Search: For - industries

65 results found

70 Policies — Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951
Aug 02, 2018

70 Policies — Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951

The law declared “in the public interest” — a term that would get echoed over the next five decades for several laws and policies, to mean the c

CBR Security in India: Threat Analysis and Role of Industries
Jun 15, 2013

CBR Security in India: Threat Analysis and Role of Industries

The media in India enjoys a great deal of freedom and when it is threatened, the response is vociferous. Nevertheless, there is the need to maintain a balance between free expression and other community and individual rights; this responsibility should not be borne by the judiciary alone, but by all those who enjoy these rights.  

Developing clean energy alternatives for industries
Jun 02, 2021

Developing clean energy alternatives for industries

There is possibility of active policy interventions. What is needed is international collaboration with an aim to achieve development goals.

FM's efforts to invigorate small industries
Mar 27, 2015

FM's efforts to invigorate small industries

In the Union Budget this year, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley seems to have tried his best to address the numerous issues being faced by the micro, small and medium enterprises and to invigorate them. For this industry, the way forward is through a reformist social programme which will aid the weak and inefficient enterprises.

Fostering market demand for green industries
Jun 09, 2021

Fostering market demand for green industries

It is important to not only bridge the demand gap for an optimal transition to green growth, but also create appropriate legal frameworks to actualise

Pushing India’s Small-Scale Industries to the Economic Forefront
Aug 12, 2015

Pushing India’s Small-Scale Industries to the Economic Forefront

India's small-scale industries contribute 15 percent to GDP yet they have been long ignored, receiving little policy support and inadequate infrastructure. As they have the potential to transform the socioeconomic architecture of the country, policy interventions are necessary to make small enterprises more efficient and achieve higher growth rates. This paper describes initiatives to propel India's small-scale industries.

'Make in India' by hand
Nov 29, 2016

'Make in India' by hand

As PM Modi is interested in making India great & is championing ‘Make in India’ slogan, he should perhaps give more incentives to Indian village i

70 Policies — Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956

The resolution emphasised on support for cottage, village and small-scale industries by restricting production for large players, differential taxatio

A reality check on Modi's Silicon Valley visit
Oct 03, 2015

A reality check on Modi's Silicon Valley visit

India presents more immediate potential for the "top line" obsessed Silicon entrepreneur. But Asian companies from Japan, China, and Korea in sunset industries, are better placed to be responsive to the fragmented Indian market than a Fortune 500 corporate, which survive on scale not agility.

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery
Aug 17, 2020

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery

As countries continue to battle the insidious virus, a chorus of voices is rising up to demand fundamental changes in the way governments and industri

Access to green technology only way to reduce to carbon emissions: Minister
Oct 21, 2015

Access to green technology only way to reduce to carbon emissions: Minister

Admitting that the government's 'Make in India' initiative will result in increase in carbon emissions as it focuses on manufacturing, and industries, India's Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Prakash Javedkar emphasises the need for developing countries to get cheaper access to green technology on humanitarian grounds, notwithstanding Intellectual Property Rights.

Artificial imagination: Balancing innovation and rights in the era of generative AI
Mar 04, 2024

Artificial imagination: Balancing innovation and rights in the era of generative AI

Generative AI's impact on creative industries is unfolding through economic shifts and legal challenges, affecting job markets and redefining artistic

Beyond JCPOA — China
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — China

While the US economic sanctions are likely to have implications for China’s investments in Iran, they inadvertently motivate Iran to look out for al

Bhutan: Nurturing the entrepreneurship ecosystem
May 20, 2020

Bhutan: Nurturing the entrepreneurship ecosystem

The launching of the Nu. 1.2 billion CSI and startup flagship has been a major initiative undertaken by the present government that has professed the motto of “Narrowing the Gap.”

