Search: For - authority

64 results found

Bengaluru Metropolitan Land Transport Authority: Tackling the traffic snarls
Feb 14, 2023

Bengaluru Metropolitan Land Transport Authority: Tackling the traffic snarls

Would the establishment of the BMLTA help ease Bengaluru’s traffic woes?

Constituting Special Planning Authority within the area of a planning authority
Apr 29, 2022

Constituting Special Planning Authority within the area of a planning authority

Complications are arising over the need to establish special planning authorities (SPAs) within the physical boundaries of urban local bodies (ULBs).

Lost in transit: Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)
Jan 08, 2022

Lost in transit: Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)

With metro rail adding one more layer to urban mass transit, an autonomous UMTA is necessary to increase the modal share of public transport in urban

The Arab League Summit: Saudi Arabia projects authority by hosting Syria and Ukraine
May 25, 2023

The Arab League Summit: Saudi Arabia projects authority by hosting Syria and Ukraine

The recent Arab League Summit showcased Saudi Arabia’s attempt to bring change in its foreign policy approach

The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan and the defeat of state authority in Pakistan
Apr 20, 2021

The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan and the defeat of state authority in Pakistan

The TLP poses a challenge to the military-intelligence establishment as it continues to grow and gain popularity.

#Covid19: Made in China pandemic
Mar 20, 2020

#Covid19: Made in China pandemic

China’s global interests, like its domestic interests, stem from a primal survival instinct: preserving the legitimacy, upholding the authority and

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Life Insurance, 1956
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Life Insurance, 1956

While the ostensible reason for nationalisation and the obliteration of all competition was unfair practices of the companies and the protection of po

A call to leadership
Jan 14, 2013

A call to leadership

The UPA government has allowed the withering away of the Prime Minister's Office as the ultimate source of authority in policy-making. The latest developments on the Indo-Pak LoC demand that the Congress party focus urgently on revamping the defence establishment and reclaiming the PMO's authority to coordinate national security policy.

A serious setback to PM Abe’s nuclear energy programme
Oct 25, 2016

A serious setback to PM Abe’s nuclear energy programme

After 2011 Fukushima disaster, popular sentiment against nuclear energy has made it impossible for the government to revive the operations of the reac

A thaw in Thailand and Saudi Arabia relations
Mar 04, 2022

A thaw in Thailand and Saudi Arabia relations

Both the countries are eager to start off with a clean slate by working towards rebuilding amicable ties

Afghanistan: Qanooni's moment of triumph
Jan 21, 2006

Afghanistan: Qanooni's moment of triumph

The 13th century Italian theologian and philosopher, Saint Thomas Aquinas, said that in order for a war to be just, the three things needed would be the "authority of the sovereign," a "just cause," and a "rightful intention." By that moral compass, the war in Afghanistan could probably be on its way to becoming one-third "just."

Afghanistan: Security derailing work in the mining sector
Nov 18, 2013

Afghanistan: Security derailing work in the mining sector

India's most significant investment project in Afghanistan has been the Hajigak mines in Bamiyan province. A Steel Authority of India Ltd-led consortium of six companies had won the rights to extract iron ore from the mines in 2011.

Arctic: The quasi-global common
Feb 10, 2024

Arctic: The quasi-global common

The current ecological and geopolitical shifts in the Arctic region may warrant a thorough revaluation of the Arctic Council’s functions and authori

As the EU plans to log out of growth, India should log into reciprocity
Nov 09, 2022

As the EU plans to log out of growth, India should log into reciprocity

Regulatory overreach needs to be balanced with regulatory reforms; India’s presidency of G20 provides the inter-governmental platform to do so

Bhutan’s crypto mining bets: Decoding economic and foreign policy implications
May 28, 2024

Bhutan’s crypto mining bets: Decoding economic and foreign policy implications

The growth of crypto mining in Bhutan has brought its fair share of benefits and challenges

Coal stock shocks in India
Nov 06, 2021

Coal stock shocks in India

While the Indian coal sector is undergoing a crisis, it is also worth analysing the issues surrounding solar and other renewable energy sources.

Dharavi redevelopment could create new paradigms in social housing
Jul 18, 2020

Dharavi redevelopment could create new paradigms in social housing

The complexity of Mumbai’s geography along with its bursting population has created lopsided informalities that the city needs to reconsider.

East China Sea: Disputed islands to disputed airSpace
Nov 29, 2013

East China Sea: Disputed islands to disputed airSpace

The recent developments in East China Sea carry a high risk of confrontation and miscalculation in the already volatile region. Beijing's unilateral move to extend its authority and control in the region runs against its policy to change its image amongst its neighbours.

Federalism and Interstate River Water Governance in India
Jan 04, 2021

Federalism and Interstate River Water Governance in India

Interstate (River) Water Disputes (ISWDs) are a continuing challenge to federal water governance in India. Rooted in constitutional, historico-geographical, and institutional ambiguities, they tend to become prolonged conflicts between the states that share river basins. This paper examines the constitutional complexities, contentious political federalism, and identity-based electoral political dynamics that fuel ISWDs. It discusses the River

Have Indian cities bid farewell to the Bus Rapid Transit System?
Nov 03, 2020

Have Indian cities bid farewell to the Bus Rapid Transit System?

BRTS cities are now struggling with a surfeit of public transport systems — the normal bus service, BRTS and the Metro.

How dissent is prosecuted in Bangladesh
Oct 05, 2019

How dissent is prosecuted in Bangladesh

In the last few years, the administration in Dhaka has brought a number of cases against poets, journalists and activists who have taken to social med

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles
Dec 26, 2019

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles

Recent verdicts have strengthened civilian authority in principle, but left the PM in a spot with the army

India Competes for Sri Lanka’s Affections
Oct 11, 2021

India Competes for Sri Lanka’s Affections

China’s growing footprint in Sri Lanka has been of concern to India.

