Search: For - Rohingya

106 results found

Rohingya crisis a test for India’s ability to balance self-interest and neighbour’s expectation
Sep 20, 2017

Rohingya crisis a test for India’s ability to balance self-interest and neighbour’s expectation

Myanmar and Bangladesh are active partners in India’s Act-east policy, projects envisaging connectivity between the Southeast with South Asia and countering insurgency in north-east

Rohingya crisis: Exploitation, recruitment, and challenges
May 23, 2024

Rohingya crisis: Exploitation, recruitment, and challenges

The military junta and ethnic armed groups exploit Rohingya's vulnerability for their agendas. Without a regional framework to address the refugee cri

Rohingya crisis: Southeast Asia's emerging security concern
Dec 14, 2016

Rohingya crisis: Southeast Asia's emerging security concern

'The Rohingya crisis,' has raised several concerns from regional security, humanitarian crisis to the nature of the conflict involving Rohingya Muslim

Rohingya Crisis: रोहिंग्या शिविरों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत
Jul 30, 2023

Rohingya Crisis: रोहिंग्या शिविरों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत

डॉक्टर्स विदाउट बॉर्डर्स संस्था के मुताबिक, पांच साल से �

Rohingya Crisis: रोहिंग्या शिविरों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत
Feb 14, 2022

Rohingya Crisis: रोहिंग्या शिविरों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत

डॉक्टर्स विदाउट बॉर्डर्स संस्था के मुताबिक, पांच साल से �

Rohingyas Adrift in the Bay of Bengal: The region needs to response
May 21, 2015

Rohingyas Adrift in the Bay of Bengal: The region needs to response

The region need to response to the unfolding migrant crisis in the Andaman Sea. India and the Indian Navy must move quickly with other regional players to bring an end to the humanitarian crisis in the Bay of Bengal.

5 years in exile: What lies ahead for the displaced Rohingyas?
Sep 03, 2022

5 years in exile: What lies ahead for the displaced Rohingyas?

The repatriation of Rohingyas to Myanmar is fraught with several challenges and must only be undertaken after taking into consideration the needs of t

Bangladesh looks to India to take the lead on the Rohingya refugees issue
Oct 27, 2017

Bangladesh looks to India to take the lead on the Rohingya refugees issue

Since August, there has been a continuous flow of Rohingya refugees into Bangladesh from Myanmar. The number has now crossed half a million.

Can Rohingya issue block the development of BIMSTEC?
Jan 15, 2021

Can Rohingya issue block the development of BIMSTEC?

The continuing Rohingya crisis has shown how little the subregion is equipped to deal with such a movement of displaced people from one member state t

Children Left Behind: Challenges in Providing Education to the Rohingya Children in Bangladesh
May 17, 2021

Children Left Behind: Challenges in Providing Education to the Rohingya Children in Bangladesh

Since the mass exodus of the Muslim Rohingya people from Myanmar’s Rakhine state in 2017, close to a million of them have been residing in Bangladesh. While the country has offered them sanctuary, there are massive gaps in seeing to their welfare, including the lack of formal, basic education for the children. In 2020, the Bangladesh government announced the launch of the Myanmar Curriculum Pilot (MCP) to provide the displaced Rohingya

COVID19 and displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps
Apr 18, 2020

COVID19 and displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps

The spread of coronavirus in camp areas is equivalent to spread of forest fires which only leads to more destruction — and questions the government�

COVID19 pandemic and Rohingya refugees
Apr 13, 2020

COVID19 pandemic and Rohingya refugees

Keeping the refugees and IDPs confined in the camps uninformed may be detrimental to effective enforcement of the authorities’ efforts and measures

Dealing with Rohingya crisis in Nepal, Bangladesh and India
Oct 20, 2017

Dealing with Rohingya crisis in Nepal, Bangladesh and India

The exodus of Rohingyas from Myanmar affected Bangladesh and India the most. But, there is little information that they made their inroads into Nepal.

Decade-long detention: Rohingyas in Myanmar camps
Jul 01, 2022

Decade-long detention: Rohingyas in Myanmar camps

The international rules-based order has failed the Rohingyas who now have spent 10 years in Myanmar detention camps.

Drug trafficking and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Mar 15, 2019

Drug trafficking and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Statelessness, restricted refugee camps and lack of accessibility to basic services have acted as strong push factors for Rohingyas to take up ‘Yaba

Examining India’s stance on the Rohingya crisis
Aug 21, 2023

Examining India’s stance on the Rohingya crisis

The current debate on Delhi’s approach towards the Rohingya crisis focuses principally on the implications. While this aspect, without doubt, deserves careful examination, there is a need for a more holistic understanding. This brief fills the gap by shifting the focus on the role that India is playing in finding a solution to the crisis. It looks beyond what the approach means for India and explores ways for Delhi to further deepen and expand

From Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char: An Assessment of Bangladesh’s Relocation Plan for Rohingya Refugees
May 24, 2023

From Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char: An Assessment of Bangladesh’s Relocation Plan for Rohingya Refugees

The Rohingyas are among the world’s most persecuted communities, who, until a mass exodus in 2017, mainly resided in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. In 2017, about 712,179 Rohingyas made their way to Bangladesh, taking the total number of Rohingya refugees in that country to 855,000.[1]The overcrowding caused by this influx at the Cox’s Bazar refugee camps has led the Bangladesh government to consider temporarily relocating the Rohingya refugees t

ICJ’s judgement on the Rohingya and its challenges
Feb 10, 2020

ICJ’s judgement on the Rohingya and its challenges

Political will is extremely crucial since ICJ has no jurisdiction or legal apparatus over individual nations.