Biodiversity and cotton: Stitching together a sustainable future
Oct 07, 2023

Biodiversity and cotton: Stitching together a sustainable future

As we commemorate World Cotton Day, the transformative potential of cotton within the T&A industry needs to be examined

Chasing new horizons: Sunset clauses in India’s revamped BIT regime
Mar 28, 2024

Chasing new horizons: Sunset clauses in India’s revamped BIT regime

India must articulate its vision of the sunset clause in future BITS as it seeks to renegotiate these treaties with states

Chennai - Industrial and trade hub leader
Aug 30, 2014

Chennai - Industrial and trade hub leader

Chennai may have lost out on the petroleum, petro-chemicals, pharmaceutical, and biotech fields, but it still remains the home-base of several solid market leaders from myriad industries.

China's strong-arm tactics
Jun 26, 2012

China's strong-arm tactics

Two examples-the first from the aviation and the second from the renewable energy industries-demonstrate how China has used unfair rules and regulations to fuel its meteoric rise.

China, India, and the race to EVs
Jun 28, 2024

China, India, and the race to EVs

In case of India, a long-term trend of relocation of industries (EVs as well as others) from China is seen as a foregone conclusion by a section of Ch

COVID-19: China and global supply chains
Apr 25, 2020

COVID-19: China and global supply chains

The role of China as the central hub in many global value chains has brought losses in global exports — Chinese suppliers are crucial for many indus

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Deepening economic crisis in Nepal
Jan 23, 2024

Deepening economic crisis in Nepal

Despite the growing political instability in Nepal, the government needs to take bold steps to revamp the economy

Embracing nonlinearity: The future of India’s entertainment industry
Jan 13, 2021

Embracing nonlinearity: The future of India’s entertainment industry

The first step to prepare India to become a global leader in creative industries is an exercise in imagination — picturing what entertainment will l

Energy cooperation under BIMSTEC: Are techno-economic rationales sufficient?
Nov 02, 2017

Energy cooperation under BIMSTEC: Are techno-economic rationales sufficient?

Despite a compelling techno-economic rationale for BIMSTEC nations, regional cooperation in the field of energy has not moved beyond the drawing board. This brief argues that inadequate investment in regional infrastructure, and the lack of political will to invest in shared infrastructure, are the consequence of inadequate cooperation between countries in the region, and not its cause. The electricity industries of BIMSTEC countries are being gr

Energy News Monitor I Volume XX, Issue 25
Feb 12, 2024

Energy News Monitor I Volume XX, Issue 25

Distributed production and consumption of RE by households and industries, primarily using solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, is projected as a potential driver of RE generation and consumption but challenges remain

Filling the Blanks: Putting Gender into Military A.I.
Aug 21, 2023

Filling the Blanks: Putting Gender into Military A.I.

Defence structures around the world are seeing a technological upheaving as new and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) are being added to military arsenals. However, military AI largely lacks precision and is often developed without any threat-modelling which takes gender into account, examples of which are already being seen in civilian applications of AI. Translated into a conflict environment, deploying such AI systems cou

Freeing of Textile Trade
Dec 28, 2004

Freeing of Textile Trade

The quotas in textiles, enforced under the Multi Fibre Agreement (MFA) which was signed in 1994, are going to be lifted on December 31, 2004 and the trade in textiles would come under the WTO directly. It means that all forms of protectionism applied to textile industries the world over, would have to go.

Green protectionism in the Global North: Implications for the Global South
Dec 05, 2023

Green protectionism in the Global North: Implications for the Global South

The barriers erected by the Global North are intended to facilitate domestic investment in green energy industries but they will curtail the productio

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India
Nov 17, 2020

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive economic and social fallout for India, as it has across the globe. In India, large numbers of people lost their jobs, and supply chains across industries and agriculture have been disrupted. At the same time, environmental indicators—notably air and freshwater quality—showed improvements following the long period of a nationwide lockdown. This brief outlines why India must make a focused decision to mov

If India wants to become a superpower, it has to stop trying to become the next China
Sep 01, 2016

If India wants to become a superpower, it has to stop trying to become the next China

Even though India might benefit from weak energy prices, industries exiting China, it’s going to get harder to compete in manufacturing.

