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Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?

Pakistan Army Chief आइए जानते हैं कि आखिर ले. अजहर अब्‍बास कौन है. सेना प्रमुख के लिए उनकी दावेदारी क्‍यों मजबूत मानी जा रही थी. क्‍या पाकिस्‍तान सरकार ने सेना प्रमुख की नियुक्ति में निय

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?
Nov 28, 2022

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?

Pakistan Army Chief आइए जानते हैं कि आखिर ले. अजहर अब्‍बास कौन है. सेना

Pakistan Army: Blighted by Politics, Driven by Ambitions
May 13, 2023

Pakistan Army: Blighted by Politics, Driven by Ambitions

Imran Khan appears to have achieved what was supposed to be impossible and unacceptable—dividing the Pakistan Army.

Pakistan Army: The unyielding guardian
Feb 07, 2024

Pakistan Army: The unyielding guardian

In the upcoming elections, the likelihood of a new political leadership emerging in Pakistan which has a new approach and narrative remains slim

A spymaster who now has the Pakistan Army’s reins
Dec 01, 2022

A spymaster who now has the Pakistan Army’s reins

As the 17th Army Chief of Pakistan, General Syed Asim Munir faces challenges in ensuring political stability and elevating people’s perception of the Army, while India needs to wait and watch

Escalate to deter the Pakistan army
May 05, 2017

Escalate to deter the Pakistan army

It is the fear of escalation, which the Pakistan army has masked behind bombastic threats, that India needs to exploit.

Examining Pakistan Army's new doctrine
Jan 04, 2013

Examining Pakistan Army's new doctrine

Pakistan Army recently declared adopting a new doctrine of war fighting, termed sub-conventional warfare, in its policy document, the Green Book. The book, published at regular intervals, is a manual of new doctrines and guidelines which the GHQ distributes among senior military officials.

How radicalised is Pakistan Army?
Sep 20, 2007

How radicalised is Pakistan Army?

How radicalised is Pakistan Army today? was the question which formed the focal point of an intense discussion organised by Observer Research Foundation on September 20. Well-known academics, journalists, experts and military officers attended the discussion which was chaired by Mr Vikram Sood, Vice President (International Affairs), ORF and former chief of Research & Analysis Wing.

The new Pakistan army chief faces an uphill task of ensuring stability
Dec 12, 2022

The new Pakistan army chief faces an uphill task of ensuring stability

The tattered legacy left by predecessor Gen. Bajwa pushes Gen. Munir to mend the army’s tarnished image

The ‘Crore Commanders’ of Pakistan army
Aug 30, 2020

The ‘Crore Commanders’ of Pakistan army

While post-retirement employment is not illegal, there are serious questions of propriety and conflict of interest that crop up, especially when the g

With Imran Khan ousted, Pakistan Army will have a salient role in Islamabad
Apr 12, 2022

With Imran Khan ousted, Pakistan Army will have a salient role in Islamabad

For Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the foremost challenge will be to handle the economic crisis and keeping the political alliance intact. The incoming government will face a strong opposition from Imran Khan and his PTI, who are masters at street campaigning

A battle for Pakistan
May 19, 2023

A battle for Pakistan

The tragedy of Pakistan is that there is no neutral arbiter left in the State apparatus—not the judiciary, not the Presidency, not even the Pakistan

A soft coup in Islamabad: Army the clear winner
Aug 02, 2017

A soft coup in Islamabad: Army the clear winner

The Supreme Court's decision has given a huge jolt to the fragile democratic system. And, Sharif's political legacy is lying in tatters.

Afghan vortex: Pakistan’s turn to reap what it sowed
Mar 22, 2024

Afghan vortex: Pakistan’s turn to reap what it sowed

If Pakistan plans to continue its war of attrition against Afghan extremists, it will have to do so on two fronts —inside its own territory as well

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!
Jul 26, 2023

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!

लंबे समय तक अमेरिका और पाकिस्तान (US and Pakistan) के लिए एक-दूसरे क�

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?
Oct 04, 2016

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?

The most effective means of preventing another terrorist attack is not to expect a change of behaviour on the part of Pakistan army and the jihadi gro

Angry Army, Defiant Imran
Jun 08, 2023

Angry Army, Defiant Imran

Pakistan Army is unwilling to spare Imran Khan or his supporters, defenders, and protectors, especially in the judiciary

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command
Jun 24, 2024

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command

The new operation Azm-e-Istehkaam is designed to curb Islamist terror networks and is clearly undertaken to allay the fears of China.

Baluchistan on the boil
Jan 04, 2006

Baluchistan on the boil

Pakistan¿s largest province, Baluchistan, is again on the boil. Two rocket firing incidents took place in early December, 2005. The first incident involved firing on a helicopter carrying the Inspector-General of the Frontier Corps. In the second, a rocket was fired at a public meeting addressed by Gen Pervez Musharraf at Kohlu. These incidents appear to have provided an immediate provocation to launch an operation by the Pakistan Army and the F

Beijing's Afghan role
Dec 17, 2014

Beijing's Afghan role

China has good relations with most of Afghanistan's neighbours, including Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. But it is Beijing's emerging partnership with the Pakistan army in Afghanistan that is the most interesting new element in the region.

