Search: For - independence

87 results found

Independence Day 2022: Looking ahead
Aug 11, 2022

Independence Day 2022: Looking ahead

For India to be truly independent, systemic changes are necessary.

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?
Aug 14, 2008

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?

Is the United States in the process of creating a brand new Muslim bloc? If that be the case, it would know that the execution of the plan necessarily involves the cessation of Kosovo from Serbia in the name of "Self-Determination". This, Russia will not allow at any cost. Belgrade is Moscow's Slav ally. And, in a complex way, the Albanian-Serb and the Washington-Moscow stand-off links up with the global scramble for energy source

77th Independence Day: Assessing India–West Asia relations
Aug 14, 2023

77th Independence Day: Assessing India–West Asia relations

From partnerships formed in and around the Non-Aligned Movement to critical components such as energy security and diaspora, much has changed in India

A paragraph on wealth creation for Modi’s Independence Day speech
Jul 19, 2019

A paragraph on wealth creation for Modi’s Independence Day speech

Modi must ensure administrative accountability, redraft coercive laws and end the trust deficit to unleash an Entrepreneurial Revolution in India

Celebrating in Kabul India's post-Independence achievements
Aug 17, 2016

Celebrating in Kabul India's post-Independence achievements

The Indian embassy in Kabul filled with Afghans of every walk and every ethno-sectarian background for a reception to celebrate the 70th anniversary o

Indian armed forces and 70 years of independence
Aug 16, 2017

Indian armed forces and 70 years of independence

As we celebrate our 70th Independence Day this month, there is much to ponder over.

Kurdish independence in Iraq: Not much to cheer about
Sep 11, 2017

Kurdish independence in Iraq: Not much to cheer about

The inching of the Kurds towards total independence in Iraq might have little to cheer about immediately.

Making sense of India’s foreign policy after 72 years of independence
Aug 16, 2018

Making sense of India’s foreign policy after 72 years of independence

India today is a self-confident power, able to navigate global affairs with aplomb.

Maldives: How independent is Independence?
Jul 24, 2015

Maldives: How independent is Independence?

For a nation celebrating the golden jubilee of the country's Independence, Maldives has been at sixes and sevens through the previous year. And for a people who have taken politics and democracy with all its dynamism and vibrancy,

My money, my voice: The power of financial independence for women
Mar 08, 2021

My money, my voice: The power of financial independence for women

Women across the world have much less to spend and even lesser to save.

RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy
Dec 07, 2018

RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy

Conflicts between central banks and governments are embedded in the evolving discourse of every democracy. The recent discord between the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is neither the first nor likely to be the last. Institutionally, once a disagreement between the RBI and the MoF crosses the Rubicon, the government has the power to overrule the central bank’s decisions. Moreover, such a structure is not restricte

Rethinking Decoupling: Interdependence, dependence, independence
Oct 20, 2020

Rethinking Decoupling: Interdependence, dependence, independence

Tensions between government and industry over encryption, vulnerabilities and privacy are now compounded by a geo-technological rupture between the wo

The dilemma before Iraqi Kurds as independence referendum nears
Aug 03, 2017

The dilemma before Iraqi Kurds as independence referendum nears

Despite opposition President Barzani is standing firm on his decision to conduct the referendum as scheduled, hoping to realise Kurds' dream

Why and how India is not a threat to Maldives’ independence
Nov 19, 2021

Why and how India is not a threat to Maldives’ independence

It has become quite apparent that India is not a threat to Maldives despite the efforts made by the Opposition to prove otherwise.

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:
May 14, 2005

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:

Pakistan trusted and gave too much independence, which was misused by AQ Khan to the detriment of Pakistan's national security and international embarrassment, says Brig. Khan....

Atmanirbhar package a feeble fiscal straw to sinking economy
May 29, 2020

Atmanirbhar package a feeble fiscal straw to sinking economy

India is staring at its fourth recession since Independence, first since liberalisation was initiated, and in all likelihood — the worst till date.

