug 23, 2023

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws

This Issue Brief seeks to outline the history of corporate funding in India, legislation governing corporate funding, institutional innovations in corporate funding like electoral trusts, and international experiences and their relevance in the Indian context. Given the increasing clamour for transparent and accountable corporate funding of political parties, the Brief also explores the perils of over-reliance on corporate funding.

Digitalisation of confrontation: 2020 continues the trend
Dec 30, 2020

Digitalisation of confrontation: 2020 continues the trend

There is high urgency for new international legislation which would prevent unfriendly actors from using contemporary technologies for psychological w

Discom reform: The pendulum swings back 
Feb 20, 2023

Discom reform: The pendulum swings back 

The privatisation of electricity distribution seems imminent as legislations aim to expand the role of the private sector in this domain

Expanding India’s share in global space economy
Jul 09, 2019

Expanding India’s share in global space economy

ISRO should embrace a civilian identity and, aided by legislation, form partnerships with the industry and entrepreneurs.

From data to deployment: Gender bias in the AI development lifecycle
Mar 07, 2024

From data to deployment: Gender bias in the AI development lifecycle

The AI development process from design to deployment perpetuates gender bias. Future legislation should recognise these gender-based risks to mitigate

From Policy to Practice: Charting a Path for Floodplain Zoning in India
May 25, 2020

From Policy to Practice: Charting a Path for Floodplain Zoning in India

Floods are a recurrent phenomenon in many parts of India, and human and economic losses are consistently rising with increased exposure to the hazard. These losses can be significantly reduced by eliminating the encroachment on floodplains and regulating the land use within it through floodplain zoning, a widely accepted and effective non-structural policy measure. Despite its benefits, floodplain zoning has not been widely adopted in India, main

India’s fight against health emergencies: In search of a legal architecture
May 24, 2023

India’s fight against health emergencies: In search of a legal architecture

The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 (caused by the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2) has exposed glaring gaps in India’s domestic laws. Absent a rationally structured legislation to fall back on, the Union government in March advised states to invoke the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 to tackle the pandemic in their jurisdictions. The 123-year-old colonial law, however, does not even define what a disease is, let alone an epidemic or a pandemic. Ind

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert
Aug 02, 2014

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert

India neither has a well-defined bankruptcy legislation for businesses to close down systematically or special courts to take care of such issues; and, as a result the process becomes slower, says former Revenue Secretary M.R. Sivaraman.

Locating the Madrasa in 21st-Century India
Apr 01, 2021

Locating the Madrasa in 21st-Century India

Madrasas in India offer basic literacy to millions of mostly poor Muslims, generally free of cost; they also serve as safe spaces for the preservation of Islamic culture. In many areas across the country, madrasas are the only option for poor Muslim families to provide their children basic education. This brief evaluates current madrasa education in India and identifies specific weaknesses that hamper its modernisation. It recommends remedial mea

Looking afresh at the Lokpal Bill
Jan 21, 2012

Looking afresh at the Lokpal Bill

Now that the fate of the Lokpal Bill is hanging in balance, it may be a good time for the polity and the nation as a whole to take a fresh look at the legislation between now and the Budget session of Parliament.

Multi-front battle on sales reforms
Jan 28, 2011

Multi-front battle on sales reforms

As the Pakistani People's Party (PPP) Government struggles to get the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) passed into legislation, an international team of IMF experts are scheduled to meet with political parties this week to be the mediators for a much-needed consensus.

Navigating the deepfake dilemma: Government oversight in the age of AI
Mar 28, 2024

Navigating the deepfake dilemma: Government oversight in the age of AI

In a world where the legal vacuum surrounding tech and AI persists, how do we safeguard the citizens from the adverse effects of a rapidly developing

Need to corporatise Indian cricket body
Jun 15, 2013

Need to corporatise Indian cricket body

A former Ranji cricketer and writer has suggested regulation of betting through a comprehensive legislation to clean up fixing-scarred cricket. He has also voiced the need for converting the BCCI into a corporate entity along the lines of Cricket Australia.

Overhauling the antiquated bankruptcy law
Oct 26, 2015

Overhauling the antiquated bankruptcy law

The Modi Government is reportedly trying to bring a legislation which will overhaul the antiquated bankruptcy law. Now whether the government will succeed or face the same obdurate tyranny of numbers as recent other reform bills remains a matter of conjecture.

