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81 results found

A brief history of India-US relations: Nehru to Modi, Truman to Biden
Jun 17, 2023

A brief history of India-US relations: Nehru to Modi, Truman to Biden

This retrospective analysis traces diplomatic relations between India and US, from a bipolar world to a multipolar one

A hitch in Bangladesh-US relations?
May 29, 2023

A hitch in Bangladesh-US relations?

The once-harmonious US-Bangladesh ties are witnessing a few hiccups due to Bangladesh’s socio-political issues

A new normal has now been set for India-US relations
Feb 27, 2020

A new normal has now been set for India-US relations

That Trump travelled to India without any substantive deliverable is the real story here

Charting a Future for India–US Relations in the New World Order
Jan 26, 2022

Charting a Future for India–US Relations in the New World Order

Over the past two decades, the India–US relationship has expanded in almost every conceivable dimension, albeit not as allies but as fellow travelle

Houston showed that for Modi, the US relationship is strategic, not ideological
Sep 24, 2019

Houston showed that for Modi, the US relationship is strategic, not ideological

Much more than of two global politicians, ‘Howdy, Modi! was a celebration of the Indian community in the US.

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में
Jul 27, 2023

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में

India US Relations अमेरिकी राष्‍ट्रपति जो बाइडेन हाल के दिनों में कई बार भारत और पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी की तारीफ कर चुके हैं. ऐसे में यह सवाल उठता है कि बाइडेन की इस तारीफ के कूटनीतिक मायने क

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में
Nov 22, 2022

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में

India US Relations अमेरिकी राष्‍ट्रपति जो बाइडेन हाल के दिनों में कई

India-US relations: Firming resolve during India’s G20 Presidency
Aug 14, 2023

India-US relations: Firming resolve during India’s G20 Presidency

Robust India-US relations allows India to deal with regional impediments and take up a more active global role while keeping India’s interests front

India-US relations: Let's get real
Jun 06, 2012

India-US relations: Let's get real

As political India wakes up to a more complex security environment enveloping it, Delhi needs to demonstrate greater pragmatism in enhancing cooperation with Washington.

India-US relations: Too big to fail
Jun 29, 2019

India-US relations: Too big to fail

A new desire to cut down the “noise” about disputes was clearly visible on both the sides.

India-US Relationship in a New Tech-Order
Feb 14, 2023

India-US Relationship in a New Tech-Order

iCET will be led by the US National Science Foundation and Department of Science and Technology of India. Among its goals is an ambition to foster a partnership, joining six of India's technology innovation hubs to support at least 25 joint research projects with the US in areas such as AI and data science, and apply its gains to agriculture, health and climate, etc.

India-US relationship is built on the compact that alignment doesn’t require loss of strategic autonomy
Oct 03, 2019

India-US relationship is built on the compact that alignment doesn’t require loss of strategic autonomy

The Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal, its imposition of Iran oil sanctions, its withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord

India-US relationship: Is the top-down structure sustainable?
Jul 06, 2018

India-US relationship: Is the top-down structure sustainable?

How will the US establishment come to terms with the fact that for the better part of the 21st century, India will be the larger economic partner? Has Delhi realised the potential and consequences of this shift?

Indo-US relations: A reality check
Dec 18, 2012

Indo-US relations: A reality check

Despite a few hiccups in the initial years of the Obama administration, relationship now stands at a comfortable juncture of increased confidence and a substantially high level of cooperation across a host of issues including Afghanistan where the US, despite some initial apprehensions, now increasingly see India's role as positive in nature and pivotal for the economic resurgence of the Afghan people.

ORF- PCIP Joint Task Force on Indo-US Relations
Sep 13, 2004

ORF- PCIP Joint Task Force on Indo-US Relations

The second meeting of the ORF-PCIP Task Force on India-US Relations was held at Los Angeles on September 13-14, 2004. The first such joint Task Force between an American and an Indian think tank, it is a Track II initiative between Observer Research Foundation, India?s first multi-disciplinary think tank and the Pacific Council, a leadership forum based at Los Angeles and rooted in the American West.

Russia-Belarus relations: The future of the union state
Apr 28, 2020

Russia-Belarus relations: The future of the union state

Will Belarus join Russia in a unified state — or will it maintain the status quo and mend relations with the West?

Seven reasons why US relations with China will get worse in 2018
Jan 10, 2018

Seven reasons why US relations with China will get worse in 2018

The Trump administration’s retreat from the world has enlarged China’s strategic opportunity.

The transcending arc of India-US relations since Pokhran II
May 09, 2023

The transcending arc of India-US relations since Pokhran II

India and the US have come a long way since the setback in their relations after the Pokhran II nuclear test

The Turkish interjection in Indo-US relations
Apr 10, 2019

The Turkish interjection in Indo-US relations

New Delhi must guard its interests as Washington attempts to rein in Ankara

What does the case of Raymond Davis tell us about Pak-US relations?
Mar 11, 2011

What does the case of Raymond Davis tell us about Pak-US relations?

The current crisis in Pakistan-US relations over the detention of Raymond Davis, the American security contractor charged with the murder of two Pakistanis, confirms many well-known trends, such as increasing anti-Americanism among Pakistanis and the growing importance of 'strategic corporals'.

