Search: For - SAUDI ARAB

178 results found

Saudi Arabia and UAE: Are they strategically distancing themselves from the Afghanistan crisis?
Jul 20, 2021

Saudi Arabia and UAE: Are they strategically distancing themselves from the Afghanistan crisis?

In 2021, things are very different in the Gulf. The missing narratives from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and others in the region on Afghanistan come from c

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India
Jun 27, 2017

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India

Mohammad bin Salman's ascent to the second most important position in the kingdom will reinforce Saudi Arabia's newly assertive foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia looks towards an Asian rehab for its oil addiction, and India should capitalise
Apr 01, 2017

Saudi Arabia looks towards an Asian rehab for its oil addiction, and India should capitalise

With King Salman expected to visit India later this year, New Delhi should be prepared to offer a smooth transition for Saudi investment into the Indi

Saudi Arabia pushes further for strategic autonomy with Xi Jinping’s visit
Dec 12, 2022

Saudi Arabia pushes further for strategic autonomy with Xi Jinping’s visit

Saudi Arabia’s hedging strategy to bring equity to its relations with the US allows China to have a larger footprint in the region

Saudi Arabia steps up anti-terror fight
Mar 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia steps up anti-terror fight

Over the last few years, Delhi has found Riyadh more forthcoming in tracking down terrorists of concern to India. As the Kingdom enters a more decisive phase in their war against terror, the prospects for security cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia are likely to improve.

Saudi Arabia-Iran: Resilient animosity?
Jun 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia-Iran: Resilient animosity?

Even as the 'Arab Spring' confrontations develop a sectarian character, the Saudi-Iranian relationship cannot be perceived through the dichotomous lens of sectarianism or of pragmatism. The evolving relationship between the two states incorporates both elements

Saudi Arabia: A nation in turmoil
Jul 16, 2004

Saudi Arabia: A nation in turmoil

¿Unlike in Egypt, Algeria and Yemen, no well¿defined group engaged in sustained terrorism has emerged in Saudi Arabia¿i. A lot has been said and written about Saudi Arabia¿s role in the largely defunct ¿war on terror¿. The ruling family of the House of Saud has been an unabashed US ally in the campaign to hunt out terrorists.

Saudi Arabia: Remerging as the leader of the Islamic world?
May 12, 2022

Saudi Arabia: Remerging as the leader of the Islamic world?

Does the recent Turkey-Saudi Arabia rapprochement mark the end of the Islamic world’s multipolarity–for now?

Saudi Arabia’s religious pruning: Will there be an Islamic hegemon anymore?
Jul 05, 2022

Saudi Arabia’s religious pruning: Will there be an Islamic hegemon anymore?

Do Saudi Arabia’s recent social reforms affect its position as an Islamic hegemon in the world?

A thaw in Thailand and Saudi Arabia relations
Mar 04, 2022

A thaw in Thailand and Saudi Arabia relations

Both the countries are eager to start off with a clean slate by working towards rebuilding amicable ties

Behind Saudi Arabia normalising ties with Qatar
Jan 06, 2021

Behind Saudi Arabia normalising ties with Qatar

The next few months will be a critical test on how the Saudi-Qatar, and perhaps more importantly, UAE-Qatar relationships unfold.

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal
Dec 20, 2013

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal

There is the possibility, albeit remote, of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. Riyadh has always been unambiguous in its stance of acquiring a nuclear weapon if Iran does and the Kingdom's longstanding support for Pakistan's nuclear program alludes to this possibility.

