Search: For - coal

393 results found

Coal and correction
Jun 03, 2014

Coal and correction

Governance of the energy sector in general and the coal sector in particular has to radically change if India wants to take advantage of its vast coal resources. It must be understood that coal is the only fuel that India has in abundance and it must be exploited to the fullest.

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots
Jul 15, 2022

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots

With the increase in demand for coal, the only viable option left for the government is to go against its policy of self-reliance with coal beneficiat

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?
Apr 27, 2023

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?

In India, heat waves in 2021 and 2022 increased the demand for coal-based power. This trend is likely to continue in 2023.

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap
Dec 27, 2012

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap

Coal companies can achieve a great deal if they strategise action plans to improve mine productivity, capital equipment utilisation, mine recovery ratio etc., to international standards. There is also urgent need for introducing more advanced technologies and modern management systems.

Coal Pricing in India: The high cost of low Prices 
Aug 08, 2022

Coal Pricing in India: The high cost of low Prices 

The coal pricing in India is regulated and deregulated by the government from time to time leading to a rise in the actual delivered price of coal.

Coal production by the private sector in India: The perils of promise
Jan 09, 2024

Coal production by the private sector in India: The perils of promise

The fundamental crisis in the coal sector is not only the lack of transparency but rather the need for efficient markets for fuel that can keep up wit

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand
May 01, 2022

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand

India is facing a sudden shortage in power generation in power plants amidst the scorching summer heat.

Coal stock shocks in India
Nov 06, 2021

Coal stock shocks in India

While the Indian coal sector is undergoing a crisis, it is also worth analysing the issues surrounding solar and other renewable energy sources.

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables
May 24, 2023

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables

By 2030, RE is expected to have the largest share in power generation capacity

Coalition government and future of South Africa’s foreign policy
Jun 18, 2024

Coalition government and future of South Africa’s foreign policy

With some political manoeuvrability and the strong leadership of President Ramaphosa, the ANC is expected to continue to remain in power.

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Coal Mines, 1971
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Coal Mines, 1971

In terms of outcomes, the first decade of coal nationalisation saw “political patronage of mafia activities” and bureaucratic corruption.

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests
Sep 15, 2020

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests

New Delhi, Tehran and Moscow could coordinate their efforts on Afghanistan as the US exits

As coalition talks fail in Germany, instability is the new normal
Nov 21, 2017

As coalition talks fail in Germany, instability is the new normal

There are only two possible ways out of the current stalemate in Germany.

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

China and India postpone peak coal
Oct 15, 2021

China and India postpone peak coal

Coal consumption sees a resurgence as countries attempt to balance between increasing demands for energy and slow supply of renewables. A new challeng

China’s green promise in Africa: The case of Zimbabwe’s Sengwa coal power plant
Jun 09, 2020

China’s green promise in Africa: The case of Zimbabwe’s Sengwa coal power plant

China should be urged to respect its international obligations to reduce green emissions while the Zimbabwean government must be encouraged to be a re

Decarbonising coal use in India: Role of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage
May 31, 2023

Decarbonising coal use in India: Role of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage

The complex and elaborate coal network that underpins energy provision and social support in India should be complemented with CCUS for decarbonisatio

Dynamics of Importing Coal: Lessons for India
May 11, 2023

Dynamics of Importing Coal: Lessons for India

The Indian industrial sector has slowed down and reviving it is an immense challenge, given problems in the availability of power. Many states across the country have been facing daily power cuts of upto six hours; the situation is only worsening despite measures being taken by the government such as sprucing up coal supplies.

Emerging coalition of jihad
Apr 10, 2006

Emerging coalition of jihad

With Al Qaeda far from being vanquished, and Pakistan and Bangladesh inevitably turning into jihadi outposts in the emerging pan-Islamist network in Asia, India is more than likely to be caught in the vicious tail-wind of the next wave of terrorism, gathering momentum since 9/11.

End monopoly in Coal sector by introducing competition, say experts
Feb 23, 2010

End monopoly in Coal sector by introducing competition, say experts

India is the third largest coal producer and the coal industry one of the oldest sectors of commercial involvement

Financing the end of coal: The market case for decarbonising India's energy sector
Nov 12, 2021

Financing the end of coal: The market case for decarbonising India's energy sector

For India to conform to the coal-free trend, more foreign capital flow needs to be diverted to green sectors.

Four Walls and a Bubble: Coal and the ABC of India's energy security
Oct 27, 2014

Four Walls and a Bubble: Coal and the ABC of India's energy security

In all the hype and hyperbole about what to do with coal blocks, the plain fact is that the real danger lies in our coal reserves turning valueless for the country, of no benefit to the owner - the people of the land. They will be value less if we don't extract them before they turn un-burnable by climate action a few decades from now.

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal
Nov 22, 2021

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal

Instead of pioneering new, green technologies, coal-dependent nations continue to rely on expensive energy technologies of the wealthier world.

