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Cyber Sovereignty: In Search of Definitions, Exploring Implications
Aug 17, 2023

Cyber Sovereignty: In Search of Definitions, Exploring Implications

The increasing dependence on the internet across the spectrum is pushing some states to adopt measures to exert their sovereignty over cyberspace. Certain global events have also acted as a catalyst for states to pursue cyber sovereignty. The involvement of multiple stakeholders and the borderless character of the virtual world have made sovereignty a complex affair in this domain. This brief seeks to illuminate the concept of ‘cyber so

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?
Nov 02, 2020

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?

As the theatre of the ‘new great game’, East and Southeast Asia present the US with a choice - defend the existing rules-based order or allow inte

Foreign fighters in Ukraine – A definitional dilemma
Mar 12, 2022

Foreign fighters in Ukraine – A definitional dilemma

As foreign fighters pour into Ukraine to assist it, questions are raised about what would become of these volunteers as the definition of “foreign f

21वीं सदी में दुनिया का हर देश गढ़ रहा है अपने माक़ूल गुट-निरपेक्षता की परिभाषा
Aug 28, 2020

21वीं सदी में दुनिया का हर देश गढ़ रहा है अपने माक़ूल गुट-निरपेक्षता की परिभाषा

मध्यम दर्जे की ताक़तें आज चीन और अमेरिका के बीच संघर्ष मे�

Behind the lines of credit
Mar 30, 2015

Behind the lines of credit

The Modi government must now attempt to transition India's economic engagements towards a more deliberate, durable and definitional framework. Well-administered LoCs offer a great avenue to do this -- and therefore must be given commensurate strategic priority and attention.

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options
May 24, 2012

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options

The key to a stable future in the Subcontinent might lie in producing the long overdue structural change inside Pakistan and with it the definition of its interests in Afghanistan and India. As it grasps at the slim chance of reordering the relationship with Pakistan, India will need all the support it can get from the US.

Bigger, Not Necessarily Better: India’s Defence Budget 2022-23
Aug 11, 2023

Bigger, Not Necessarily Better: India’s Defence Budget 2022-23

This brief examines India’s defence allocations for 2022-23. It outlines the conceptual and definitional aspects of the defence budget, examines defence allocations from the prism of state of the economy and public finance, and explores the potential impacts of the budget announcements on the defence production sector of the government’s self-reliance mission, Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. The analysis also utilises a comparison of India’s mi

Cauvery is a national river, no state owns it
Feb 19, 2018

Cauvery is a national river, no state owns it

Much in departure to this existing thinking of water being State subject, thereby, leading to divergent definitions of property rights, the Supreme Court has observed that water of the Cauvery river was a “national asset and no single state could claim ownership over it”.

China’s expanding military footprint in Africa
Sep 04, 2017

China’s expanding military footprint in Africa

China’s growing military profile in Africa is following its economic footprint in the continent as exemplified by the Chinese “logistics support base” in Djibouti. It is moving towards an ever more expansive definition of its global interests, as its business in Africa pushes it to create new mechanisms for securing those interests, including its own growing military footprint abroad. This brief examines the changing nature of China’s inv

Command and Ctrl: India’s Place in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons Regime
May 25, 2016

Command and Ctrl: India’s Place in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons Regime

Technological advancement in artificial intelligence has created a situation where the deployment of Lethal Autonomous Weapons has become practically, if not legally, possible within a few years. As the international community struggles to arrive at a definition of ‘autonomous weapons’, the need to regulate their use has become paramount. Apart from the legal and ethical considerations in the use of autonomous weapons, there are also con

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World
May 02, 2022

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World

The Covid-19 vaccination rollout has been slow in many parts of the world, and it might not be inaccurate to say that the newer, more transmissible variants have done a better job at immunising populations than the vaccine. More than 16 months since the global vaccination drive was started, wealthier countries have inoculated vastly higher proportions of their populations compared to the poorer ones. For example, as of late April 2022, the United

Cryptocurrency's classification conundrum
Jun 22, 2023

Cryptocurrency's classification conundrum

While there is no explicit definition of cryptocurrencies under India’s regulatory framework, the focus is on investor protection, anti-money launde

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad
Sep 20, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad

This paper investigates, in the context of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, the burgeoning threats posed by cyber mercenaries acting as proxies for revisionist states bent on destabilising the institutions and societies of adversary nations. The paper offers essential definitions of what comprises cybersecurity threats, including cyber mercenaries, and delineates current trends. Drawing on open-source intelligence and insights from cy

From niche to norm: Crypto's journey to mainstream adoption?
Jan 22, 2024

From niche to norm: Crypto's journey to mainstream adoption?

The prospect of a Bitcoin ETF in India appears distant, however, a few financial platforms may offer a potential avenue for Indian investors

Integrating the social dimension in climate transition under G20’s Sustainable Finance Working Group
Oct 18, 2022

Integrating the social dimension in climate transition under G20’s Sustainable Finance Working Group

The G20 is well-positioned to create frameworks for just transition that can provide common definitions, understanding and principles to aid internati

Intelligence Agencies in India: Need for a public interface
Aug 23, 2023

Intelligence Agencies in India: Need for a public interface

Today's intelligence agencies operate in highly complex environments. Cold War definitions and understanding of threats have long become redundant. Threats are multiple, layered, networked, diffused and transcend social and spatial boundaries.