Biden recalibrates approach towards Saudi Arabia but also warns Iran
Feb 27, 2021

Biden recalibrates approach towards Saudi Arabia but also warns Iran

Last week, American President Joe Biden hit the reset button on the US’s relationship with Saudi Arabia and its arch-enemy Iran upending his predece

Biden’s proposed visit to Saudi Arabia: An attempt to bring calm to chaos
Jun 08, 2022

Biden’s proposed visit to Saudi Arabia: An attempt to bring calm to chaos

Backtracking on its previous policy, the United States would have to establish an amicable relationship with Saudi Arabia and by extension the Middle

Change Management in Societal Transformation: The Case of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’
Jul 25, 2022

Change Management in Societal Transformation: The Case of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’

A transformation is sweeping Saudi Arabia, and certain elements of it can be attributed to ‘Vision 2030’, a strategic plan launched in 2016. The vision—framed by a paradigm shift in the country’s economic, social, and cultural landscape—will have implications beyond Saudi Arabia itself, given the country’s position as leader of the Arab and Islamic world. The biggest challenge to such a metamorphosis is adoption among citizens, who wi

China brokers a diplomatic thaw between Saudi Arabia and Iran
Mar 13, 2023

China brokers a diplomatic thaw between Saudi Arabia and Iran

The revival of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran that was negotiated by China is a major diplomacy victory for the latter

Govt must reconsider allowing Indian maids in Saudi Arabia
Oct 12, 2015

Govt must reconsider allowing Indian maids in Saudi Arabia

In the latest despicable act of extreme cruelty, the arm of an Indian maid working in a Saudi Arabian household was chopped off by her employer. Since the royal in question was King Salman's son, there are no prizes for guessing that no member of the ruling family will be punished for this incident.

India and Saudi Arabia: The Scope for Greater Security Cooperation
Aug 23, 2023

India and Saudi Arabia: The Scope for Greater Security Cooperation

Saudi Arabia and India recently signed a defence cooperation agreement, signalling a shift in ties. This issue brief looks at the importance of Indo-Saudi relations from a geopolitical perspective, outlines the trajectory of their bilateral defence partnership, and emphasises the symbiotic nature of their relations and the increasing scope for greater cooperation.

India-Saudi Arabia relations must move forward to a genuine strategic partnership
Apr 25, 2013

India-Saudi Arabia relations must move forward to a genuine strategic partnership

The Fourth India-Saudi Arabia Workshop held recently in Delhi felt that India must play an active role in ensuring peace and stability in the region, which should not be limited to maritime security. It also stressed the need to move forward the relationship to a genuine strategic partnership.

India-Saudi Arabia ties and G20: Bilateral collaboration and beyond
Dec 26, 2022

India-Saudi Arabia ties and G20: Bilateral collaboration and beyond

India’s G20 presidency could help strengthen the bilateral ties and cooperation partnerships with Saudi Arabia

India–Saudi Arabia military cooperation takes a step forward
Feb 22, 2022

India–Saudi Arabia military cooperation takes a step forward

Even though India has little to offer in comparison to other countries in terms of defence technology, it can aspire to become a hub for cooperative d

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Pakistan's balancing act
May 05, 2014

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Pakistan's balancing act

Amid growing Saudi concerns about the shifting Middle East balance of power in favour of Iran, Pakistan is walking the tight rope between Riyadh, a close ally, and Tehran, an important neighbour.

New energy in India-Saudi Arabia ties
Oct 31, 2019

New energy in India-Saudi Arabia ties

India and Saudi Arabia are re-defining their foreign policy priorities: For New Delhi, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states are becoming key interlocutors in the Middle East. For Riyadh, India is one of the eight major powers with which it wants to forge strategic partnerships as part of its Vision 2030.

Nitaqat Law: Will it solve Saudi Arabia's unemployment problems?
Jul 08, 2013

Nitaqat Law: Will it solve Saudi Arabia's unemployment problems?

Saudi Arabia's Nitaqat system has achieved some early success. It has been able to generate jobs for the Saudi population. But its long term success is open to question. It remains to be seen whether 'Saudization' will be successfully implemented long term through quotas and threats of punishment.

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Bomb: Brothers and Arms
Mar 31, 2010

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Bomb: Brothers and Arms

Although concrete evidence about Saudi intentions to acquire nuclear weapons' capabilities is not there the story continues to attract international commentary

Post-Fahd Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda Waiting in the Wings
May 31, 2005

Post-Fahd Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda Waiting in the Wings

Attention has to be focussed on Saudi Arabia as it enters a period of transition and uncertainty in the wake of reports about a deterioration in the health of King Fahd, who has been admitted in hospital. In the absence of authentic reports on his health, rumours are rife that his end may be near.

