Search: For - US pressures

3 results found

Headwinds after a hard-line approach
Dec 05, 2019

Headwinds after a hard-line approach

With Xi Jinping and the Communist Party facing various pressures, Beijing could be tempted to deflect the attention

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance
Dec 24, 2017

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance

India is commonly — and rightly — considered as a reluctant democracy promoter. But while sceptical about the motives behind Western attempts to promote democracy and about the effects of their democracy promotion efforts, India has since the mid-2000s moved warily to involve itself in “democracy assistance”. This article argues that New Delhi has engaged in these activities in the context of a wider shift in strategy, in parallel with t

Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh
May 09, 2024

Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh

Sohini Bose, Ed., “Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh,” ORF Special Report No. 225, May 2024, Observer Research Foundation.