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324 results found

Demand-Inducing Stimulus as Covid19 Response: A Case for Debt Monetisation
May 11, 2023

Demand-Inducing Stimulus as Covid19 Response: A Case for Debt Monetisation

As India reels from the economic fallout of Covid-19 despite the announcement of a relief package, calls for a more refined and demand-inducing stimulus have emerged. However, the bleak state of the government’s coffers has left limited fiscal space to act. This brief explains the plausibility of financing a demand-inducing stimulus using debt monetisation as a one-time policy measure. Outlining the criticisms against such proposals and how the

Demand-Supply dynamics in Bangladesh’s energy sector
Dec 29, 2022

Demand-Supply dynamics in Bangladesh’s energy sector

While Bangladesh is trying to address the domestic demand for energy, if the supply-side problems remain unchecked, it will impact the living standard

A century of giving up beef: Muslims demand nationwide ban on cow slaughter
Aug 12, 2019

A century of giving up beef: Muslims demand nationwide ban on cow slaughter

The majority of Muslim leadership in India has, all along, been always in favour of a nationwide ban on cow slaughter, but somehow successive regimes

Boosting demand in the Indian economy: Role of formal and inclusive labour markets
Aug 06, 2020

Boosting demand in the Indian economy: Role of formal and inclusive labour markets

Reviving the economy will require addressing the two major challenges — of a rising informal labour force, and slackening demand.

Bridging Water Demand and Supply Gap in Delhi
Jun 24, 2020

Bridging Water Demand and Supply Gap in Delhi

In this article, the situation of water supply and disposal in Delhi is described. The analysis reveals that Delhi government is lagging behind in ser

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting
Aug 19, 2020

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting

The Delhi government is facing numerous challenges in managing water demand and supply in the capital, primary of which are water shortages and declining groundwater levels. One of the strategies that are being employed to address these issues is the promotion of rainwater harvesting (RWH). This report provides an account of the growth and development of Delhi’s RWH sector. The analysis shows that while the programme has met with some success,

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting
Aug 19, 2020

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting

The Delhi government is facing numerous challenges in managing water demand and supply in the capital, primary of which are water shortages and declining groundwater levels. One of the strategies that are being employed to address these issues is the promotion of rainwater harvesting (RWH). This report provides an account of the growth and development of Delhi’s RWH sector. The analysis shows that while the programme has met with some success,

Can plant protein be the solution to India's supply vs demand conundrum
Feb 27, 2021

Can plant protein be the solution to India's supply vs demand conundrum

India is the largest producer of pulses, accounting for 25 percent of the world's output yet 70 percent of Indians are protein deficient

Challenges and opportunities for India: An assessment of the 20th Report on Demands for Grants
Apr 18, 2023

Challenges and opportunities for India: An assessment of the 20th Report on Demands for Grants

As India anchors itself as an emerging pole in this multipolar world order, it is crucial to understand the operational requirements of the Ministry o

China demands a comprehensive strategy, not crisis management
Jun 25, 2020

China demands a comprehensive strategy, not crisis management

India needs to overhaul how it deals with China, and India’s military apparatus itself needs its own strategic rethink if it is to play a meaningful

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?
Apr 27, 2023

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?

In India, heat waves in 2021 and 2022 increased the demand for coal-based power. This trend is likely to continue in 2023.

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap
Dec 27, 2012

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap

Coal companies can achieve a great deal if they strategise action plans to improve mine productivity, capital equipment utilisation, mine recovery ratio etc., to international standards. There is also urgent need for introducing more advanced technologies and modern management systems.

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand
May 01, 2022

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand

India is facing a sudden shortage in power generation in power plants amidst the scorching summer heat.

Don’t have unrealistic demands from Sunak
Oct 31, 2022

Don’t have unrealistic demands from Sunak

The bilateral relationship is growing due to a newfound convergence in their strategic orientation. Let’s not burden Sunak with unrealistic expectations.

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?
Mar 16, 2024

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?

Trends in consumption growth in the last two decades suggest that IEA’s expectation of a decline in demand for petrol in India on account of growth

Fostering market demand for green industries
Jun 09, 2021

Fostering market demand for green industries

It is important to not only bridge the demand gap for an optimal transition to green growth, but also create appropriate legal frameworks to actualise

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035
Jan 28, 2014

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035

The chief economist of BP Group, Mr. Christof Ruehl, says the industrial sector is less flexible in India than in China and that this could drive the energy demand in 2012-2035 period. He also predicts that China's industrialisation will continue even if it changes its economy structure.