Nepal’s BRI-shaped dilemma
Aug 09, 2023

Nepal’s BRI-shaped dilemma

Blurred definitions and unilateral declarations on Beijing’s part have left Nepal struggling to define the BRI.

One year since the Christchurch Call to Action: A Review
May 24, 2023

One year since the Christchurch Call to Action: A Review

This brief analyses the impact of the Christchurch Call to Action, issued to gather countries and technology companies to stop the use of the internet for disseminating violent extremist content. The Call was the result of a summit organised shortly after a terrorist attack in New Zealand in March 2019. This brief finds that the Call lacks clear conceptual definitions and is singularly focused on social media platforms. It also raises questions a

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation
Aug 24, 2017

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation

Paradiplomacy as it is conducted by sub-state governments introduces the idea of decentralisation of political power to make regional governments prominent actors in the international sphere. This paper examines the scope for subnational diplomacy in India, as the country seeks to appreciate the significance of federalism and regionalism in promoting local interests, as well as identity, in current international politics. Regional governments ope

Re-imagining Climate Finance
Aug 16, 2023

Re-imagining Climate Finance

The international community has been engaged in negotiations around climate finance for three decades now, and working definitions continue to assign the role of funder to advanced economies, and that of recipient, to emerging ones. This brief makes a case for expanding such narrow definitions. It calls on countries such as India to re-imagine not only the idea of climate finance but also the mechanisms of raising funds and the channels f

Subsidies to fossil fuels in India: Too much?
Jun 29, 2024

Subsidies to fossil fuels in India: Too much?

In India, fossil fuel subsidies dominate over support for renewable energy, creating complexities despite varying subsidy definitions

The economic rationale for reshuffling global value chains
Dec 30, 2020

The economic rationale for reshuffling global value chains

The definition of international relations in the next decade remains an important aspect feeding uncertainty about how the value chains reshuffling wi

The Pathway to Affordable Housing in Urban India: A Case Study of Mumbai
Apr 25, 2023

The Pathway to Affordable Housing in Urban India: A Case Study of Mumbai

The affordable housing challenge plagues cities across India. Although city administrations have framed various strategies to tackle the issue, weak implementation, flawed policies, and an inherent lack of capacity to find longterm solutions have allowed slums to proliferate as an alternative. This paper examines the affordable housing issue in Greater Mumbai. Since affordability is not absolute but relative to the development stage and income di

Threats to the Environment in the Indo-Pacific: Strategic Implications
Mar 11, 2022

Threats to the Environment in the Indo-Pacific: Strategic Implications

The Indo-Pacific region is confronting emerging challenges that go beyond the traditional definition of “security.” Among the most crucial are threats to the environment, including natural hazards such as cyclones and tsunamis; illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing and overfishing; and marine pollution. This report underlines the strategic implications of these environmental issues in the Indo-Pacific. It outlines the measures tha

US walks a tightrope on Khashoggi report
Mar 05, 2021

US walks a tightrope on Khashoggi report

In Saudi Arabia, the Biden administration is trying to walk a fine line between a robust interpretation of US interests and a softer definition of US values. For all his flaws, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has embarked on an ambitious and perilous mission to ‘normalise’ Saudi Arabia. The process isn’t democratic and there are times when reform & repression travel side by side.

Using ICT to improve learning outcomes in India’s schools
Jul 10, 2019

Using ICT to improve learning outcomes in India’s schools

The effective usage of ICT and the implementation of personalised education programmes can ensure significant changes in the learning processes in sch

Using shared cultural heritage of South Asia for conflict resolutions
Sep 04, 2012

Using shared cultural heritage of South Asia for conflict resolutions

The SAARC region needed to be rescued from colonial era cultural definitions as they were too narrow and a broader range was sought to create cultural zones within the natural boundaries, argues well-known Sri Lankan archeologist Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne.

आयात की निगेटिव लिस्ट से रक्षा में आत्मनिर्भर नहीं हो जाएंगे
Jun 09, 2021

आयात की निगेटिव लिस्ट से रक्षा में आत्मनिर्भर नहीं हो जाएंगे

बयानों और उस पर अमल के बीच अंतर न सिर्फ़ रक्षा आधुनिकीकरण

फ़ैसला 2019: भारतीय राजनीति की नई परिभाषा गढ़ते नरेंद्र मोदी!
May 23, 2019

फ़ैसला 2019: भारतीय राजनीति की नई परिभाषा गढ़ते नरेंद्र मोदी!

भारतीय समाज और यहां का राजतंत्र  इस बात को समझने में बुरी �

बेकार होते सामाजिक सुरक्षा योजनाओं की जगह नये मॉडल अपनाने की ज़रूरत
Feb 11, 2020

बेकार होते सामाजिक सुरक्षा योजनाओं की जगह नये मॉडल अपनाने की ज़रूरत

सामाजिक सुरक्षा कार्यक्रमों के वैश्विक विस्तार में अहम �

भडकलेल्या भूराजकारणाचा नवा शब्दसंग्रह
Oct 30, 2023

भडकलेल्या भूराजकारणाचा नवा शब्दसंग्रह

या वर्षाच्या शेवटी एक नवा शब्द मेरियम-वेबस्टरच्या शब्दक�

लोकतंत्र की नयी परिभाषा गढ़ने की कोशिश में चीन
Jan 03, 2022

लोकतंत्र की नयी परिभाषा गढ़ने की कोशिश में चीन

अंदरूनी और बाहरी चुनौतियों ने चीन को चीनी समाज का आर्थिक �