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816 results found

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development
Jun 24, 2020

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development

Conventional investments cater to investors who intend to gain financial returns. Other investors whose aim is to generate a positive social or environmental impact at a decent rate of return, turn to “impact investments” for their purpose. Mobilised to finance social enterprises, impact investments assume three primary forms: embedded, integrated, and external. This paper discusses the ideas of impact investment and social enterprises, and o

Impact of 5G on India: Opportunities and risks for Indian defence forces
Dec 21, 2020

Impact of 5G on India: Opportunities and risks for Indian defence forces

Sourcing any piece of 5G equipment from China’s telecommunications giants is likely to be very risky from the standpoint of the Indian armed service

Impact of COVID-19 on military preparedness
Apr 14, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on military preparedness

Militaries must focus on their primary task of protecting our national interests, and no biological incident can hinder it from carrying out its assig

Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India
Apr 20, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India

One can foresee many challenges as farmers and farm labourers set out to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

Impact of financial regulations on consumer financial behaviour
Jun 27, 2023

Impact of financial regulations on consumer financial behaviour

A balanced and flexible regulatory environment that can accommodate the changing needs of consumers while protecting their interests is required

Impact of gender reservation in Indian Urban Local Bodies
Oct 02, 2021

Impact of gender reservation in Indian Urban Local Bodies

There is a need to move beyond empowerment towards improving the ability of urban women to join and remain in the workforce

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India
Dec 26, 2023

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India

With pan-Islamic and Pakistan-based terrorist organisations weaponising the deluge of footage from the Gaza Strip, their propaganda will impact terror

Impact of NRC Assam amongst people observation from the ground
Sep 27, 2019

Impact of NRC Assam amongst people observation from the ground

The migrant debate has been a point of tension in Assam’s multicultural and multi-ethnic society.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on India’s federalism
Nov 27, 2021

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on India’s federalism

The pandemic proved that the Centre and states have different roles but need to work closely during a crisis, instead of adopting a centralised approa

Impact of the same-sex marriage ruling on US elections
Aug 01, 2015

Impact of the same-sex marriage ruling on US elections

Although the issue of same-sex marriage may have been settled legally with the Supreme Court verdict, politically, it remains volatile. Since the ruling, reactions of the 2016 Presidential candidates have been deeply polarised, indicating the potential of the issue to become a determining factor in the run-up to 2016.

Impact of US withdrawal of GSP on India
Jun 13, 2019

Impact of US withdrawal of GSP on India

Withdrawal of the GSP will hamper India’s export growth to the US.

"Comfort Women" issue and its impact on Japan-South Korea relations
Aug 06, 2022

"Comfort Women" issue and its impact on Japan-South Korea relations

If allowed to spiral out of control, Japan’s and South Korea’s domestic nationalist fervour against each other could further damage already fragil

A joint India-Pakistan initiative on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons
May 06, 2017

A joint India-Pakistan initiative on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

India and Pakistan could demonstrate their responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons by launching a bilateral initiative on HINW.

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences
Aug 06, 2019

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences

If Kashmiri parties boycott polls, they’ll be marginalised; if they participate, it will mean accepting new realities

Afghan refugee crisis and its impact on Sustainable Development Goals
Nov 25, 2021

Afghan refugee crisis and its impact on Sustainable Development Goals

The global community needs to address the Afghanistan refugee crisis if it aims to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery
Sep 28, 2020

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery

The COVID-19 outbreak poses immense challenges to Africa’s resilience. The pandemic’s economic fallout, caused by disruptions in global and regional value chains and a slump in commodity prices, can derail the progress which the continent has recorded in recent years. Despite the bleak forecasts, however, African countries have managed to mount a concerted response to the pandemic. This paper examines the extent of the economic and health imp

An Examination of India’s Federal System and its Impact on Healthcare
May 23, 2023

An Examination of India’s Federal System and its Impact on Healthcare

This paper explores the impact of India’s federal architecture, particularly its tax-sharing structure and system of fiscal transfers, on the state of the country’s healthcare. It examines the existing system of intergovernmental transfers and pays particular attention to the Fourteenth Finance Commission’s new devolution framework that has enhanced the previously constrained fiscal spaces of states. This, in turn, will likely have implicat

Analysing the impact of the Taliban deal on jihadist violence in South Asia
Aug 24, 2020

Analysing the impact of the Taliban deal on jihadist violence in South Asia

This deal temporarily shields US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, but has directly harmed Afghan civilians, security forces and allies in the region.