Iran rejects West's demand to stop enrichment
Oct 17, 2013

Iran rejects West's demand to stop enrichment

The Iranian deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs has said that Iran will not withdraw from its right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. Iran has said that uranium enrichment and protection of the rights of the Iranian nation

No, domestic demand alone won't induce foreign investors to come to India
Jul 09, 2019

No, domestic demand alone won't induce foreign investors to come to India

Thinking India can induce enough private investment just because of the size of its market is a big mistake

Nurturing sustainable food systems amidst climate change and global food demand
Aug 31, 2023

Nurturing sustainable food systems amidst climate change and global food demand

There is an urgent need for sustainable and resilient food systems to guarantee sustainable diets that are nutritious and aligned with the evolving ec

Renewable energy in India: The demand for land
Mar 16, 2023

Renewable energy in India: The demand for land

The rush to install RE capacity could come at the expense of forest cover thus increasing India’s annual carbon emissions

Restoration of 4G no favour to J&K; People demand reparations
Feb 08, 2021

Restoration of 4G no favour to J&K; People demand reparations

After 550 days of restrictions, 4G has been restored in Jammu and Kashmir — now at par with rest of the country.

Revving up demand is key to economic revival
Mar 03, 2020

Revving up demand is key to economic revival

There has to be an increase in government expenditure in labour-intensive industries and it cannot just rely on the monetary policy through interest rate cuts to stimulate demand.

Running dry: Dissecting India’s water demand-supply gaps
Mar 21, 2024

Running dry: Dissecting India’s water demand-supply gaps

India's historical inclination to address water deficits by focusing on supply-side parameters underscores the urgency to implement a stringent water

Rural sector needs stimulus to revive demand and economy
Oct 03, 2019

Rural sector needs stimulus to revive demand and economy

Much depends on the corporate sector and how it uses the money saved from tax to increase investment, which will help create jobs that will in turn in

Shrinking Chinese demand, loan volumes weaken Africa’s growth prospects
Jun 12, 2024

Shrinking Chinese demand, loan volumes weaken Africa’s growth prospects

Africa's economic dependence on China means the latter’s slowdown and shift to green and high-tech sectors harm Africa's economic prospect

Spurt in domestic demand needed to fuel growth
Aug 01, 2015

Spurt in domestic demand needed to fuel growth

A spurt in domestic demand can prove to be the most important impetus for growth of the Indian economy in 2015-16. Then India will not have to be reliant entirely on export led growth. China is also following this strategy as its dependence on the global economic forces have gone beyond its control.

Stoke demand to stop India slowing down
Oct 05, 2019

Stoke demand to stop India slowing down

Even this is optimistic and we could as well be seeing sub 5 per cent growth.

Summer power demand surge: Challenges for India’s energy transition
Dec 27, 2023

Summer power demand surge: Challenges for India’s energy transition

An increase in temperature not only increases electricity demand but also increases carbon emissions, posing a challenge to India’s energy transitio

Supplying more credit will not solve the problem of credit demand
Oct 13, 2020

Supplying more credit will not solve the problem of credit demand

Credit demand is the problem — not credit supply.

The supply of COVID-19 vaccines has improved, but has demand for it saturated in India?
Oct 20, 2021

The supply of COVID-19 vaccines has improved, but has demand for it saturated in India?

The government intends to vaccinate the entire adult population by 31st December, but the decreasing demand for vaccines signals a rough last lap to a

UN honour for Bangladesh: Demands new approach in visualizing the country
Oct 05, 2010

UN honour for Bangladesh: Demands new approach in visualizing the country

On September 19, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed received a UN award for the country's extraordinary performance in reducing child mortality rate, a millennium developmental goal (MDG).

Unrest in Tunisia, protestors demand dissolution of government
Aug 05, 2013

Unrest in Tunisia, protestors demand dissolution of government

Protests broke out in Tunisia after opposition politician Mohamed Brahmi was assassinated outside his home on 25 July, 2013. His assassination is not the first in recent months.

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention
Jul 07, 2018

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention

It is essential that the government goes ahead and tables the NSRA Bill.

10k apiece: Will corporate bonds matter now in India?
Jun 10, 2024

10k apiece: Will corporate bonds matter now in India?

The recent approval by SEBI to reduce the face value of privately placed debt securities can boost demand for corporate bonds, but the impacts of this

2020 के दशक की मांग है कि शहरों के बुनियादी ढांचे की मरम्मत और आधुनिकीकरण हो
Jan 21, 2020

2020 के दशक की मांग है कि शहरों के बुनियादी ढांचे की मरम्मत और आधुनिकीकरण हो

2020 के साल का इस्तेमाल हमें शहरी बुनियादी ढांचे की मरम्मत औ

2020-21 के लिए अस्थायी जीडीपी अनुमान उपभोक्ता मांग में लगातार कमी की पुष्टि करता है
Aug 19, 2021

2020-21 के लिए अस्थायी जीडीपी अनुमान उपभोक्ता मांग में लगातार कमी की पुष्टि करता है

भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए इस मोड़ पर दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण बा�

A call to leadership
Jan 14, 2013

A call to leadership

The UPA government has allowed the withering away of the Prime Minister's Office as the ultimate source of authority in policy-making. The latest developments on the Indo-Pak LoC demand that the Congress party focus urgently on revamping the defence establishment and reclaiming the PMO's authority to coordinate national security policy.

A first for the IPCC: The social aspects of mitigation of climate change
Apr 11, 2022

A first for the IPCC: The social aspects of mitigation of climate change

This year’s IPCC covers the demand-side mitigation and states that it can help reduce emission by 40-70 percent by 2050