Search: For - institutions

187 results found

70 Policies — Development Finance Institutions, 1948
Aug 02, 2018

70 Policies — Development Finance Institutions, 1948

In their new avatars, ICICI Bank and IDBI Bank command the size and scale to repeat that performance for household finance, while IFCI is teetering un

COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions
Apr 10, 2020

COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions

Health crises may originate anywhere in the world, but the subsequent responses from the concerned countries characterise their roles as responsible c

Decentralisation @75: How the third-tier institutions have deepened India’s Democracy?
Aug 15, 2022

Decentralisation @75: How the third-tier institutions have deepened India’s Democracy?

Despite many structural shortfalls, the 73rd and the 74th Amendments were able to create critical democratic space for these underrepresented groups s

EC undermined due to weak institutions
May 14, 2019

EC undermined due to weak institutions

The EC is a child of political happenstance and jugaad, not thoughtful institutional strategy.

Europe: The institutions with US have held stronger than you think
Nov 02, 2020

Europe: The institutions with US have held stronger than you think

In the larger scheme of Europe belatedly meeting its moment, Trump’s ‘disruptions’ that now unduly dominate analyses on transatlantic ties could

Important to connect research institutions to smart city initiatives
Jan 31, 2015

Important to connect research institutions to smart city initiatives

With there being a strong connection between smart cities and a nation's pride, it is important to connect universities and research institutions with smart city initiatives, says Dr. Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto.

India asks BRICS academics to strive to build default "go-to" institutions
Mar 06, 2012

India asks BRICS academics to strive to build default "go-to" institutions

India has asked scholars and experts from BRICS nations, attendng the Academic Forum meeting, to offer solutions and new ideas to meet global challenges.

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh
Aug 21, 2023

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh

The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) is one of several infrastructure megaprojects underway in India, intended to boost industrial modernisation and generate manufacturing employment for India’s young, largely unskilled workforce. Field research in DMIC investment sites in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh shows that its implementation is highly uneven across States and regions. The research, along with the literature, suggests that regional ind

Inter-governmental Institutions: A key instrument for strengthening India’s federal dialogue
Jan 26, 2023

Inter-governmental Institutions: A key instrument for strengthening India’s federal dialogue

A robust federal institutional dialogue between various actors can further enhance the existing Indian model of federalism

Maldives: 'Institutions' crying for reforms faster than expected?
Feb 15, 2014

Maldives: 'Institutions' crying for reforms faster than expected?

With Maldive's Supreme Court serving 'contempt of court' notice on Election Commission members, a case is now getting increasingly made out for a review of the rights, powers and responsibilities of 'independent institutions'.

ModiGovt@4: Institutions take a big hit
May 25, 2018

ModiGovt@4: Institutions take a big hit

Notwithstanding various government claims of its achievements, relationship between different institutions, both autonomous as well as official, and t

Need to rethink structural aspects of Bretton Wood Institutions
Mar 04, 2015

Need to rethink structural aspects of Bretton Wood Institutions

Even today, the ownership of the Bretton Wood Institutions (BWIs) continues to reflect the realities of 1943-44. Giving more voice to emerging economies will require ratification by the US Congress that has so far shown no sign of progress.

Re-opening educational institutions in India: Opportunities and obstacles
Sep 14, 2021

Re-opening educational institutions in India: Opportunities and obstacles

Reopening of schools in India must not follow a one-size-fits-all model but should be based on context

Time to reform Institutions? The case for going beyond economic reforms
Jul 24, 2021

Time to reform Institutions? The case for going beyond economic reforms

The three organs of the State, as laid down in the Constitution, are the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. Reforms are about examining the

Undermining institutions, underwriting OBOR: Beijing and the crisis of global governance
Sep 21, 2021

Undermining institutions, underwriting OBOR: Beijing and the crisis of global governance

Will the world end up underwriting the further rise of China by allowing the CPC to take over global institutions?

2014: The year of the Lokpal?
Jan 07, 2014

2014: The year of the Lokpal?

What India needs to understand is that legislation or institutions by themselves do not bring about social change. Countries of Europe or the United States, too, had a history of political corruption. But over the years they have cleaned up their act considerably because of popular sentiment, as well as institutions and laws.

21वीं सदी के भारत को चाहिए आज की ज़रूरतें पूरी करने वाली संस्थाएं
Sep 05, 2019

21वीं सदी के भारत को चाहिए आज की ज़रूरतें पूरी करने वाली संस्थाएं

संस्था को बदले हुए हालात के मुताबिक ख़ुद को ढालना होगा. उन्

4th BRICS Academic Forum to meet in New Delhi
Mar 06, 2012

4th BRICS Academic Forum to meet in New Delhi

The 4th BRICS Academic Forum has urged Summit Leaders meeting later this month in New Delhi to consider studying the establishment of financial institutions such as a Development Bank and an Investment Fund that can assist in the development of BRICS and other developing countries.

5th BRICS Academic Forum Recommendations
Mar 11, 2013

5th BRICS Academic Forum Recommendations

The 5th BRICS Academic Forum, comprising experts and scholars from the research and academic institutions of India, China, Brazil, Russia and South Africa, met on the 11th and 12th of March 2013 in Durban and has come up with a 5-point recommendations.

70 Policies — Institutes of Technology Act, 1961
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Institutes of Technology Act, 1961

While building institutions is hard, maintaining them is even harder.

