Search: For - Trump administration

43 results found

The Trump administration’s record on Southeast Asia
Sep 23, 2020

The Trump administration’s record on Southeast Asia

Regional perceptions of the US are shaped by perceptions of Trump — that of an unreliable leader and partner.

A Trump-Putin summit is good news for India
Jul 16, 2018

A Trump-Putin summit is good news for India

A one-on-one Trump-Putin meeting being proposed by sections of the Trump Administration would be a big win for Putin who desperately wants recognition as a global statesman

Afghanistan: A call for leadership?
Sep 04, 2021

Afghanistan: A call for leadership?

What the US leadership must consider as it has beat a hasty and embarrasing retreat from Afghanistan

Afghanistan: Could implications of the hospital, funeral carnage upend the peace process?
May 15, 2020

Afghanistan: Could implications of the hospital, funeral carnage upend the peace process?

The attacks have rendered true government apprehensions about the ability of the Taliban to control the violence — their own, and that engineered by

After Modi-Trump meet, India must proceed with caution
Jun 28, 2017

After Modi-Trump meet, India must proceed with caution

Modi’s remarks aimed to put across an India that was ready to synchronise itself with the Trump administration’s goals, but the US president made it clear he wanted India to commit to “free and fair trade”.

Breakdown of US-China relations will leave the world scrambling to cope
May 20, 2019

Breakdown of US-China relations will leave the world scrambling to cope

After trade talks broke down, there seems to be no meeting ground, signaling a prelude to a wider fracture between the two countries.

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime
Jun 13, 2019

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime

The lack of consensus amongst key stakeholders in the nuclear non-proliferation regime has been an underlying factor in the discord that surrounds san

From Trump to Biden, Continuity and Change in the US’s China Policy
Aug 16, 2023

From Trump to Biden, Continuity and Change in the US’s China Policy

A year and a half since United States (US) President Joe Biden took the helm, both sides of the country’s political divide continue to debate whether the incumbent’s China policy is distinct from that of the Trump administration. The Republicans claim that Biden’s China policy has not veered away from Trump’s; the Democrats, meanwhile, argue that it is different. This brief weighs in on the debate, and finds that despite the Biden

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump
May 12, 2023

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump

This brief explores the factors informing the Donald Trump administration’s continuity on the US’s defence trade with India. The administration’s impetus to maintain US-India defence trade stems from factors like the ‘reverse revolving door’ policy that has increased the influence of US defence contractors, its ‘Buy American’ policy to boost US arms exports, and defence trade being construed as an incremental means to correct the bi

India-US relationship is built on the compact that alignment doesn’t require loss of strategic autonomy
Oct 03, 2019

India-US relationship is built on the compact that alignment doesn’t require loss of strategic autonomy

The Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal, its imposition of Iran oil sanctions, its withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord

India’s Iran conundrum is back
Apr 29, 2019

India’s Iran conundrum is back

The Trump administration’s sanctions hardball puts New Delhi in a tight spot.

North Korea and a crisis in the making
May 18, 2017

North Korea and a crisis in the making

The Trump administration is egging China on to take action against its proxy, using its considerable leverage with the North Korean regime.

On Iran and Trump, India has landed between a rock and a hard place
May 14, 2018

On Iran and Trump, India has landed between a rock and a hard place

If India aspires to be a 'leading power', it may soon have to choose between its strategically autonomous goals, and those which the Trump administration has in mind for the region.

Pompeo meeting Jaishankar: What’s on the table for India & US?
Jun 26, 2019

Pompeo meeting Jaishankar: What’s on the table for India & US?

The bilateral ties have had their share of irritants on issues initiated after the Trump administration took office.

Russia-Pakistan relations and its impact on India
Jul 03, 2019

Russia-Pakistan relations and its impact on India

Pakistan, which has seen military assistance from US frozen during the Trump administration and a worsening of overall ties, has been eager to embrace

Seven reasons why US relations with China will get worse in 2018
Jan 10, 2018

Seven reasons why US relations with China will get worse in 2018

The Trump administration’s retreat from the world has enlarged China’s strategic opportunity.

Surviving the Trump problem
Jun 23, 2017

Surviving the Trump problem

The common strategic interest between the US and India will last a lot longer than the Trump administration, and New Delhi needs to take a longer-term

Tensions between US and Iran spell trouble for India
Nov 08, 2017

Tensions between US and Iran spell trouble for India

The new Iran strategy of the Trump Administration is aimed at “neutralising the government of Iran’s destabilising influence and constraining its aggression, particularly its support for terrorism and militants.”

The Americas: Trump was not just another brick in the ‘wall’
Nov 02, 2020

The Americas: Trump was not just another brick in the ‘wall’

Looking beyond ‘The Wall’: Continuity and Change in US policy towards the Americas under the Trump Administration

The China challenge
Feb 18, 2017

The China challenge

As the new Donald Trump administration tries to get a grip on the multiple domestic and foreign policy challenges facing America, China’s rise will be front and centre as the most significant challenge facing Washington.

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?
Oct 07, 2019

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?

