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67 results found

Academia: A new frontier in China's foreign policy
Sep 20, 2017

Academia: A new frontier in China's foreign policy

There are growing concerns that China is actively using academic and cultural institutions as tools of its foreign policy, often to the detriment of l

As American influence wanes, China courts Latin America with unrelenting soft power
Dec 06, 2017

As American influence wanes, China courts Latin America with unrelenting soft power

Gone are the days, when Latin America used to be an insignificant region for China, over fears of antagonising the US. Today, Latin America has outpac

Can India counter emerging Chinese capabilities like stealth aircraft?
Oct 11, 2017

Can India counter emerging Chinese capabilities like stealth aircraft?

Defending Indian airspace from any potential Chinese aerial challenge or intrusions in the future with the proliferation of stealth aircraft in the re

Charting China’s approach to International Law
May 23, 2018

Charting China’s approach to International Law

With newer and emerging fields of international law, China is eager to participate in its formulation in order to help realise her vision for the glob

China and the Saudi-Iran conflict
Dec 20, 2017

China and the Saudi-Iran conflict

Beijing would find it hard to sustain its balancing act between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

China as India’s main bulk drugs supplier: Helplessness or cautious evolution?
Aug 09, 2017

China as India’s main bulk drugs supplier: Helplessness or cautious evolution?

There is indeed no room for complacency while dealing with China, but as a big market for Chinese goods, that should not prevent India from using Chin

China challenges the US position in human space exploration
Sep 06, 2017

China challenges the US position in human space exploration

China has decided to construct its own space station. It has even approached the United Nations declaring this space station open for international co

China signals a shift in geostrategic goal
Aug 16, 2017

China signals a shift in geostrategic goal

The ever-increasing list of 'core interests' involving land and maritime territories indicates an open-ended expansionist drive on the part of China.

China will have to hyphenate itself with the rule of law
Nov 29, 2017

China will have to hyphenate itself with the rule of law

The absence of the rule of law in China has been a constant refrain. Beijing benefits from free global markets without making the necessary changes wi

China's BRI forum: Pursuing change from within
May 03, 2017

China's BRI forum: Pursuing change from within

China expects to sign BRI agreements with nearly 20 countries and more than 20 international organisations at the forum.

China's military modernisation and its implications
Mar 01, 2017

China's military modernisation and its implications

The China Dream of a strong military "with Chinese characteristics" will give it a great power status by 2049.

China's moves in Africa
Jul 26, 2017

China's moves in Africa

The African continent presents conditions for competition and cooperation between Washington and Beijing.

China's protectionist tendencies will continue
Mar 22, 2017

China's protectionist tendencies will continue

Trade and investment promotion policy of China was largely driven by mercantilism — promoting exports more than imports by adopting protectionist po

China's renewable energy ambitions
Apr 26, 2017

China's renewable energy ambitions

The Chinese government has put forth plans for significant ownership of the global renewable energy supply chain.

China: A threat to the liberal democratic order  
Jan 31, 2018

China: A threat to the liberal democratic order  

While there is no need to panic, the liberal democracies cannot simply wish away the growing threats emerging from the illiberal behemoth

China’s innovation boom: Lessons for India
Nov 08, 2017

China’s innovation boom: Lessons for India

China’s most fascinating online experiments are taking place beyond the borders of its traditional technology sector.

China’s naval power and national prestige
Mar 08, 2018

China’s naval power and national prestige

Naval power lies at the centre of Chinese aspirations and coalesces energy security, maritime strategy, territorial integrity, naval nationalism, fore

China’s rapid growth in Africa: Lessons for India
Aug 23, 2017

China’s rapid growth in Africa: Lessons for India

Understanding the phenomenal increase in China’s exports to Africa — particularly manufactured exports — is imperative.

Doklam impasse: Why confrontation with the PRC matters
Jul 19, 2017

Doklam impasse: Why confrontation with the PRC matters

The current impasse has put India in a veritable hornets' nest, because New Delhi can neither forsake defending the territorial claims Bhutan has over

Dragon’s dilemma: The vicious cycle of the Korean peninsula
Jun 28, 2017

Dragon’s dilemma: The vicious cycle of the Korean peninsula

For China, an economic backlash against South Korea is unlikely to provide any solution to the protracted crisis between the two Koreas.

