Search: For - deterrence

85 results found

A conceptual analysis of Sino-Indian space deterrence and space warfighting
Apr 24, 2017

A conceptual analysis of Sino-Indian space deterrence and space warfighting

This paper evaluates the importance of a space military strategy for India against China. It argues that in light of China’s advances in space weapons, New Delhi needs to seriously consider developing at least a limited menu of space weapons and integrate them into India’s defence posture. It draws on conceptual literature on nuclear deterrence, air power and sea power to show that space weapons, at least some variants, are usable military in

China's WU-14 nuclear device: Impact on deterrence equation
Jul 01, 2015

China's WU-14 nuclear device: Impact on deterrence equation

The successful tests of Chinese nuclear device WU-14 has brought the emphasis back on deploying effective ballistic missile defences. The Chinese test is also definitely going to speed up the US' quest for enhancing both its offensive and defensive technological capabilities.

India-Pakistan dynamics after Balakot: A different deterrence equation?
Mar 25, 2020

India-Pakistan dynamics after Balakot: A different deterrence equation?

Even before coming to office in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had implied that his government would address Pakistan-sponsored terrorism differently.

India’s clueless deterrence “strategy”
Mar 09, 2018

India’s clueless deterrence “strategy”

There is no reason to expect that India’s deterrence strategy will change in the near future.

INS Arihant’s deterrence patrol: More hype than necessary
Nov 06, 2018

INS Arihant’s deterrence patrol: More hype than necessary

If — as the PMO press release says — that INS Arihant completed its first deterrence patrol, it is a welcome development.

Israel, Iran, and shadowboxing for deterrence
Apr 20, 2024

Israel, Iran, and shadowboxing for deterrence

The chase for strategic one-upmanship by Iran and Israel could lead to an expanded regional war with global, long-term ramifications

Nuclear Deterrence 3.0
Dec 23, 2020

Nuclear Deterrence 3.0

Deterrence 3.0 has to create a new consensus for a multipolar nuclear world, a world not of nuclear parity but asymmetry in terms of both sizes and nature of arsenals.

One strike isn’t enough to establish deterrence
Feb 26, 2019

One strike isn’t enough to establish deterrence

If the Balakot strike is not to join the dismal achievement of previous Indian attacks, it has to be part of a deterrence strategy.

Pakistan’s latest nuclear antics in the form of Full Spectrum Deterrence
Jul 24, 2023

Pakistan’s latest nuclear antics in the form of Full Spectrum Deterrence

Despite Pakistan’s deployment of a wide range of nuclear capabilities as part of its FSD strategy, there is no need for India to be alarmed

Some deterrence mathematics
Mar 02, 2019

Some deterrence mathematics

We should consider the effects of the Balakot strike

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia
Jun 24, 2017

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia

Indian announcement of having conducted surgical strikes across the de-facto border with Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has major implications for deterrence-stability in South Asia. New Delhi has sought to devise a military strategy to respond to Pakistan’s sub-conventional war that does not lead to escalation of conflict to nuclear levels and collapse of nuclear deterrence. This paper analyses India’s surgical strikes of September 2016, thei

The MIRV leap that fires up India’s nuclear deterrence
Mar 19, 2024

The MIRV leap that fires up India’s nuclear deterrence

As a China-specific missile, the successful test of the Agni-5 MIRV missile enables India to reach a milestone

The relevance of nuclear deterrence in a post-Cold War world
Jul 12, 2021

The relevance of nuclear deterrence in a post-Cold War world

Countries have understood the importance of nuclear deterrence and it plays an important role in designing their security strategies.

AUKUS and the Eastern Indo-Pacific’s Evolving Security Architecture
Aug 14, 2023

AUKUS and the Eastern Indo-Pacific’s Evolving Security Architecture

The formation of AUKUS (a security alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US) and its likely forward momentum in the near- and medium-term is certain to redefine the security architecture in the eastern Indo-Pacific region. Given the twin objectives of maintaining the balance of power and ensuring deterrence against China, several new initiatives and defence agreements between the member countries are on the anvil. The interface of A

Balakot, counter-terrorism and use of air power
Mar 08, 2019

Balakot, counter-terrorism and use of air power

While every counter-terror theatre works on its own specific requirements and variables, Pakistan is a completely different ball game.

Can Quad and AUKUS synergise?
Oct 12, 2021

Can Quad and AUKUS synergise?

AUKUS adds another layer of deterrence against China. The group is likely to strengthen the military dimension, contrary to the belief that it undercuts Quad.

Challenges in applying the EU Cybersecurity Index globally
Jun 05, 2024

Challenges in applying the EU Cybersecurity Index globally

The world needs cyber resilience with preventive measures to minimize threats. Redesigning the CSI with separate sub-indices for prevention and deterr

China's aggression towards Japan is a global threat
Dec 05, 2013

China's aggression towards Japan is a global threat

India must urgently explore a variety of options to restore deterrence vis-à-vis China. This first thing is to back Japan. India also has to work on a range of options including economic and hard options. It must also take a fresh look at reinvigorating its ties with Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Singapore and the littoral states.