For Trump, although bringing American troops stationed in Afghanistan has been one of the most important objectives, the calling off of the talks coul

Ties with Iran a sort of litmus test
May 25, 2018

Ties with Iran a sort of litmus test

While the Trump administration is in no mood to relent on its decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, for India, the challenge is to preserve its own equities in Iran and the wider West Asian region.

Trump makes a move on immigration
Jun 24, 2020

Trump makes a move on immigration

India, in all likelihood, will downplay this move, especially as it comes at a critical moment of its ongoing tensions with China.

Trump's South Asia policy: India, Pakistan and China
Oct 06, 2018

Trump's South Asia policy: India, Pakistan and China

A year since the announcement of the new South Asia strategy, an attempt to break from the recurrent continuum has been evident. At least on two of the three accounts — with respect to Pakistan and India, the Trump administration has spurred a break from the past.

Trump’s Central Asia policy
Aug 04, 2020

Trump’s Central Asia policy

Does the US in general, and the Trump administration in particular, have a differing approach towards Central Asia developing their relations with Rus

Trump’s election is a critical moment for India-China ties
Nov 21, 2016

Trump’s election is a critical moment for India-China ties

China will have its ear to the ground for noises from the Trump administration in its commitment towards Asian security.

Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy: Where’s the heft?
Aug 01, 2018

Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy: Where’s the heft?

Old trade battles, no doubt, will continue, but US businesses could also adjust their model.

Trump’s new National Security Strategy: The good, the bad and the complicated for New Delhi
Dec 21, 2017

Trump’s new National Security Strategy: The good, the bad and the complicated for New Delhi

The broad thrust of the NSS document transcends Trump and reflects a growing consensus in the American establishment that China is an adversary. As far as India is concerned, this is the good news.

Trump’s political arithmetic on Indian Americans may ease US-India trade tensions
Sep 18, 2019

Trump’s political arithmetic on Indian Americans may ease US-India trade tensions

As Trump gears up for re-election, his instruction to the Office of the US Trade Representative to draft text for a partial trade deal with India refl

UN snubs Trump's Jerusalem move. What to expect next
Dec 27, 2017

UN snubs Trump's Jerusalem move. What to expect next

The UN General Assembly resolution called Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “null and void”. The Resolution reaffirmed 10 earlier Security Council resolutions on Jerusalem, from 1967 onwards, requiring, inter alia, that the city’s final status must be decided in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era
Oct 28, 2020

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era

There is no dearth in analyses that sound the alarm on the current United States (US) administration’s policy in the Indo-Pacific. This paper conducts an evaluation of the US’ engagement in the region, and finds it to be contrary to alarmist predictions. President Donald Trump’s administration has reaffirmed commitments towards traditional allies, built on the predecessor president’s courtship of nascent partners, and encouraged partners

US Presidential Election: VP debate doesn’t move the needle
Oct 09, 2020

US Presidential Election: VP debate doesn’t move the needle

The debate was a significant cultural and historic moment.

US protectionist strategy to affect Indian labour markets and competition?
Mar 22, 2019

US protectionist strategy to affect Indian labour markets and competition?

India must be prepared to tackle the uncertainty surrounding international politics and economics, especially the Trump Administration by creating a s

US rhetoric dogs India-Iran ties
Jun 01, 2019

US rhetoric dogs India-Iran ties

The Trump administration’s attempts to create another West Asia crisis should worry India.

US-China rivalry presages new world order
Aug 06, 2020

US-China rivalry presages new world order

US-China relations have been rocky since 2018 when the two sides started a tariff war and the US began to restrict the export of semiconductors to China. And then came Covid-19 and as the situation in the US deteriorated, rhetoric against China began to rise. It has been opportunistic, driven by the hope that it would make the electorate overlook shoddy handling of the pandemic by the Trump administration.

What Trump’s new National Security Strategy means for India
Dec 21, 2017

What Trump’s new National Security Strategy means for India

India, in the new report, falls squarely in the “opportunity” category, rather than in that of “threats” or even “competition” for the US.

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership
Nov 30, 2021

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership

As India’s strategic partnership with the US deepens, it is not necessary that India get caught in the crosshairs of US-Russia tensions

Why postponing the new India-US dialogue matters
Jun 30, 2018

Why postponing the new India-US dialogue matters

New Delhi and Washington need to be mindful of the larger Asian strategic issues that have brought the two closer in the first place.

Will Donald Trump asphyxiate the liberal order?
Jun 28, 2018

Will Donald Trump asphyxiate the liberal order?

The Trump administration is signalling that the US is no longer interested in sustaining Pax Americana—not ideationally and not materially

Will Trump’s Afghan peace deal hold up?
Aug 24, 2020

Will Trump’s Afghan peace deal hold up?

The looming danger is that the President Trump’s eagerness to tout the deal as a success would precipitate a hasty US withdrawal.

‘Rediscovery’ of Europe: New avenues for the Europe-India partnership
Aug 09, 2018

‘Rediscovery’ of Europe: New avenues for the Europe-India partnership

Europe and India not only have similar concerns, but can also see the direct impact of BRI in their extended neighbourhoods in Eurasia and the Indian