Prince Salman tour spotlights Saudi Arabia variable in India-Pakistan-China relations
Feb 28, 2019

Prince Salman tour spotlights Saudi Arabia variable in India-Pakistan-China relations

The voyage highlighted Riyadh’s role in the balance of ties between the three states and India’s continued concerns on that front.

Royal Succession in Saudi Arabia: Challenges before the Desert Kingdom
Feb 11, 2015

Royal Succession in Saudi Arabia: Challenges before the Desert Kingdom

With a new king in power, this paper looks at royal politics in Saudi Arabia and identifies topical domestic and regional challenges from the Saudi perspective.

Succession and political stability in Saudi Arabia
Sep 19, 2013

Succession and political stability in Saudi Arabia

Succession to the next generation poses a threat to the Saudi Kingdom's stability as it will create "a complex web of rivalry and political competition" among Saudi princes who wish to secure their family lines.

The Arab League Summit: Saudi Arabia projects authority by hosting Syria and Ukraine
May 25, 2023

The Arab League Summit: Saudi Arabia projects authority by hosting Syria and Ukraine

The recent Arab League Summit showcased Saudi Arabia’s attempt to bring change in its foreign policy approach

The contours of an Israel-Saudi Arabia rapprochement
Oct 03, 2023

The contours of an Israel-Saudi Arabia rapprochement

While Israel-Saudi normalisation will bring a long-standing divide to an end on paper, in practice, a full gambit of regional situations will need to

The new king-to-be of Saudi Arabia
Jun 23, 2017

The new king-to-be of Saudi Arabia

Muhammad bin Salman will be the youngest in line to become king and bucks the trend of senior and aging princes ascending the throne.

The Oil Market: Swinging back to Saudi Arabia?
Aug 04, 2022

The Oil Market: Swinging back to Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia being a swing producer now holds the capacity to quickly increase oil production substantially, while simultaneously dominating the oil a

The reluctant pilgrim: President Biden visits Saudi Arabia
Jul 12, 2022

The reluctant pilgrim: President Biden visits Saudi Arabia

As high oil prices hit consumers, President Biden is compelled to change his stance toward Saudi Arabia and rekindle relations.

Unravelling Saudi Arabia’s grand vision for Africa
Dec 12, 2023

Unravelling Saudi Arabia’s grand vision for Africa

For Saudi Arabia’s grand vision, Africa represents a firm promise. Therefore, it has intensified its diplomatic and economic footprint in the region

Who is going to be the next King in Saudi Arabia?
Sep 11, 2013

Who is going to be the next King in Saudi Arabia?

Royal succession is considered to be the 'prickliest' problem facing the Saudi kingdom. It can bring about a fundamental change in Saudi politics and can have an overarching impact on Saudi society and its national and foreign policies.

Why Saudi Arabia and the UAE aren’t bothered by India’s citizenship amendment act
Jan 20, 2020

Why Saudi Arabia and the UAE aren’t bothered by India’s citizenship amendment act

Driven by geopolitics and economics, both Gulf states are courting a close relationship with Modi’s India.

#Global Geopolitics: भारत, सऊदी अरब और इंडो-अब्राहमिक प्लस
Jul 19, 2022

#Global Geopolitics: भारत, सऊदी अरब और इंडो-अब्राहमिक प्लस

भारत भू-राजनीति एवं भू-अर्थव्यवस्था के तहत अपने हितों को �

2004 : State of Jihadi Terrorism
Jan 02, 2004

2004 : State of Jihadi Terrorism

There has been no credible evidence so far of any mastermind having orchestrated the various serious acts of jihadi terrorism reported during 2003, whether from Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq or Turkey. The available evidence indicates that all these incidents were planned and executed by local elements, which share the pan-Islamic ideology of Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and the International Islamic Front (IIF), b