India-Israel: A steady partnership in unsteady times
Sep 13, 2019

India-Israel: A steady partnership in unsteady times

India-Israel relations in promoting unilateral action in regulation, innovation and information-sharing.

Iraq: The Pace of Reconstruction
Dec 23, 2004

Iraq: The Pace of Reconstruction

The invasion of Iraq by the ¿Coalition of the Willing¿ was supinely endorsed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1483 of May 22, 2003. It bestowed legitimacy on the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Paragraph 8 of the Resolution, and sub-paragraphs (d) and (e), specifically referred to the work of reconstruction that the Secretary General¿s Special Representative was to coordinate with the CPA. One year later

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co

Localisation: A Model Strategy for Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Healthcare in India
Aug 24, 2023

Localisation: A Model Strategy for Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Healthcare in India

Adapting health interventions to the social, economic, political, ecological, and cultural contexts of local communities increases trust and acceptability for policies and programmes. Locally led initiatives entrust local stakeholders with providing insights into grassroots-level realities and community-sensitive approaches. Global and country-wide evidence also highlights that granting authority and accountability to local stakeholders improves

Master plan for Delhi 2021-2041: Expected scope and challenges
Feb 16, 2021

Master plan for Delhi 2021-2041: Expected scope and challenges

Delhi is expected to record a population in the range of 28-30 million by the year 2041. To meet their requirements and to resolve numerous problems p

MH-370 mystery: 'Nothing is isolated in aviation', says former AAI chairman
May 03, 2014

MH-370 mystery: 'Nothing is isolated in aviation', says former AAI chairman

Talking on "Mystery of the missing MH-370" at ORF Chennai, former Airports Authority of India chairman and Air Vice Marshal H.M. Shahul argued the possibility of an electrical fire and the helplessness of the cabin crew in such a case.

Military takeover in Gabon: A coup d’état or palace revolution?
Sep 15, 2023

Military takeover in Gabon: A coup d’état or palace revolution?

The coup in Gabon highlights a fundamental cause of coups throughout Africa: The demise of electoral processes and the rising popularity of military a

Missionaries of Charity acting stubbornly on new adoption rules
Oct 19, 2015

Missionaries of Charity acting stubbornly on new adoption rules

Converting 14 adoption centres of Missionaries of Charity into children homes, the Missionaries of Charity have given a jolt to the Central Adoption Resource Authority's plan to scale up their efforts in improving the adoption rate in India.

Modifying the district administration
Aug 11, 2014

Modifying the district administration

We need to restructure government and administration in each of India's 568 districts. The District Collector/Deputy Commissioner, like his ICS predecessor, must become the executive head of the district with all branches of government subject to his/her authority and power. This must particularly include the police.

Mumbai Metro 3 car shed at Aarey colony
Sep 18, 2020

Mumbai Metro 3 car shed at Aarey colony

The Maharashtra government should dispassionately conduct a rigorous cost-benefit analysis before committing to an alternative site for the Metro 3 ca

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19
Apr 28, 2020

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19

As work from home becomes the new normal, regulators around the world have come under pressure to relook at the rules relating to bandwidth, traffic a

Nuclear Disaster Management in India-Issues and Prospects
Feb 23, 2012

Nuclear Disaster Management in India-Issues and Prospects

Highlighting the inevitability of Nuclear power being an essential requirement to address India's growing Energy security needs in the time to come, Mr Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said.

Ordinance on Commission on Air Quality lapses, air pollution persists
Apr 01, 2021

Ordinance on Commission on Air Quality lapses, air pollution persists

The continued inability of the executive bodies to implement judicial orders not only leads to the persistence of the problem of air pollution, but al

Pak Army using Islam: Cohen
Nov 06, 2003

Pak Army using Islam: Cohen

The present generation of the Pakistani army is not so much Islamic as political and materialistic, said Professor Stephen Cohen, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and renowned authority on Pakistan Army. Speaking at the USI as part of a joint ORF-USI lecture, Profession Cohen said the Pakistani army was only using Islam for its political objectives and this has not compromised the professional orientation of the army.

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?
May 16, 2011

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?

It is high time that enlightened Pakistanis realize that the real threat to the existence of the Pakistani state comes from their own army which has usurped authority due to debilitated political institutions and geo-political concerns of western powers.

Price-cap is after all just a new price: The case of cardiac stents in India
Apr 27, 2017

Price-cap is after all just a new price: The case of cardiac stents in India

The February 2017 order by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) for fixing the price ceiling for cardiac stents—a device that normalises blood supply to the heart—brings to fore the old debate on the influence of business in healthcare in India. In view of the increasing number of catheterisation laboratories in the country, and the rise in the use of cardiac stents, this article discusses, inter alia:  (a) the role of price

PTA revokes 'obscene' SMS ban
Nov 25, 2011

PTA revokes 'obscene' SMS ban

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) placed itself in a highly embarrassing situation with its decision to ban the usage of 'obscene' words in text messages. Stiff resistance from users,

Qatar thaw a sign of shifting sands in Gulf
Jan 08, 2021

Qatar thaw a sign of shifting sands in Gulf

On the diplomatic front, India has been careful to nurture its ties with Doha, even as our relations with the UAE and Saudi Arabia showed a dramatic upswing.

Reveal India’s nuclear command structure
Feb 23, 2022

Reveal India’s nuclear command structure

The subject of nuclear weapons remains off-grid in India. There’s no public information on who constitutes the executive and political councils under the Nuclear Command Authority besides their chairmen