Engaging Africa through summits: The experience of forum on China-Africa cooperation
Jul 25, 2018

Engaging Africa through summits: The experience of forum on China-Africa cooperation

Whether China will be able to implement its commitments at a fast pace and accord priority to important areas of cooperation will ultimately depend on

Europe and China: Dependent but ungrateful?
Feb 14, 2018

Europe and China: Dependent but ungrateful?

With China’s economic strength and the relative weakness of many smaller European countries, it is justified to see a “divide and rule” strategy

Friends with (risky) benefits
May 24, 2017

Friends with (risky) benefits

While CPEC will flush billions into the struggling Pakistan economy and rapidly speed up its development infrastructure, it is also one part of China'

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR
Jul 12, 2017

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR

If OBOR is to be seen as China's 21st century Marshall Plan, the expanding economic influence would require deeper military commitments.

Harmonising AYUSH and modern medicine: Can India learn from China?
Apr 25, 2018

Harmonising AYUSH and modern medicine: Can India learn from China?

While TCAM (Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine) and modern medicine stay as separate watertight compartments in theory, in practice,

In search of China's grand strategy
Apr 19, 2017

In search of China's grand strategy

It is evident that China's grand-strategic priorities are tilted towards continued economic growth under the CPC watch.

India faces the China wall in its NSG drive
May 31, 2017

India faces the China wall in its NSG drive

Since India submitted its formal membership application to the NSG in May 2016, Beijing publicly expressed its objection to it.

India, China and the ironies of Maoism
May 18, 2017

India, China and the ironies of Maoism

During his own lifetime, Mao Zedong struggled with his own ideological prognosis and abandoned his earlier visceral dislike for capitalism.

Indian media and China: Growing maturity in discourse
Apr 05, 2017

Indian media and China: Growing maturity in discourse

The media has a role and a responsibility in creating proper understanding between neighbouring countries.

Indonesia’s ‘soft balancing’ against China
May 30, 2018

Indonesia’s ‘soft balancing’ against China

The vision seeks to go beyond economic development internal to Indonesia and the mere enhancing of connectivity between the islands of the Indonesian

Lethal Autonomous Dragon: China’s approach to artificial intelligence weapons
Nov 15, 2017

Lethal Autonomous Dragon: China’s approach to artificial intelligence weapons

China does not want to be at the receiving end of a technological asymmetry in what may very well be the conventional approach to war in the future. I

One belt, one road, and now one circle
Feb 21, 2018

One belt, one road, and now one circle

The anticipated economic and strategic windfall from environmental change in the Arctic has spurred China to officially enunciate an Arctic policy. Ke

Resetting China's energy security goals
Feb 22, 2017

Resetting China's energy security goals

The co-existence of China's geopolitical approach to energy security and its attempt to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in its primary energy m

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China
Aug 02, 2017

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China

Several emerging trends like increasing congestion of global commons, especially in the maritime domain and the rapid development of disruptive techno

Should BRICS rally around China's call for cyber sovereignty?
Jun 07, 2017

Should BRICS rally around China's call for cyber sovereignty?

Two predominant interests guided China's earlier approach to cyber sovereignty.

Strategic technology might disrupt India-China status quo
Mar 29, 2017

Strategic technology might disrupt India-China status quo

What does the quest by Chinese companies for "top-to-bottom" domination of digital platforms mean for India?

Taiwan faces more isolation from PRC pressure
Jul 06, 2017

Taiwan faces more isolation from PRC pressure

In aftermath of China scaling up pressure on countries whom it has relations with, Taiwan has started to be isolated as these nations have started to

The Belt and Road Forum: Two years on
Apr 24, 2019

The Belt and Road Forum: Two years on

The BRI is fast evolving from a patchwork of infrastructure investments to an alternative model for the international system centered around Beijing.