Bangladesh: War crimes tribunal - Better late than never
Feb 15, 2013

Bangladesh: War crimes tribunal - Better late than never

In a rare move, the Bangladesh government has taken up the task of correcting the history by trying the 'war criminals' of the 1971 Independence War. In the nine-month-long freedom movement, 2.5-3 million people had died.

Bleeding heart liberals are social hypocrites
Jul 31, 2015

Bleeding heart liberals are social hypocrites

After Independence, none of the national parties - the Congress, the Janata Dal, leave alone the BJP - have ever had anyone other than a Hindu as their supreme political leader. The only recent exception is Sonia Gandhi of the Congress. But even her links into politics are exceptionally pucca, upper caste Hindu.

China cloud over Taiwan: President Lai Ching-te starts term in the face of Beijing’s war drills
Jun 05, 2024

China cloud over Taiwan: President Lai Ching-te starts term in the face of Beijing’s war drills

Taiwan’s civil society has hit the streets to register their displeasure against what they perceive as Beijing’s moves to get a backdoor entry into Taiwan’s democratic process.

China is intensifying pressure on Taiwan
May 30, 2024

China is intensifying pressure on Taiwan

Lai Ching-te’s poll victory did not sit well with China, as it engages in military intimidation by conducting exercises around Taiwan

Chinese diaspora
Jul 09, 2014

Chinese diaspora

As ancient and highly populated regions, China and the Indian subcontinent have for long shaped global migration patterns. But, unlike Delhi, which has had to deal with diaspora issues ever since Independence, Beijing's problems have just begun.

Civil-military relations in Independent India
Aug 15, 2022

Civil-military relations in Independent India

What explains India’s success in keeping the military out of politics, and how have civil-military relations fared in Independent India?

Countering Pakistan's jihad against India
Sep 24, 2016

Countering Pakistan's jihad against India

From the time of independence, Pakistan's leaders have treated India as a Permanent Enemy. It exhibits its policy through jihad.

Ethnic violence in South Sudan viewed through a political lens
Apr 21, 2014

Ethnic violence in South Sudan viewed through a political lens

South Sudan does not possess the political leadership to resolve the current crisis of citizenship and governance. But it is time for an unbiased state to step in and address vital issues and questions that it did not address immediately after independence for the collective sake of all South Sudanese.

Fair space commerce: A key component of sustainable global space governance
Oct 18, 2021

Fair space commerce: A key component of sustainable global space governance

The focus needs to go beyond emerging technologies to include fundamental principles, such as the protection of sovereignty, free and fair trade, and

Finding an End to Border Disputes: The India-Nepal Imperative
Apr 18, 2023

Finding an End to Border Disputes: The India-Nepal Imperative

India and Nepal have a long history of bilateral ties founded on connections of history, culture and religion, but their relationship is also beset by border conflicts. Although the two have managed to maintain their amiable relationship despite these differences, they both would benefit from finding a sustainable resolution. This brief highlights the efforts of both India and Nepal to resolve their border disputes. It recommends crucial

Forceful intervention
Jul 17, 2005

Forceful intervention

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh could not have been more categorical when he said, in his Independence Day speech on August 15, that Pakistan was only making half-hearted attempts to dismantle terrorist infrastructure.

From War Zone to China’s Poster Child, to Economic Despair: Angola’s 40-Year Journey
Jan 28, 2021

From War Zone to China’s Poster Child, to Economic Despair: Angola’s 40-Year Journey

Angola is rich in natural wealth, with massive petroleum and diamond deposits across its territory. Most of its people, however, continue to live in poverty. Since its independence in 1975, Angola has had a tumultuous journey: from being a war zone, to becoming a poster child for Chinese engagement in the continent, and since 2015, declining to its current state where the challenges are so massive—negative growth rates, high external debt, risi

GST is a marathon, not a 100-metre dash
Jun 30, 2017

GST is a marathon, not a 100-metre dash

India’s biggest fiscal and federal reform since independence will begin its maiden race at the stroke of midnight on 1 July with implementation of t