Privacy and security risks of digital payments
May 09, 2017

Privacy and security risks of digital payments

Digital financial services have benefits but pose privacy risks that harm consumers, merchants, markets, and nations alike. Some payments systems in India suffer from vulnerabilities because they were not prospectively designed on the basis of the ‘privacy by design’ principle. At the back-end, the centralised storage of data is risky. At the front-end, faulty capture devices enable data misuse. Across the middle mile, data is transmitted wit

Protecting Indian Ocean submarine cables: Exploring Australia-India cooperation
Jun 01, 2023

Protecting Indian Ocean submarine cables: Exploring Australia-India cooperation

Australia’s world-leading legislation provides a template for creating cable protection zones that India could emulate to protect its underwater ass

Public protests and policy issues
Oct 14, 2011

Public protests and policy issues

The Centre having addressed issues in terms of suppliers' liability through parliamentary legislation in the case of nuclear power projects, the nation will have to now decide if it wants growth with risks or would be happy with riskless regression.

Reinventing states as regional ecological managers
Oct 16, 2020

Reinventing states as regional ecological managers

The Union government should only have a “golden share” to nudge decision making towards equitable and sustainable outcomes — not hold a hammer.

Republican divide: Testing limits of anti-wokeness in the US
Jun 02, 2023

Republican divide: Testing limits of anti-wokeness in the US

By striking a balance between conservative principles and wider appeal, DeSantis could position the party for electoral success in 2024

Securing food delivery
Jan 02, 2012

Securing food delivery

The national food security legislation may be well-intentioned but it can turn out to be a logistical nightmare if its delivery system is not designed optimally. Optimal delivery mechanism is the core element which will make or break this ambitious programme with serious fiscal implications over the longer term.

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

States’ use of non-state actors in cyberspace
Aug 17, 2023

States’ use of non-state actors in cyberspace

Without proper legislation, states using non-state actors for cyberwarfare pose a significant threat to governments, businesses, and individuals

Taming regulatory excess in retail markets
Jul 19, 2021

Taming regulatory excess in retail markets

Sadly, legislation, in democracies, is strongly influenced by political economy which dilutes technical good sense

The Case for a Feminist Approach to Gender-Based Violence Policymaking in India
Apr 11, 2023

The Case for a Feminist Approach to Gender-Based Violence Policymaking in India

India’s social structure, with enduring gender inequalities rooted in patriarchal norms, plays a significant role in perpetuating gender-based violence (GBV). Women in India have been victims of infanticide, selective abortions, sex trafficking, stalking, dowry demands, child marriages, acid attacks, and honour killings. This brief explores the social dimension of GBV in India and assesses how gaps in legislation help to perpetuate them. It als

The ethical cost of NFTs in Art: A focus on the fashion Industry
Aug 29, 2022

The ethical cost of NFTs in Art: A focus on the fashion Industry

Proper regulations need to be put in place to control the NFTs’ impact not only from a climate perspective but also in the ethics and legislation ar

The fate of the European Green Deal
Jun 08, 2024

The fate of the European Green Deal

With the 2024 European Parliament elections taking place from 6-9 June, the fate of the European Green Deal hangs in the balance.

The ‘Smart Economics’ of Moving Women from the Private to the Public Sphere
Mar 07, 2024

The ‘Smart Economics’ of Moving Women from the Private to the Public Sphere

Despite advancements in legislation and representation over the last decades, women continue to face barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare, legal protection against violence, and leadership roles. In the economic sphere, gender disparities persist in labour force participation, job sectors, wages, and unpaid care work. Women are constrained in participating in the labour market as their social role remains attached to domestic

Time for New Land Acquisition Regime
Jan 02, 2012

Time for New Land Acquisition Regime

The Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation & Resettlement (LARR) Bill 2011 is the single most important piece of 'legislation in waiting' for very long time. The Bill is a major improvement over the archaic 1894 land law that has contributed to most of the impasse over land acquisitions.

US Debt Crisis: Viable Recovery Plan Still Missing
Aug 04, 2011

US Debt Crisis: Viable Recovery Plan Still Missing

The negotiations leading to the compromise legislation in the US Congress revealed two interesting trends. One, the increasing influence of the Tea Party Caucus in Republican politics and by extension in the American political system. Second, the absence of effective Presidential leadership in the debt-ceiling debate.

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent
Aug 21, 2023

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent

The US has subjected Pakistan to a unilateral sanctions regime at several crucial junctures in the history of their bilateral ties. Though the reasons for cutting off economic and military aid to Pakistan have been contingent on strategic exigencies prevalent at different points in time and therefore not singular, countering Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions has been a recurring theme. It is widely believed that these sanctions have not been able to

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope
Mar 28, 2024

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope

Although Von der Leyen has proved her mettle over the years, only time will tell if she would be able to maintain her legacy in other critical areas s