China’s growing counter-space capabilities
May 16, 2020

China’s growing counter-space capabilities

The risks posed by China’s military space programme is primarily to other more capable powers such as the US using space as a force multiplier.

China’s military rise and the Indian challenge
Apr 19, 2018

China’s military rise and the Indian challenge

Unlike other great powers of the past New Delhi has encountered, China impinges directly on India’s geopolitical landscape in multiple ways. The ris

China’s Nuclear Ambiguity and its Implications for India
Apr 07, 2021

China’s Nuclear Ambiguity and its Implications for India

China’s evolving security dynamics with the United States have compelled it to rethink its nuclear strategy to achieve effective deterrence. It is aiming to modernise its nuclear arsenal and increase its nuclear ambiguity through conventional-nuclear entanglement. Ambiguity will increase the risks of mischaracterisation and can have a destabilising impact on the Indo-Pacific region. This paper highlights two areas where India ought to be most c

Contra massive retaliation: Possible trajectories of a flexible response deterrent strategy for India
Aug 06, 2018

Contra massive retaliation: Possible trajectories of a flexible response deterrent strategy for India

The extant scholarship on India’s nuclear doctrine, while problematising the credibility deficit in the strategy of massive retaliation, fails to provide a policy alternative. This study examines the alternative of flexible response available for India and makes an assessment of whether it provides a solution to this problem in India’s nuclear doctrine. Even when flexible response is often cited in India’s strategic circles as a likely alte

Could India's bold nuclear war plan survive a clash with Pakistan?
Dec 06, 2016

Could India's bold nuclear war plan survive a clash with Pakistan?

If massive retaliation is retained in the nuclear doctrine, it will be not because of its efficacy as a strategy of deterrence.

Emerging technologies and India’s nuclear deterrent
Feb 05, 2019

Emerging technologies and India’s nuclear deterrent

Rapid transformation in disruptive technologies is going to change the nature of nuclear deterrence. Artificial intelligence, cyber weapons, hypersoni

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap
May 13, 2024

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap

The Indo-Pacific region is becoming the world's new strategic and economic ‘centre of gravity’. Indeed, the accelerated trajectory of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) in recent years highlights the region’s growing importance. The Quad countries have committed to a rules-based order and a free and open Indo-Pacific, and are aiming to develop resilience across domains, such as in the maritime space, to counter and deter aggressive

Escalate to deter the Pakistan army
May 05, 2017

Escalate to deter the Pakistan army

It is the fear of escalation, which the Pakistan army has masked behind bombastic threats, that India needs to exploit.

High on Revenue, Low on Capital: India’s Defence Budget 2023-24
Feb 11, 2023

High on Revenue, Low on Capital: India’s Defence Budget 2023-24

This brief examines India’s defence budget for 2023-24. It outlines the economic context for India’s latest defence allocations, and examines the drivers of growth, the broad distribution of resources among the defence forces, and the impact of such distribution on modernisation and the domestic defence industry. The brief posits that the new defence budget, coming on the back of a hefty mid-year upward revision of the previous alloca

How hypersonic weapons are redefining warfare
May 02, 2024

How hypersonic weapons are redefining warfare

Given the growing relevance of hypersonic weapons, India needs to accelerate its efforts in their development and in the deterrence of these weapons.

Improving India's capability to account for growing Chinese air power
Sep 04, 2012

Improving India's capability to account for growing Chinese air power

Noting that the objective of the armed forces is not to win wars but to prevent wars, there was a consensus at an ORF discussion that India needs to overcome its deficiencies in order to create a credible deterrence.

India now controls the escalation ladder
Oct 05, 2016

India now controls the escalation ladder

The deterrence game between India and Pakistan has changed dramatically with India’s decision to conduct a military strike across the Line of Contro

India’s nuclear arsenal recently went up the sophistication curve
Jan 11, 2022

India’s nuclear arsenal recently went up the sophistication curve

Our hypersonic Shaurya and canisterized Agni capabilities aim to preserve strategic deterrence and thus maintain stability

India’s nuclear triad: still a work in progress
May 10, 2023

India’s nuclear triad: still a work in progress

The 160 warheads and new delivery vehicles that India possesses are enough to convey resolve to opponents and make deterrence credible

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty
Oct 10, 2019

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty

Since war is a contest between animate entities, how is it possible for India to escape the realities of confrontation with both Pakistan and China?

Is the “defence-alone” strategy sufficient to create secure cyberspace?
Nov 19, 2016

Is the “defence-alone” strategy sufficient to create secure cyberspace?

Poor prosecution and conviction rates fail to act as deterrents. Credible deterrence needs to be created with successful prosecutions in cyberspace.

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile
Mar 27, 2024

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile

MIRV is a complex technology, and India’s test this week puts it among a small group of countries that have managed to develop it.