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#Indo Pacific Economic Framework यानी हिंद-प्रशांत की आर्थिक रूप-रेखा का आग़ाज़!
Jun 10, 2022

#Indo Pacific Economic Framework यानी हिंद-प्रशांत की आर्थिक रूप-रेखा का आग़ाज़!

IPEF के चार मुख्य स्तंभों की पड़ताल: हिंद प्रशांत क्षेत्र मे

#Indo Pacific Economic Framework यानी हिंद-प्रशांत की आर्थिक रूप-रेखा का आग़ाज़!
Jun 10, 2022

#Indo Pacific Economic Framework यानी हिंद-प्रशांत की आर्थिक रूप-रेखा का आग़ाज़!

IPEF के चार मुख्य स्तंभों की पड़ताल: हिंद प्रशांत क्षेत्र मे

A Legislative Framework for India's Intelligence Structure: Some Food for Thought
Aug 04, 2010

A Legislative Framework for India's Intelligence Structure: Some Food for Thought

When talking about Intelligence agencies, the first thing that comes to mind is secrecy ? the services must, it is widely concurred, operate in secret so as to be highly effective.

A multilateral framework for digital trade
Mar 04, 2023

A multilateral framework for digital trade

The success of a multilateral framework for digital trade, like it or not, depends on the renewal of the WTO Moratorium at the WTO Ministerial Council

A New Framework for a Secure Digital India
May 10, 2023

A New Framework for a Secure Digital India

The rapid pace of digitalisation poses new national security risks for countries like India, a country with over 700 million internet users. The multilayered digital ecosystem comprising of infrastructure, devices and applications is complex, and security threats evolve at a breakneck pace. This makes it difficult for states to develop an effective response to individual or organisational security threats. India therefore has often had to resort

AfCFTA: Need for integrating the African Continental Infrastructure Framework
Jun 06, 2019

AfCFTA: Need for integrating the African Continental Infrastructure Framework

An efficient and low-cost transport system is a prerequisite for African countries to become competitive in the global market.

Assessing RBI's draft disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks
Apr 17, 2024

Assessing RBI's draft disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks

RBI’s draft disclosure framework on Climate-related financial risks is a welcome step, but there are challenges ahead

Building a Follow-up and Review Framework for India’s Sustainable Development Goal on Health
Jul 22, 2016

Building a Follow-up and Review Framework for India’s Sustainable Development Goal on Health

The creation of a competent national indicator framework will be central to the tracking — and eventual attainment — of India’s sustainable development goals. Through an analytical study of India’s past efforts relating to the MDGs and its initial preparations for the SDGs, this paper identifies specific hurdles that must be overcome in building a health indicator architecture that is both globally relevant and aligned with national

Centre-State Relations in India: Time for a New Framework
Apr 09, 2015

Centre-State Relations in India: Time for a New Framework

This paper assesses the major shifts that have occurred in the country's federal system in the last three decades. It also provides a list of recommendations to improve Centre-state relations in India.

China’s preliminary response to COVID-19 — A crisis communication framework
Mar 25, 2020

China’s preliminary response to COVID-19 — A crisis communication framework

China’s policy narratives against the COVID-19 in the initial stages adopted a denial crisis strategy to deal with the reputational damage.

Climate change and human security: Building a framework for action
Apr 05, 2011

Climate change and human security: Building a framework for action

The climate narrative is beginning to exert itself in the development processes of poor countries. The impact of climate negotiations, and green capitalism that is rearing its head, are some elements that will define climate and security for India and other developing countries.

Data for development: Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework
Dec 30, 2020

Data for development: Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework

Any new framework for non-personal data must consider that data is not just an economic resource to be commodified, neither is it an instrument of sov

Does the IOR need a cohesive Blue Economy framework?
Dec 23, 2020

Does the IOR need a cohesive Blue Economy framework?

Prioritisation of any one aspect — economic, social or environmental — would chart a lopsided course of development.

Drones are welcome, but where's the policy framework?
Jan 15, 2015

Drones are welcome, but where's the policy framework?

The Delhi police proposal to use drones for day-to-day law and order activities is bound to fail unless it is accompanied by a regulatory and manufacturing ecosystem for unmanned aerial vehicles

Extreme Heat Events in India’s Cities: A Framework for Adaptive Action Plans
Jan 22, 2021

Extreme Heat Events in India’s Cities: A Framework for Adaptive Action Plans

Among the most severe consequences of climate change is the global rise in average temperatures, and the resultant increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves. Cities are particularly vulnerable to heatwaves as their high built density absorbs and retains heat, leading to higher temperatures than the surrounding areas and causing the ‘heat island’ effect. India’s northwest region routinely experiences abnormally hot days during the

Global biodiversity framework and the status of protected area conservation in India
May 22, 2023

