Search: For - global order

70 results found

Global order in transition — Has the liberal order crumbled even before the rise of a China-led parallel order?
Dec 28, 2020

Global order in transition — Has the liberal order crumbled even before the rise of a China-led parallel order?

Questions that were unthinkable at the turn of the century, such as whether democracy is a truly superior form of governance and whether the liberal w

A new, fractured global order is upon us. India’s response must evolve accordingly
Jan 25, 2020

A new, fractured global order is upon us. India’s response must evolve accordingly

As political ideologies fail to provide purpose and meaning to individuals, they are increasingly finding refuge in identity and religion. The thin li

Brick by BRIC: How the global order is being reconstructed
May 22, 2009

Brick by BRIC: How the global order is being reconstructed

BRIC or BRICs is an acronym referring to the fast growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. The acronym is used increasingly by politicians and the mass media, reflecting the emergence of a new global reality.

Crystal-gazing the Global Order
Jan 04, 2013

Crystal-gazing the Global Order

The rise of China across a broad spectrum of power parameters is indisputable but the international community is concerned as to what kind of Beijing they will see in future. For one, given China's political culture and economic model, it is hard to see it emerging as the next US.

How a changing global order will emerge in the post-Covid world
Apr 15, 2020

How a changing global order will emerge in the post-Covid world

A changing global economic order will make many nations focus on India as a preferred destination for investment over China.

Inflection point for the West-led global order
Feb 26, 2022

Inflection point for the West-led global order

Its future will be defined by how it responds to the crisis in Ukraine, and in the shadow of growing Russia-China ties

The reshaping global order is Iranian economy's best chance in decades
Jul 28, 2023

The reshaping global order is Iranian economy's best chance in decades

Iran’s oil sales are at a five-year high as the US looks the other way despite sanctions. Iran is smartly undercutting Russia in selling cheaper oil and upset Saudi Arabia’s plan to profiteer from production cuts. The new world order being shaped amid the US-China battle for global supremacy equally belongs to countries charting independent paths

Understanding Africa’s policy conundrums in a changing global order
Aug 30, 2018

Understanding Africa’s policy conundrums in a changing global order

Trends in Africa are diverging. While East Africa shows growing signs of authoritarianism and suppression of dissent, in Southern Africa — liberatio

50 shades of America’s China experts
May 14, 2020

50 shades of America’s China experts

Not much has been heard, especially from the large number of China “believers,” who helped perpetuate the notion China was liberalising, that it w

A confident India is taking on the world
Jun 01, 2023

A confident India is taking on the world

New Delhi today is articulating a new voice on the global stage and is confidently able to steer through some of the evident contradictions in its approach.

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship
Mar 08, 2023

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship

Amidst geopolitical shifts and multipolarity, New Delhi’s ties with Berlin could be vital in shaping a new global order

Boosting India-Africa defence and security partnership
Mar 24, 2023

Boosting India-Africa defence and security partnership

While new initiatives, platforms, and exercises attest to the growing synergy in Indo-African defence and security partnership, the true potential con

China’s new defence white paper
Sep 27, 2019

China’s new defence white paper

The white paper is an amalgamation of past experiences as well as the role that China will play in the global order in the coming years.

Covid19 has sharpened great power politics
Apr 27, 2020

Covid19 has sharpened great power politics

Despite being irresponsible and concealing information, Beijing is reaping the dividends of the global disorder

Crisis in the Middle East Amidst Global Disorder
Oct 18, 2023

Crisis in the Middle East Amidst Global Disorder

The unprecedented scale of the Hamas attack has shaken Israel and the consequences are likely to shake the Middle East.

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan
Aug 09, 2023

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan

As an emerging power in the current multipolar global order, India can use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to protect, promote, and project its geostrategic and geoeconomic interests. The SCO is also a platform for India to reaffirm its commitment to revive and deepen its centuries-old civilisational, spiritual, and cultural ties with other member countries. This paper explores India's priorities at the SCO, chiefly connectivity, coun

Financing for Agenda 2030: Deepening India-EU Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 12, 2024

Financing for Agenda 2030: Deepening India-EU Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

As the world confronts multiple challenges which are intricately connected, our path for development stands at a crucial juncture. In the context of the embroiling polycrisis, progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) has been steady but fragile with major and persistent challenges. Financing for Agenda 2030 has emerged as a major bottleneck with several developing economies, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), low-income

How to Reset Relations Between Europe and the Global South
Jun 30, 2023

How to Reset Relations Between Europe and the Global South

It’s a fact that countries of the Global South, while not supportive of Russia’s war against Ukraine, also blame NATO and the West for its global impact. Europe needs to change its approach.