Honour the forgotten Army
Feb 01, 2019

Honour the forgotten Army

It’s ironical that the military is treated as an appendage by those very institutions that ascended to power post-Independence after collaborating with the British

India and Australia: Building media resilience in the Pacific and Indian island states
Sep 19, 2023

India and Australia: Building media resilience in the Pacific and Indian island states

The Pacific and Indian Ocean islands states require support from external partners to protect the integrity of independent thought and defend themselv

India gets its new president: Unpacking its significance and implications
Jul 25, 2022

India gets its new president: Unpacking its significance and implications

The anointment of Droupadi Murmu as the President of the Republic, especially in the 75th year of India’s independence, manifests a special moment o

India losing its clout in South Asia
Jan 08, 2014

India losing its clout in South Asia

Beyond personalities and politics, there is one basic question we need to ask ourselves: Why even 66 years after independence, is New Delhi's influence in its region shrinking instead of expanding?

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade
May 03, 2019

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade

There have been several changes in the political landscape in the geography of Central Asia — with the entry of China as a major player in funding infrastructure projects in the region, and the weakening influence of USA in the markets, along with the independence from Soviet Union.

India: Republic is 65 years young - or, old?
Jan 31, 2014

India: Republic is 65 years young - or, old?

In next four months, there is going to be a new government in New Delhi. The upcoming general elections are likely to be one of the most bitter and hard-fought battles in country's over six decades of Independence.

India@76: Batting hard for an African seat in the G20
Aug 14, 2023

India@76: Batting hard for an African seat in the G20

In its efforts to be the voice of the Global South, India has continued to push for an African Union seat at the G20 during its presidency

Indian Federalism under Strain: Time for a Relook?
May 11, 2023

Indian Federalism under Strain: Time for a Relook?

Federalism has been part of the public discourse in India for many decades, before and after independence in 1947, but it has gained greater importance since the 1990s when the country's national polity saw the advent of the coalition era. With the states now asserting their position in areas which were considered the prerogative of the Centre, this Paper strives to analyse some of the related issues and suggests possible paths for the future

India’s armed services must prepare for reform
Jul 07, 2021

India’s armed services must prepare for reform

In the last few years, there has been a change and a slew of defence reforms have been brought in. More than at any other time in post-Independence India, there is a commitment to change the way the Indian defence forces are organised

India’s maritime power is growing, but challenges loom
Aug 14, 2023

India’s maritime power is growing, but challenges loom

As India marks its 77th Independence Day, New Delhi is well on its way towards building strong strategic partnerships in the Indo-Pacific

India’s moonshot: Powering development with green energy
Aug 14, 2023

India’s moonshot: Powering development with green energy

With a conducive domestic environment and international support, India has the potential to be the leading example of green development by its 100th y

Is the Sangh Parivar right in attacking Tipu Sultan?
Nov 16, 2015

Is the Sangh Parivar right in attacking Tipu Sultan?

Whatever be the truth about Tipu Sultan, the one fact on which there can be little debate is that he fought against British occupation till the very end. If we are to look at our history through the lens of religious bigotry, the first war of independence in 1857, for example, would be of little significance.

Judicial Accountability Bill: A step in right direction
Dec 26, 2011

Judicial Accountability Bill: A step in right direction

The Judicial Accountability Bill, looked at in a holistic manner, is indeed a step ahead to restore some of the fundamental values in the judicial bodies of the government -- integrity of the judges, transparency and independence of judiciary.

Liberalism at the crossroads?
Jul 11, 2017

Liberalism at the crossroads?

If western liberalism brought people ideologically closer, an identity based Weltanschauung has increasingly reversed this process.

Making Dreams Work
Aug 16, 2004

Making Dreams Work

The twin messages on the Independence Day, respectively from President A P J Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, have in them core ideas on core issues and core values that have got marginalized in the rough and tumble of every day living and every day politics since the nation c attained Freedom 57 years ago.

Maldives: Whither 'international community'?
Sep 01, 2017

Maldives: Whither 'international community'?

Neither Yameen, nor his ministers have explained how getting eternally indebted to China would help in the economic independence of Maldives.