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Public Health and Nutrition Security
Mar 22, 2024

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Public Health and Nutrition Security

Climate change poses a significant risk to global food security. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and shifting precipitation patterns impact food production, disrupting food supply chains, increasing food prices, and diminishing food safety. These effects are particularly apparent in developing countries, where vulnerable populations struggle to access nutritious foods and small farmers face financial challenges. Tackling the impacts

Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on mental health
Oct 10, 2022

Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on mental health

The psychological impact of the pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of people and the need for additional mental health support around the worl

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry
Apr 28, 2020

Bangladesh: COVID-19 badly impacts garment industry

The future of Bangladesh’s RMG sector is intertwined with the resumption of economic activities in Europe and the US, and a surge in demand.

Beyond Cyber Fires and Ukraine: PLASSF Impact on a Sino-Indian Conventional War
Sep 01, 2023

Beyond Cyber Fires and Ukraine: PLASSF Impact on a Sino-Indian Conventional War

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has served as a laboratory test to assess the effectiveness of Cyber Warfare (CW) capabilities. It would be misleading, however, to extrapolate sweeping conclusions from this conflict about the relative ineffectiveness of CW. Rather, diligence should be exercised by Indian strategic and military planners in assessing the CW capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) and enhancing

China' s New Aircraft Carrier: How Does It Impact Upon India?
Aug 23, 2011

China' s New Aircraft Carrier: How Does It Impact Upon India?

China's ability for air and sea power projection in its neighbourhood is significant and growing, and its first aircraft carrier is another indicator. The carrier would provide China the ability to project its power even farther.

China's WU-14 nuclear device: Impact on deterrence equation
Jul 01, 2015

China's WU-14 nuclear device: Impact on deterrence equation

The successful tests of Chinese nuclear device WU-14 has brought the emphasis back on deploying effective ballistic missile defences. The Chinese test is also definitely going to speed up the US' quest for enhancing both its offensive and defensive technological capabilities.

Chinese and Russian choices impact India’s approach
Dec 29, 2023

Chinese and Russian choices impact India’s approach

India’s ties with Beijing have frayed even as relations with Moscow lose warmth because of their actions

Chinese anxiety over “Peak China” and how it may impact China-India ties
Mar 01, 2024

Chinese anxiety over “Peak China” and how it may impact China-India ties

Although China officially is making light of it, the “Peak China” discourse has been negatively impacting China’s domestic situation

Covid-19 and its aftermath: Impact on China’s soft power
Jun 12, 2020

Covid-19 and its aftermath: Impact on China’s soft power

As the scale of global challenges swells in size, so does the need for leading ad-hoc transnational countries to prove their diplomatic proficiency. C

COVID-19 and its gendered impact
Dec 23, 2020

COVID-19 and its gendered impact

Any unemployment support must include women who form a large proportion of the workforce in the informal sector.

Covid-19 and its impact on Africa
Mar 20, 2020

Covid-19 and its impact on Africa

Are African countries ready to handle a potential outbreak?

COVID-19 and the likely economic impact
Mar 27, 2020

COVID-19 and the likely economic impact

The crisis today is no longer bilateral, as it was when it had affected China alone.

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate
May 01, 2020

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate

Even as the coronavirus pandemic strains European solidarity, its ideas on social protection experience a fillip — but this time on the other side o

COVID19 impact on India to be more than $40.9 billion in first quarter
Apr 13, 2020

COVID19 impact on India to be more than $40.9 billion in first quarter

Like any other country Indian economy is dealing with a once-in-a-lifetime tectonic disaster.

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy
Mar 21, 2020

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy

Given Southeast Asia’s close geographical proximity to China and the number of tourists and workers who visit the ASEAN countries, if anything — t

COVID19’s impact on Africa, why it goes beyond healthcare
May 25, 2021

COVID19’s impact on Africa, why it goes beyond healthcare

On the occasion of World Africa Day, we look at the multidimensional impact of the pandemic across Africa

Current events in Pakistan: Impact on provincial faultlines
Jan 29, 2008

Current events in Pakistan: Impact on provincial faultlines

Much of the internal conflict in Pakistan has centered on the question of national identity - what does it mean to be a Pakistani? This was the underlying theme of the round-table discussion on Current Events in Pakistan: Impact on Sindh and Balochistan organised by Observer Research Foundation on January 29 in New Delhi.

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact
Sep 28, 2022

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact

Decentralising the internet has always been about letting users have more power. India must align its regulations with global efforts that govern citi

Do think tanks impact public policy in India and US?
Jul 21, 2009

Do think tanks impact public policy in India and US?

An ORF Interaction with Ms Ellen Laipson

Economic slowdown and its impact on the elderly
Nov 04, 2019

Economic slowdown and its impact on the elderly

Despite the demographic dividend and young population, whose median age is 27.1 — India is getting old before it is getting rich.

Economics, geopolitics, and the impact on G20
Jul 30, 2022

Economics, geopolitics, and the impact on G20

Between the data, the risks, and the narratives lies an uncertain future that will test the intellectual leadership of India’s G20 presidency.