India can't ignore Rohingya Muslim crisis
Sep 15, 2017

India can't ignore Rohingya Muslim crisis

It demands New Delhi fulfil its obligations as a natural regional power and one lobbying for a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council.

India's Rohingya refugee strategy
Sep 08, 2017

India's Rohingya refugee strategy

India’s decision to break with the non-refoulement principle regarding Rohingya refugees is a shortsighted strategy with wide-reaching implications.

Myanmar needs to resolve Rohingyas issue for peace in region
Jul 15, 2013

Myanmar needs to resolve Rohingyas issue for peace in region

Whether the Bodh Gaya bombings are found to be linked to Myanmar's sectarian violence or not, the perpetual communal tension in Myanmar is doing no good for the country's future. An early resolution to the issue is in the interest of Myanmar and the region at large. Myanmar needs to take upon itself the responsibility of finding a lasting resolution to the sectarian violence sooner than later.

Myanmar-Bangladesh-India: Grappling with the Rohingya crisis
Sep 25, 2017

Myanmar-Bangladesh-India: Grappling with the Rohingya crisis

Bangladesh has seen massive demonstrations in favour of the Rohingya refugees, particularly from Islamist parties and organisations whose sympathy is driven by religious affiliation.

Myanmar: The Rohingya question in the current coup
Feb 11, 2021

Myanmar: The Rohingya question in the current coup

The change of power will hardly alter the fate of the displaced; more neglect and violence is currently being dreaded.

Myanmar: Trafficking issues, plight of Rohingyas in Thailand
Jan 21, 2021

Myanmar: Trafficking issues, plight of Rohingyas in Thailand

Thailand has long been a hub for human trafficking networks, transporting displaced Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants to Malaysia and other countries.

Need for enhancing security in Rohingya camps
Jan 31, 2022

Need for enhancing security in Rohingya camps

As a proper resolution of the Rohingya crisis is nowhere in sight, adequate measures need to be undertaken to provide Rohingyas with a suitable enviro

Shunning Rohingya refugees is a bad geopolitical strategy for India
Oct 16, 2017

Shunning Rohingya refugees is a bad geopolitical strategy for India

India’s relationships with Bangladesh, Myanmar and China hang in the balance.

The monsoon scare amidst COVID-19 in Rohingya camps
May 29, 2020

The monsoon scare amidst COVID-19 in Rohingya camps

Amphan has shattered shelters, blocked drains, damaged water points, latrines and bridges.

The Rohingya Crisis and its Impact on Bangladesh-Myanmar Relations
May 10, 2023

The Rohingya Crisis and its Impact on Bangladesh-Myanmar Relations

The mass exodus of the Rohingyas from Myanmar to Bangladesh in 2017 has caused ramifications in the two countries’ bilateral relations. The underlying currents between the two nations have become more apparent following two failed repatriation efforts since the exodus. The public display of dissatisfaction and blame-game have only fuelled the tensions. This brief examines how far the Rohingya issue has affected the connectivity, trade and secur

The Rohingya Crisis: Challenges in the repatriation process
Jun 24, 2023

The Rohingya Crisis: Challenges in the repatriation process

While Myanmar bears the responsibility for safeguarding the rights of the Rohingyas, collective efforts are essential to reach a just resolution to th

The Rohingya crisis: Indonesia’s immigration issue
Jan 18, 2023

The Rohingya crisis: Indonesia’s immigration issue

The strengthening of the Bali Process along with concrete actions will enable Indonesia to deal with the growing Rohingya issue

As Myanmar spirals out of control, India must use its clout
Aug 09, 2023

As Myanmar spirals out of control, India must use its clout

Despite being on the backfoot as the country’s civil war intensifies, the military regime is showing no interest in a democratic transition that may be the country’s only hope. India must explore various options for a peaceful resolution to the crisis and provide humanitarian assistance to displaced people

BIMSTEC in 2022: A search for relevance
Mar 29, 2022

BIMSTEC in 2022: A search for relevance

The changing dynamics of the world order could provide BIMSTEC the opportunity to expand beyond the South Asian region

Coup is a setback to Myanmar’s unique experiment with democracy
Feb 03, 2021

Coup is a setback to Myanmar’s unique experiment with democracy

Given India’s position in the region and its history of supporting democratic traditions, Delhi is likely to exert pressure for the restoration of democracy.