Will Okinawa poll shock impact Abe's national politics and US relations?
Nov 20, 2014

Will Okinawa poll shock impact Abe's national politics and US relations?

The consequences of the Okinawa gubernatorial elections, where Prime Minister Abe's party candidate was defeated convincingly, mainly on the issue of relocation of US bases, will resonate on the US-Japan security alliance as well as Abe's ruling LDP party.

Afghanistan: Iran, the Taliban and the US drawdown
May 08, 2015

Afghanistan: Iran, the Taliban and the US drawdown

Much has already been written about both the drawdown of US troops from the region, and the recent Iranian nuclear deal and the possible impact it could have on Iran-US relations.

Assessing Indo-US defence ties
Aug 20, 2014

Assessing Indo-US defence ties

A lot of the things are hanging in the air because Indo-US relations are doing so as well. Given India's reticence in giving any kind of political shape to the partnership with the US, Washington is understandably stringing New Delhi along with promises. Modi's forthcoming visit to Washington DC could be an opportunity to move forward in some of the issues

Biden’s criticism of India indicative of political bargain with progressives
Jul 07, 2020

Biden’s criticism of India indicative of political bargain with progressives

In its attempt to assimilate the progressive faction of the Democratic Party, the former vice-president’s campaign is ceding ground on its promise o

Blinken's visit to China: From de-coupling to de-risking
Jul 01, 2023

Blinken's visit to China: From de-coupling to de-risking

Finding common ground could contribute to more cooperation, but achieving this will require compromises and sustained engagement from both sides

Chicken feed for the soul
Mar 16, 2006

Chicken feed for the soul

The George Bush visit was a giant step forward for Indo-US relations and India was elated to be part of the Big League. Now that he has gone, the Left protests turned out to be only that much bushfire and the euphoria of the visit has evaporated somewhat, it is time to evaluate just what this winwin situation might mean.

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators
Nov 06, 2015

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators

The Indian diaspora in the US has been instrumental in deepening and strengthening India-US relations and will continue to do so in the future, says State Senator Ellen Roberts from Colorado Legislature and Minnesota State Representative Paul Thissen.

Endorsing the Internationalist
Feb 17, 2024

Endorsing the Internationalist

A survey finds overwhelming support for Modi’s foreign policy among Indian youth

Expanding the common ground
Sep 30, 2017

Expanding the common ground

Gen. Mattis' visit underscored the growing salience of defence ties in shaping the trajectory of Indo-US relations.

Faster, higher, stronger
Feb 28, 2006

Faster, higher, stronger

Indo-US relations began to warm up after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union. All of a sudden, the New World Order had arrived, yet no one really knew how to adjust to this new reality. Old enemies and old friends had gone, new enemies, threats and friends had to be found ¿ for a State, to survive, needs all three.

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective
Nov 06, 2014

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective

US President Obama's top priority now is the crisis in West Asia, ISIS and Ebola, and India-US relations though, not inconsequential, is not on Washington's top priority now, according to Michael Kugelman of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC.

Geopolitical realities may yet push India closer to Nato
Jun 30, 2023

Geopolitical realities may yet push India closer to Nato

It offers a notable contrast that India’s ties with Russia haven’t taken off despite New Delhi’s keenness while its relationship with the US has expanded notwithstanding hesitations.

India has a role in UN Security Council
Apr 22, 2005

India has a role in UN Security Council

Professor Joseph Nye,Dean, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, who visited ORF recently, gave an e-mail Interview to Dr. Harinder Sekhon, Senior Fellow, on US foreign policy trends, especially in West Asia and the future of Indo-US relations.

India needs to be a generous neighbour
Sep 08, 2014

India needs to be a generous neighbour

All of our neighbours run huge trade deficits with India which is not good for promoting harmonious relations. Basically, the whole South Asia is India-centric and instead of playing the big brother, India can afford to be generous. It will be beneficial to us in the long run to have peace and prosperity in the region.

India should reopen the IPI pipeline project
Jun 18, 2015

India should reopen the IPI pipeline project

Considering India's vast energy needs and demand for natural gas, India should push to frame the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline as a trilateral project once more. The thaw in the Iran-US relations could possibly encourage India to increase its engagement with Iran. Also, India has shown signs in recent months of being open, once again, to engaging with Pakistan.

India, US drivers of globalisation: Strobe Talbott
Feb 10, 2005

India, US drivers of globalisation: Strobe Talbott

Mr. Strobe Talbott, President of Brookings Institution and former US deputy secretary of state, said that the improvement in Indo-US relations is not as real as it should be. Mr. Talbott was delivering a talk at the ORF Mumbai University on February 10, 2005.

India-Iran energy diplomacy: Facts & tacts of balancing act
May 31, 2013

India-Iran energy diplomacy: Facts & tacts of balancing act

India's ties with Iran have clearly been strained by the latter's tumultuous relationship with the United States, with the Iran factor equally imposing constraints on India-US relations. India has had to walk a diplomatic tightrope in balancing its relationships with these countries.

India-US: A high maintenance relationship
Jun 30, 2018

India-US: A high maintenance relationship

The US relationship has traditionally been much more troubled in India because of several additional factors. The US and India were on opposite sides