A case for “GDP of the poor” to make conservation everybody’s business
Jul 02, 2020

A case for “GDP of the poor” to make conservation everybody’s business

That development is a multi-dimensional phenomenon entailing delineation of institutions, processes, and structures to ensure sustainability and equit

A global agenda for digital economies
May 03, 2017

A global agenda for digital economies

The G20 must foster linkages between traditional financial institutions, first-generation Internet users and the informal sources of their livelihood.

A Public-Private-People Partnership Model for Digital Economy Recovery in the Post-Pandemic World
Aug 03, 2023

A Public-Private-People Partnership Model for Digital Economy Recovery in the Post-Pandemic World

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic hastened the widespread adoption of digitaltechnologies across the globe. The pace of digitalisation—from the micro levels ofeducation and e-commerce to the macro levels of supply chains and productionnetworks—has galvanised governments to advance digital regulations. Thetightrope walk of creating policies that enable digital innovation and ensureregulations are in the larger public interest have led to inte

A Stocktaking of BRICS Performance in Climate Action
Feb 14, 2022

A Stocktaking of BRICS Performance in Climate Action

Global temperature rise is set to exceed 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100. Efforts to ramp up climate action must be accompanied by an assessment of countries' existing strategies to combat climate change. At the same time, it is crucial to determine the effectiveness of multilateral institutions in mitigating climate change by galvanising member countries in this direction. This report presents a comparative analysis based on fiv

Academia: A new frontier in China's foreign policy
Sep 20, 2017

Academia: A new frontier in China's foreign policy

There are growing concerns that China is actively using academic and cultural institutions as tools of its foreign policy, often to the detriment of l

Afghanistan: Behind severe humanitarian crisis
Jan 05, 2021

Afghanistan: Behind severe humanitarian crisis

Corruption and weak institutions have been major setbacks for development in Afghanistan.

Africa’s ascent on the global stage — Can the continent become a cohesive foreign policy actor?
Dec 28, 2020

Africa’s ascent on the global stage — Can the continent become a cohesive foreign policy actor?

African leaders are no longer mincing their words. They are bluntly articulating and asserting their demands from bilateral partners and multilateral

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap
Aug 17, 2023

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap

The global effort to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals will depend crucially on reforming the structure of development finance. Mobilising private capital will be an essential part of this effort, and existing development finance institutions, led by the complex of multilateral development banks (MDBs), will have to re-orient their strategies and functioning to prioritise this mobi

Banking on BRICS to deliver
Mar 27, 2012

Banking on BRICS to deliver

BRICS is in transition and cannot afford to lose growth momentum. Multilateral institutions such as a BRICS Bank can aid in sustaining directed, equitable and resilient growth.

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar

The imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran jeopardises the Chabahar project. Not only do sanctions deter countries and companies from doing business wi

BRICS 2017 summit: Agenda for action
Sep 01, 2017

BRICS 2017 summit: Agenda for action

BRICS started out with a lot of promise when it came into existence in 2009 and all the members were the world’s top emerging economies. There was h

Budget 2022: Is the 'rare mention' of mental health truly an actionable effort?
Feb 01, 2022

Budget 2022: Is the 'rare mention' of mental health truly an actionable effort?

While the focus on mental health is welcome, concentrating capacity to only a few institutions will affect the quantity and quality of mental healthca

Building Trust: Lessons from Canada’s Approach to Digital Identity
May 24, 2023

Building Trust: Lessons from Canada’s Approach to Digital Identity

Both during times of normalcy and crises, governments depend on increasingly digitised identity systems. Such systems, however, have been considered controversial since the use of IBM machines to facilitate the Holocaust. Since then, more contemporary identity systems have tried to ensure that they do not violate citizens’ essential rights. This requires multi-stakeholder coordination, a network paradigm, a focus on open standards rather than s

Challenges and complexities of the Taliban’s governance
Oct 14, 2023

Challenges and complexities of the Taliban’s governance

Over the past two years, the Taliban has faced internal power tussles and demolished key inherited institutions which has greatly impacted the Afghan

China’s BRI in doldrums: Multilateralism to the rescue?
Oct 10, 2018

China’s BRI in doldrums: Multilateralism to the rescue?

As the challenges facing China’s BRI multiply, the initiative’s links to international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the AIIB

China’s Relationship with ASEAN: An Explainer
Apr 15, 2021

China’s Relationship with ASEAN: An Explainer

Arguably the most significant global phenomenon of the past four decades has been the economic and strategic rise of China. Today analysts are confronting questions of whether China will replace the United States as the world’s biggest power, if it will do so peacefully or through confrontation and conflict, how it will subvert the existing system of global rules and institutions, and whether a new form of bipolarity would emerge to accommodate

Collective action on South Asia’s ‘wicked problems’
Apr 14, 2023

Collective action on South Asia’s ‘wicked problems’

The problems of water, energy, climate change, and urbanisation, are all intertwined; they are, also, all 'wicked'. There is little consensus on how to effectively navigate these problems, let alone, how to solve them. Of these, water is key: the threat of climatic changes is primarily manifested in water, its dwindling supply, and the conflicts that may potentially arise. It also encompasses so-called 'toad's eye' concerns of the grassroots, oft

Council of Councils Sixth Regional Conference
Jan 11, 2015

Council of Councils Sixth Regional Conference

The Council of Councils Seventh Regional Conference brought together experts from 20 leading institutions from around the world to discuss and debate critical regional and global issues.

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad
Sep 20, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad

This paper investigates, in the context of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, the burgeoning threats posed by cyber mercenaries acting as proxies for revisionist states bent on destabilising the institutions and societies of adversary nations. The paper offers essential definitions of what comprises cybersecurity threats, including cyber mercenaries, and delineates current trends. Drawing on open-source intelligence and insights from cy