Search: For - cybersecurity

233 results found

Cybersecurity for inclusive digital transformation in Africa
Oct 26, 2022

Cybersecurity for inclusive digital transformation in Africa

Bridging the digital divide in Africa will not be possible without adequate people-centred cybersecurity measures

Cybersecurity in an age of insecurity
May 31, 2018

Cybersecurity in an age of insecurity

Over the years, the variety and intensity of cyber attacks have multiplied exponentially, even as many states have been struggling to arrive at framework for cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity in the Quantum Age
Mar 28, 2022

Cybersecurity in the Quantum Age

In the age of quantum computing and technology, India needs to devise a multi-stakeholder approach to secure its cyberspace

Cybersecurity threats from online gaming
Aug 04, 2023

Cybersecurity threats from online gaming

There is an urgent need for governments and policymakers around the world to start paying more attention to the gaming industry as cybersecurity threa

Cybersecurity Threats in Online Gaming: Learnings for India
Jan 10, 2024

Cybersecurity Threats in Online Gaming: Learnings for India

This brief examines the rapid growth of the global online gaming industry and the consequent increase in cyber threats. Issues such as microtransactions, money laundering, and predatory practices by developers can stymie the industry’s growth potential if not addressed. Many countries’ current gaming-focused regulatory frameworks do not cover these challenges and will need to be revised. India—a significant gaming market—must also conside

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks
Sep 30, 2017

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks

International cooperation for cybersecurity is paramount in enabling all countries to make use of developmental potential of the Internet.

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation
Feb 27, 2024

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation

The European Union’s (EU) and India’s paths towards becoming “cyber powers” could hardly be more different. The EU has a long tradition of protecting personal privacy rights and patents, while urging to enhance multilateral norms on cyberspace. India’s thinking on cybersecurity has continuously been boosted by the cyber threats emerging from China and Pakistan. It has further been shaped by India’s domestic Information Technology indu

Beefing up cybersecurity for India’s energy transition
Oct 07, 2023

Beefing up cybersecurity for India’s energy transition

To create a world-class clean energy ecosystem in India that is safe, all stakeholders must work collectively to develop all critical components and a

Challenges in applying the EU Cybersecurity Index globally
Jun 05, 2024

Challenges in applying the EU Cybersecurity Index globally

The world needs cyber resilience with preventive measures to minimize threats. Redesigning the CSI with separate sub-indices for prevention and deterr

From reactive to proactive: Japan’s advances in cybersecurity and cyber defence strategies
Mar 27, 2024

From reactive to proactive: Japan’s advances in cybersecurity and cyber defence strategies

Japan's efforts to elevate its cybersecurity are transforming its defence capabilities across land, sea, air, and outer space, marking a shift in its

India’s cybersecurity priorities for G20 Presidency
Dec 04, 2022

India’s cybersecurity priorities for G20 Presidency

India now has the opportunity to spearhead a global partnership to build a safe cyberspace and to prioritise cybersecurity concerns

India’s space cybersecurity mesh: Criticality and call of purple revolution
Mar 20, 2023

India’s space cybersecurity mesh: Criticality and call of purple revolution

It is high time to integrate India’s innovative perspectives, technical intelligence, and engineering abilities to secure its space journey

Leveraging the EU-India Cybersecurity Partnership
Mar 03, 2023

Leveraging the EU-India Cybersecurity Partnership

Both partners should utilise existing diplomatic channels to enhance mutual security and cooperation

Post-Quantum Cryptography: The lynchpin of future cybersecurity
Dec 04, 2023

Post-Quantum Cryptography: The lynchpin of future cybersecurity

With the number of data breaches multiplying rapidly over the years, India must ensure the timely migration to PQC algorithms across all sectors, part

Quad Vadis? A Risk Assessment of the Quad’s Emerging Cybersecurity Partnership
Aug 17, 2023

Quad Vadis? A Risk Assessment of the Quad’s Emerging Cybersecurity Partnership

The Quad’s growing effort to shape international norms and rules in the Indo-Pacific is taking place in an environment fraught with multiple challenges. China’s assertive rise as well as internal differences within the group pose significant risks to the plurilateral platform’s mission of creating a free, open, and secure Indo-Pacific. Focusing on the Quad’s cybersecurity cooperation, this brief examines the various internal and e

The Future of Cybersecurity is in Silicon
Nov 02, 2021

The Future of Cybersecurity is in Silicon

Silicon-based security, including cryptography, secure storage, attestation and authentication, will enable developers to leverage hardware-based functions to secure their products and services.