India should be a Knowledge Superpower!
Feb 04, 2005

India should be a Knowledge Superpower!

India is the second fastest growing economy in the world today. At a most basic understanding, an economy grows when goods -- agricultural and industrial -- are produced and bought and/or when the service industries are growing phenomenally. In India's case both sectors are performing very well.

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?
Nov 15, 2014

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?

In spite of some benefits, the TFA is embroiled in controversy. Trade facilitation, according to some scholars, will enhance the developed countries' access to Indian markets and may impact manufacturing growth. Studies have shown India is losing out in competitiveness in all product lines and there has been a 'hollowing out' of industries.

Mad Street Den: Building generalisable Artificial Intelligence architectures at scale
Nov 06, 2020

Mad Street Den: Building generalisable Artificial Intelligence architectures at scale

Retail is among the most ‘legacy’ industries there is today. Coupled with the fact that the consumer buying today is nothing like the industry out

Madrid Impressions - II: Economic Impact of Terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Madrid Impressions - II: Economic Impact of Terrorism

The impact of terrorism on the oil and tourism industries and on financial institutions and "Democracy, Terrorism and the Internet" received considerable attention at the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security held at Madrid from March 8 to 11,2005.

Merging dreams with acquisitions
Oct 26, 2016

Merging dreams with acquisitions

The Chinese acquisitions in high-tech industries in Europe and the US have accelerated in the past year.

Modi has just bet he can change India's social behaviour
Dec 01, 2016

Modi has just bet he can change India's social behaviour

PM Modi's push to industries - trucking, agricultural purchases, construction - where wages are still distributed in cash towards digital payments

Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Putting the Art in SmArt
Dec 04, 2018

Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Putting the Art in SmArt

Given Mumbai’s focus on becoming a technology hub as well as being the main digital cultural and creative industries hub in India, while at the same

Parallel licencing in electricity distribution in Mumbai: Muddle or model?
May 14, 2024

Parallel licencing in electricity distribution in Mumbai: Muddle or model?

Balancing competition and monopolies in network industries, Mumbai's inadvertent parallel licensing in electricity retail serves as a focal point for

Productivity growth in Indian manufacturing: Policy implications from an econometric analysis
Jan 08, 2018

Productivity growth in Indian manufacturing: Policy implications from an econometric analysis

This paper evaluates the impact of various policy reforms, including the economic reforms of the 1990s, on India’s manufacturing sector. Covering the priority sectors relevant to the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, the paper analyses the productivity of registered manufacturing units from 1974-75 to 2012-13. It offers empirical evidence on the growth of productivity in the organised manufacturing sector through an inter-tem

Protecting enterprise secrets and intellectual property in a volatile world
Oct 24, 2020

Protecting enterprise secrets and intellectual property in a volatile world

As technology evolves and new solutions emerge, governments have taken greater interest in regulatory matters, particularly in Indo-Pacific economies

Revving up demand is key to economic revival
Mar 03, 2020

Revving up demand is key to economic revival

There has to be an increase in government expenditure in labour-intensive industries and it cannot just rely on the monetary policy through interest rate cuts to stimulate demand.

Stoke ‘animal spirits’ to let India breathe again
Dec 27, 2019

Stoke ‘animal spirits’ to let India breathe again

The woes of the financial sector emanate from sick industries which are unable to pay their debt. It would be best to roll out a non-judicial version of the 4R (recognise, restructure, resolve, reform) approach.

Tackling Industrial Pollution in India: Where is the Data?
May 10, 2023

Tackling Industrial Pollution in India: Where is the Data?

This brief argues that the understanding of city-level air quality could be strengthened if residents who live in spaces where industries are present, are able to access information about industrial emissions in their areas. Indeed, even as there are some 4,000 OCEMS (online continuous emissions/effluents monitoring systems) in place in different pollutive industries across the country, the data they collect—inarguably vital for public health