Imagining a global IR out of India
Aug 17, 2023

Imagining a global IR out of India

The global order is fast-changing; the field of International Relations (IR), less so. Despite the rise of other countries in economic and geopolitical terms, the field of IR continues to be dominated by the West and its theories, methods and policy concerns. The idea of ‘Global IR’ proposed in this brief aims to make the field more inclusive and universal. After outlining the major elements of a Global IR paradigm, the brief suggests that In

India as the strongest link to counter China
Jul 12, 2021

India as the strongest link to counter China

India has emerged as the focal point of global attention as the search for a new balance of power in the Indo-Pacific gathers steam.

India must think of reconfiguring its ties with Russia
Feb 26, 2022

India must think of reconfiguring its ties with Russia

Through its actions in Ukraine, Russia has challenged the global order in fundamental ways and India’s foreign policy won’t be immune from its reverberations

India, Russia reinvigorate bilateral ties
Dec 15, 2021

India, Russia reinvigorate bilateral ties

Apart from dispelling the sense of drift, Putin’s visit was a clear signal of the commitment to a multipolar global order and reinforced strategic balance as an enduring factor in ties

India-Iran relations require rethinking: Advisor to Iranian President
Apr 19, 2011

India-Iran relations require rethinking: Advisor to Iranian President

India and Iran are not in the place they deserve to be in the global order, and they can play a more important and significant role by enhancing their cooperation, according to Mr. Ali Akbar Javanfekr, presidential advisor for press affairs to Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran.

India’s UNSC moment
Jan 25, 2021

India’s UNSC moment

Delhi must contribute its bit to shape the rules of a “reformed multilateralism”

Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?
Oct 03, 2023

Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?

Iran views its BRICS membership as a foreign policy success, however, whether this move will translate into long-term benefits remains to be seen

Keep shifts in the West’s China consensus under watch
Jul 31, 2023

Keep shifts in the West’s China consensus under watch

New Delhi has  geopolitical opportunities in China rethinks underway in Germany and other countries

Missing: Leaders of developing countries
Dec 03, 2016

Missing: Leaders of developing countries

Idea of a new global order in which developing countries would express solidarity against rich capitalist nations was amiss in Castro's funeral proces

No retreat from Russia: Strategic autonomy and interests are synonymous
Mar 09, 2022

No retreat from Russia: Strategic autonomy and interests are synonymous

Should India condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as it threatens the global order or should it continue to factor in its core interests?

Nurturing Cooperation in the Critical Minerals Supply Chains
Apr 04, 2024

Nurturing Cooperation in the Critical Minerals Supply Chains

The world is experiencing a crucial shift; a new industrial revolution. This time, the colour is green, and the aim is a cleaner, more livable world for future generations. This industrial revolution will require unprecedented access to critical minerals like graphite, cobalt, lithium, and copper, used for some of the most advanced technologies of our time. Many of these minerals are scattered around the globe, and states that do not have the nat

Opportunities and Challenges for the Quad’s Working Group on Counterterrorism
Jul 03, 2023

Opportunities and Challenges for the Quad’s Working Group on Counterterrorism

In March 2023, the foreign ministers of India, Japan, Australia, and the US (that form the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad) announced the establishment of a working group on countering terrorism. While the urgency of counterterrorism cooperation may have arguably faded in political debate in recent years, it remains steady in military-to-military cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral levels. In a fast-changing glo

Saudi heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman’s India visit comes amidst regional and global turmoil
Feb 19, 2019

Saudi heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman’s India visit comes amidst regional and global turmoil

While the ongoing geopolitical tremors will cloud much of MBS’s visit, India and Saudi Arabia have witnessed a pivotal shift over the past decade or

Shifting terrain for India’s foreign policy
Jan 22, 2020

Shifting terrain for India’s foreign policy

A big election win for Modi lifted India’s confidence in tackling a changing global order and challenging its critics

The Eastern Corridor and the Law of the Sea: Ensuring Sea-Lane Security
Dec 01, 2020

The Eastern Corridor and the Law of the Sea: Ensuring Sea-Lane Security

The Eastern Corridor is a crucial highway for global trade flows, where any disruption could severely affect the global economy. The route comprises some of the world’s most vulnerable Sea Lanes of Communication (SCLOs), with potential flashpoints such as the South China Sea. For years, these SLOCs have been characterised by tensions in South Asia and Southeast Asia; the more recent years are seeing a heightening of both intent and capacity for

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century
Oct 14, 2021

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century

The economic consequences of the ongoing pandemic have pushed millions of people into hunger and poverty. Yet, in some parts of the world, critical levels of widespread hunger, or famine, had already made a resurgence long before the outbreak of COVID-19. This brief studies the famine-like situation in four countries in two continents—Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and North Korea—to demonstrate the direct link between conflicts and modern fam

The EU’s China deal doesn’t enhance its global stature
Jan 12, 2021

The EU’s China deal doesn’t enhance its global stature

Brussel’s faith in China fulfilling its end of the pact reveals a myopia that will weaken the EU geopolitically