Search: For - Unilateral Sanctions

3 results found

India and International Sanctions: Delhi’s Role as a Sanctioner
Sep 26, 2013

India and International Sanctions: Delhi’s Role as a Sanctioner

Over the years, sanctions have emerged as a preferred foreign-policy tool for many States, especially in the West. Sanctions serve a number of purposes, including the application of economic and political pressure on specific governments with a view to change their stance on a particular issue. International organisations, throughout the 20th century, used sanctions to impose their positions. The League of Nations first imposed sanctions in 1921

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent
Aug 21, 2023

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent

The US has subjected Pakistan to a unilateral sanctions regime at several crucial junctures in the history of their bilateral ties. Though the reasons for cutting off economic and military aid to Pakistan have been contingent on strategic exigencies prevalent at different points in time and therefore not singular, countering Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions has been a recurring theme. It is widely believed that these sanctions have not been able to

Why New Delhi featured in Pompeo’s salvo against Iran
Jul 02, 2020

Why New Delhi featured in Pompeo’s salvo against Iran

India, which maintains good relations with Iran and has strategic interests in that country, has walked the trapeze wire regarding the issue of its nu