Future of coal: Financial consequences
Oct 12, 2020

Future of coal: Financial consequences

The coal sector as a whole faces the problem of stranded asset on account of competition from renewable ― and policies changing globally ― away fr

Growth in coal production in India: Inching towards peak coal?
Mar 30, 2024

Growth in coal production in India: Inching towards peak coal?

The global shift in coal consumption towards Asia, led by China and India, signifies a looming peak in coal demand by the early 2030s.

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?
Jun 06, 2022

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?

India's increasing use of imported coal undermines the country's strategy of being "self-reliant" in the energy security sector.

Improvement in coal quality: Theory and practice in India
Jun 24, 2024

Improvement in coal quality: Theory and practice in India

Improving coal quality theoretically enhances combustion efficiency and reduces pollution. However, in reality, navigating technical trade-offs, econo

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times
Mar 25, 2014

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times

As in the world's many democracies, parliamentary polls in Maldives too have underlined the coalition reality of the times. The polls have also proved the add-ons do count, as former President Nasheed had proved in his second-round victory in 2008.

India’s Coal Supply Security: Pushing Imports at the Expense of Domestic Reforms?
May 11, 2023

India’s Coal Supply Security: Pushing Imports at the Expense of Domestic Reforms?

Coal India Ltd. (CIL) has not been able to supply the committed quantity of coal to the powerproducers, forcing them to source coal from other countries. Apart from this, many coal blockswhich should have been in operation by now are yet to come on-stream.

India’s Coal Transition: A Market Case for Decarbonisation
Nov 11, 2021

India’s Coal Transition: A Market Case for Decarbonisation

There are calls for India to declare a net-zero year and offset its carbon emissions by various processes of absorption and removal of greenhouse gases. For India, such calls are irrational; despite international pressure, it has avoided making pledges or setting hard targets beyond its commitments at the Paris climate conference in 2015. This brief argues that “net zero” is not possible with India’s current levels of reliance on coal. Its

Iran and the coalition against the Islamic State
Sep 30, 2014

Iran and the coalition against the Islamic State

At a meeting held in Paris on September 15 to 'build a coalition' against the Islamic State (IS), Iran was left out of the list of participants.

Issues in Captive Coal Block Development in India
Mar 05, 2009

Issues in Captive Coal Block Development in India

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a brainstorming session on 'Issues in Captive Coal Block Development in India' on March 5, 2009 in partnership with CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory Services

Maldives: Coalition partners rally around Solih against Yameen’s ‘India Out’ campaign
Jan 05, 2022

Maldives: Coalition partners rally around Solih against Yameen’s ‘India Out’ campaign

Should Yameen’s Opposition reconsider their campaign strategy for the 2023 polls before it is too late?

Maldives: The stranglehold of coalition politics continues
Nov 19, 2013

Maldives: The stranglehold of coalition politics continues

The recent presidential polls show the continuing stranglehold of 'coalition politics' in the contemporary Maldivian context. It became visible when Nasheed defeated incumbent Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in the second round of the 2008 polls, after securing only 25 percent vote-share in the first round.

Maldives: What after ruling coalition splitting over Speaker's choice
May 30, 2014

Maldives: What after ruling coalition splitting over Speaker's choice

In Maldives, the three-party ruling coalition, led by President Abdulla Yameen's Progressive Party of Maldives, has split on the very first day of the very first session of the People's Parliament, elected only in March.

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?
Apr 12, 2024

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?

With the formation of a new coalition in Nepal, political matters will most likely overshadow economic and social issues

Of coalitions and coordination
May 31, 2004

Of coalitions and coordination

The advent of yet another coalition regime at the Centre has suddenly raised questions about ¿coordination¿ between the party and the Government. Already there are talks of power-centres, in turn setting a bad precedent at one level, and leaving a bad taste at another.

Pakistan’ Rigged Elections People have voted against the army but it still gets to cook up the next coalition
Feb 12, 2024

Pakistan’ Rigged Elections People have voted against the army but it still gets to cook up the next coalition

People have voted against the military’s political favourites but General Munir still gets to cook up the next coalition government

Promoting Efficiency in Power Generation in India: The Role of Imported-Coal-Based Plants
Aug 16, 2023

Promoting Efficiency in Power Generation in India: The Role of Imported-Coal-Based Plants

India is experiencing a surge in power demand owing to an expanding economy. Even as the country has embraced the idea of transitioning to clean renewable energy, its current demand for electricity can only be met by addressing the concerns surrounding coal-fired power plants. The goal of going green might be a medium- to long-term strategy that should be diligently pursued to avoid future crises. In the short term, however, focus should

Reality check: Coal energy transition
Nov 28, 2023

Reality check: Coal energy transition

Running with what is available is better than waiting interminably for the best option Thus, starting off with blue hydrogen will be ideal to hasten I

Social management in the era of coalition politics
Jan 12, 2008

Social management in the era of coalition politics

Dr. V Krishna Ananth, political scientist and author, initiated an interaction on the 'Emerging scenario of coalition politics in India' at the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation, on 12 January 2008.