Global biodiversity framework and the status of protected area conservation in India

The existing conservation policies raise the question of whether India can achieve the GBF goals on the ground

Global Framework for Regulating State-Owned Multinational Enterprises
Nov 02, 2021

Global Framework for Regulating State-Owned Multinational Enterprises

The IMF estimates that State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) assets totalled US$45 trillion in 2018, close to 50% of the global GDP, and calculated the debt of the largest SOEs to be US$7.4 trillion. Clearly, SOEs have a direct bearing on the global economy. The most systemically important SOEs are the State-Owned Multinational Enterprises (SOMNEs) since they are focused on cross-border financing and business. A global framework for regula

Global Health Governance in an Uncertain World: A Proposed Framework for the G20
Jan 30, 2023

Global Health Governance in an Uncertain World: A Proposed Framework for the G20

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, reforming the global health governance system has become a key area of concern for the G20 and other multilateral platforms. This comes at a time when the world has increasingly become volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. As a grouping of developed and developing countries, the G20 must prioritise addressing global health challenges by identifying its direct and indirect determinants. This brief

Human trafficking across the BBIN subregional borders: Awaiting a concrete framework
Jul 30, 2022

Human trafficking across the BBIN subregional borders: Awaiting a concrete framework

Better border management and regulations need to be set in place by the BBIN member states to curb human trafficking in this region.

India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy
Apr 29, 2021

India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy

India’s success in growing at a quick pace while keeping per capita emissions low despite its large population is a potential model for replication

India, Japan should focus on the Asian strategic framework
Jan 16, 2014

India, Japan should focus on the Asian strategic framework

Both Tokyo and New Delhi want to create a stabler Asian order by redefining partnerships in the region. Can India and Japan take the lead in this regard and form a concert of nations that would bring about balance of power in the Asia-Pacific?

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet
Jun 26, 2024

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet

Aspiring to become a US$30-trillion economy by 2047, surrounded by hostile nations, and leading the idea of multipolarity in a bipolar world, India needs to articulate a grand strategy that has been missing in its statecraft. With the necessary conditions for such an endeavour in place, it is time for Bharat, under Narendra Modi’s third term as prime minister, to thread the three core aspects of executing such a grand strategy: articulating the

India’s stance on the new global biodiversity framework
Dec 22, 2022

India’s stance on the new global biodiversity framework

China’s missed opportunity presents India with an opportunity to offer credible climate leadership

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement
Jun 09, 2023

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement

That IPEF member countries have come so far since the group’s establishment a year ago suggests that there is a near unanimous view about supply chain vulnerabilities.

Jan Vishwas Bill provides a framework for future reforms
Aug 10, 2023

Jan Vishwas Bill provides a framework for future reforms

The Jan Vishwas Bill is a transformative vision sitting atop the tip of a tyrannous compliances iceberg

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co

Lacking a clear strategic framework, Modi’s foreign policy is coming apart
Jun 17, 2017

Lacking a clear strategic framework, Modi’s foreign policy is coming apart

It is now clear that the heft of the Prime Minister’s persona alone or the goodwill he enjoys cannot drive India’s external engagement.

Loss of biodiversity and the new Global Biodiversity Framework
Dec 28, 2022

Loss of biodiversity and the new Global Biodiversity Framework

Target 3 of the new biodiversity framework represents significant commitment as it would require cooperation at a global level

Monitoring India’s Development Partnerships: Recommendations for a Framework of Indicators
Aug 17, 2023

Monitoring India’s Development Partnerships: Recommendations for a Framework of Indicators

Development partnerships between countries are crucial in addressing policy challenges in the developing world. Cooperation between countries in the Global South, in particular—such as those that India engages in, under its Development Partnership Administration (DPA)—is heightening conversations around the demands of sustainability. Yet, India continues to lack an appropriate framework by which to assess its development partnerships

Need for a neutral, international cyber framework
Feb 23, 2015

Need for a neutral, international cyber framework

A neutral, international framework is needed to manage cross-border requests related to the cyber sphere, says Bertrand de la Chapelle, director of the Internet & Jurisdiction Project.

Nuclear unpredictability: Managing the global nuclear framework
Dec 19, 2018

Nuclear unpredictability: Managing the global nuclear framework

The global nuclear framework still faces many challenges. Often, bleak predictions motivate the international community to collectively ensure that su

Post-pandemic development priorities: Need for SDG-consistent macroeconomic frameworks
Dec 23, 2020

Post-pandemic development priorities: Need for SDG-consistent macroeconomic frameworks

It is good governance at the implementation level that becomes a pre-condition for achieving the goals through improving public expenditure efficiency

Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance using a relational governance framework
Feb 09, 2023

Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance using a relational governance framework

A relational governance framework could help ensure that the benefits of AI are maximised while minimising potential harm.