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Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World
May 02, 2022

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World

The Covid-19 vaccination rollout has been slow in many parts of the world, and it might not be inaccurate to say that the newer, more transmissible variants have done a better job at immunising populations than the vaccine. More than 16 months since the global vaccination drive was started, wealthier countries have inoculated vastly higher proportions of their populations compared to the poorer ones. For example, as of late April 2022, the United

Exporting Indian healthcare workers to the world
Jul 14, 2021

Exporting Indian healthcare workers to the world

At a time when countries are closing borders and curbing migration, health workers are the exception.

India’s Multilateral Commitment to Gaza through the UNRWA
Jun 06, 2024

India’s Multilateral Commitment to Gaza through the UNRWA

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is facing pushback from a number of large donor countries due to the alleged involvement of some of its employees in the October 2023 attack on Israel. India’s contributions to the agency, meanwhile, remain stable. This brief examines the nature and significance of India’s financial commitment to the UN body.

What Ails Health Systems in Africa? An Economic Perspective
Dec 28, 2020

What Ails Health Systems in Africa? An Economic Perspective

There is hardly any doubt that failing health systems result in poor health outcomes and hamper progress towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In Africa, health systems are hobbled by leadership and governance challenges, extreme shortages of health workers, corruption in procurement systems for medical products and technologies, poor information systems, and health financing const