#AIForAll: कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता के लिए केंद्रीय नियामक मुद्दे
Jul 29, 2023

#AIForAll: कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता के लिए केंद्रीय नियामक मुद्दे

कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता (Artificial Intelligence) के नियमन के वास्ते एक उपयु

#China: देश में विभिन्न धर्मों को नियंत्रित करने की चीन की क़वायद!
Sep 20, 2022

#China: देश में विभिन्न धर्मों को नियंत्रित करने की चीन की क़वायद!

CCP ज़बरदस्ती और सहयोगिता- दोनों का इस्तेमाल ये सुनिश्चित �

#Cyber Security: क्वॉन्टम युग में साइबर सुरक्षा
Jul 31, 2023

#Cyber Security: क्वॉन्टम युग में साइबर सुरक्षा

क्वॉन्टम कम्प्यूटिंग और तकनीक के युग में अपने साइबर संसा

#Cyber Security: राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा में जियोस्पेशियल डेटा की अहमियत की पड़ताल
Jul 31, 2022

#Cyber Security: राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा में जियोस्पेशियल डेटा की अहमियत की पड़ताल

जियोस्पेशियल डेटा के नियमन से जुड़ी क़वायद को समझदारी से

#Cyber Space: क्या साइबर की दुनिया में‘प्रभुत्व’के सहारे साइबर ‘अराजकता’ पर लगाम लग पायेगा?
Dec 28, 2022

#Cyber Space: क्या साइबर की दुनिया में‘प्रभुत्व’के सहारे साइबर ‘अराजकता’ पर लगाम लग पायेगा?

जैसे-जैसे दुनिया साइबर मानदंड स्थापित करने की ओर बढ़ रही �

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!
Oct 06, 2022

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!

भारत को साइबर युद्ध को लेकर ज़्यादा सक्रिय रवैया अपनाने �

#G20 India: भारत की G20 अध्यक्षता और साइबर सुरक्षा से जुड़ी प्राथमिकताएं!
Dec 28, 2022

#G20 India: भारत की G20 अध्यक्षता और साइबर सुरक्षा से जुड़ी प्राथमिकताएं!

G20 के अध्यक्ष के रूप में भारत के पास अब एक सुरक्षित साइबरस्

#JammuKashmir: कश्मीर घाटी में टेरर फाइनैंसिंग, नार्कोटिक्स और इंटेलिजेंस नेटवर्क
Jul 21, 2022

#JammuKashmir: कश्मीर घाटी में टेरर फाइनैंसिंग, नार्कोटिक्स और इंटेलिजेंस नेटवर्क

Jammu and Kashmir: आतंकवादियों को उपलब्ध वित्तीय सहायता (Terror Financing in Kashmir)

#Maritime Operations: आईएनएस विक्रांत और समंदर में कार्यवाही!
Sep 09, 2022

#Maritime Operations: आईएनएस विक्रांत और समंदर में कार्यवाही!

एयरक्राफ्ट कैरियर (विमानवाहक पोत) हिंद महासागर में भारत �

#Metaverse: वो आभासी नई दुनिया जो हर किसी के लिये समान रूप से उपलब्ध हो!
Jul 30, 2023

#Metaverse: वो आभासी नई दुनिया जो हर किसी के लिये समान रूप से उपलब्ध हो!

सभी के लिए आसानी से पहुंच होने का वादा करने वाले पिछले आवि

#Tech and Quad: क्वॉड और तक़नीकी मानकों की विकट समस्या
Jun 21, 2022

#Tech and Quad: क्वॉड और तक़नीकी मानकों की विकट समस्या

5Gi का मामला वैश्विक तकनीकी व्यवस्था के निर्माण में महत्वप

21वीं सदी के वे अधिकार-क्षेत्र (Domains) जहाँ संघर्ष अपने चरम पर होगा!
Aug 09, 2023

21वीं सदी के वे अधिकार-क्षेत्र (Domains) जहाँ संघर्ष अपने चरम पर होगा!

तक़नीकी परिवर्तन के साथ सामाजिक बदलाव आता है साथ ही आयोज�

A matter of trust: How New Delhi sees the Quad tech partnership
Dec 17, 2022

A matter of trust: How New Delhi sees the Quad tech partnership

The Quad tech partnership is rooted in how it complements the broader strategic and economic objectives of each Quad member

A Proposed Architecture for a Central Bank Digital Currency for India
Jul 14, 2023

A Proposed Architecture for a Central Bank Digital Currency for India

Most central banks across the globe are today seized with the idea of cryptocurrency, with countries like Sweden and China already embarking on their pilot projects. This paper argues that most of the proposed architectures for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) are not designed to mimic the paper currency in its digital form. It proposes an architecture that largely retains all the properties of a paper currency, with only one limitation—i

A relevant BRICS: Reimagining global economic reform
Feb 27, 2024

A relevant BRICS: Reimagining global economic reform

As BRICS navigates the evolving global economic landscape, its trade, investment, and finance progress underscores its significance as a transformativ

A Second Quad in the Making in the Middle East?
Jun 01, 2023

A Second Quad in the Making in the Middle East?

Both the U.S. and India are exploring additional combinations of partnerships in the Middle East.

A.I. Systems as Digital Public Goods: Exploring the Potential of Open-Source A.I.
Feb 08, 2023

A.I. Systems as Digital Public Goods: Exploring the Potential of Open-Source A.I.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are showing promise in addressing the complex and interrelated challenges facing the world. During the pandemic, for example, AI voice enablement helped in broadcasting advisories in the vernacular and acted as a fact-checking tool. Yet, most AI systems are designed and developed in countries of the Global North. Policymakers in developing economies remain wary of AI systems, especially for use in soci

AIIMS पर हुए साइबर हमले ने ‘भारत’ की महत्वपूर्ण कमज़ोरियों को उजागर किया है!
Dec 28, 2022

AIIMS पर हुए साइबर हमले ने ‘भारत’ की महत्वपूर्ण कमज़ोरियों को उजागर किया है!

डिजिटलीकरण की कोशिशों के चलते भारत आज साइबर हमलों का निश�

BBNL-BSNL का विलय: एक लड़खड़ाती संस्था के पत्थर से टकराने जैसा है
Jun 17, 2022

BBNL-BSNL का विलय: एक लड़खड़ाती संस्था के पत्थर से टकराने जैसा है

ये समझ से परे है कि बीबीएनएल- बीएसएनएल के विलय से गांवों त�

Behind a mysterious budget increase lies a tale of ‘Make-in-India’ critical system chips
Mar 31, 2017

Behind a mysterious budget increase lies a tale of ‘Make-in-India’ critical system chips

The National Security Council Secretariat, headed by top spy Ajit Doval, may have gotten a staggering 311% increase in funds this year to tackle issues at the intersection of cybersecurity and nuclear weapon delivery systems.

Biden’s cyber conundrum: Virtual invasion
Mar 28, 2023

Biden’s cyber conundrum: Virtual invasion

The cyber threats emanating from China raise the need for an effective international bulwark against cyber-attacks

Building blocks of a digital powerhouse: Data centres in India
Mar 30, 2024

Building blocks of a digital powerhouse: Data centres in India

India, with its burgeoning digital landscape, needs to understand the significance of data centres and make substantial investments to harness their p