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs
May 16, 2023

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs

The perfect storm that has engulfed Pakistan is unlikely to weaken anytime soon.

Captain, my captain! An army behind him
Jul 23, 2018

Captain, my captain! An army behind him

More than the Pakistani elections of 2018, it is the Indian General Elections 2019 that could see some movement on the Indo-Pak track, if at all.

Civil-Military relations at a breaking point in Pakistan
Oct 23, 2021

Civil-Military relations at a breaking point in Pakistan

Will Prime Minister Imran Khan complete his term in light of current tensions between his administration and the military?

Coming Pak general elections legitimise terror groups
Jul 03, 2018

Coming Pak general elections legitimise terror groups

Despite all its controls, the army still does not trust mainstream politicians.

Coup by Court — The Pakistani Army's new modus operandi
Sep 12, 2017

Coup by Court — The Pakistani Army's new modus operandi

In earlier coups, the Army used the Court as an afterthought to "justify" its actions. Now for the time the Court was used as the first port of call

Coups in khaki and other colours
Sep 25, 2017

Coups in khaki and other colours

Prolonged periods of military rule in Pakistan have enabled the military to penetrate all structures of the Pakistani state. Political parties, the judiciary, bureaucracy, and the media — today all have their share of pro-khaki elements. Therefore, a military coup d’etat is no longer the only way to unseat a democratically elected political leader who may have differences with the Army. Indeed, if former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had compl

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?
Sep 28, 2018

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?

The best bet for China is to keep the Pakistan army happy.

Droning on; but miss the real source of terror
Jun 27, 2012

Droning on; but miss the real source of terror

Neither the drone attacks - a significant technological innovation in air power - nor direct cross-border military raids address the ultimate source of terror, the Pakistan army. They merely target the manifestation of the problem.

Epaulettes and suits: Can Pakistan’s new army chief reorient its political character?
Dec 12, 2022

Epaulettes and suits: Can Pakistan’s new army chief reorient its political character?

The interrelationship between the troika—president, prime minister and the army chief—impairs Pakistan’s political system

Extremism in Pak Army poses grave threat to world
Aug 13, 2010

Extremism in Pak Army poses grave threat to world

The US Quadrennial Defense Review panel's recent (July 29, 2010) report to the US Congress had a very telling remark about Pakistan Army and its intelligence agencies which raises a whole new spectre of violence the world is likely to confront in the years ahead.

Fai's ISI connections: Few implications
Aug 01, 2011

Fai's ISI connections: Few implications

The activities of Ghulam Nabi Fai of the Kashmiri American Council, which became public after his arrest, show how vulnerable the India-Pakistan engagement could be to Pakistan Army?s dogged pursuit of anti-India policies.

General' Hafiz Saeed
Dec 01, 2009

General' Hafiz Saeed

Lashkar, with its vast network of trained jihadis, commanders and training infrastructure, is Pakistan Army's key strategic instrument in keeping terrorism active in Kashmir and other parts of India

General's losing battle
Dec 07, 2005

General's losing battle

There are developments taking place in the quake affected Pakistan occupied Kashmir that need to be closely watched by both the Indian authorities and the Western world. The first is the failure of the Pakistan army and its associated institutions to provide relief to the millions of quake affected people in Kashmir under its occupation.

Imran is in jail, but still not out of politics
Aug 06, 2023

Imran is in jail, but still not out of politics

Despite all the crackdown against Imran, he is arguably more popular today than ever 

Imran’s new challenge: Captaining a new, complicated team
Aug 01, 2018

Imran’s new challenge: Captaining a new, complicated team

A new innings begins for former cricket captain and now PM designate Imran Khan, but this time on an uncertain wicket!

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region
Dec 08, 2017

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region

The Pakistan army has commenced openly supporting internal religious and fundamentalist groups. If these parties rise to power, Pakistan’s internal

India-Pakistan tensions: When reality bites
Apr 27, 2023

India-Pakistan tensions: When reality bites

In light of the new realities and geostrategic shifts, Pakistan is considering peace calls with India

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward
Jun 16, 2004

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward

As part of the Indo-Pak Composite Dialogue process, the two countries will hold official-level talks in nuclear confidence building measures (CBMs) on June 19-20, 2004. This is a welcome development since the last round of such discussions was held at the ill-fated Lahore summit in February 1999, even though the CBMs agreed upon were rather general in nature and, at least in spirit, the Pakistan army was not a willing party to them.

Insurrection in the ‘other’ Kashmir
May 16, 2024

Insurrection in the ‘other’ Kashmir

Although the current uprising PoJK is predominantly centred around economic issues, there is a deeper underpinning of issues of political economy and

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism

The Kargil military conflict of 1999 between India and Pakistan came in the wake of the "bhai-bhai" ("we are brothers") euphoria generated by the bus ride of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister, to Lahore and his high-profile meeting with Mr.Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's then Prime Minister. In the euphoria, we let ourselves be caught napping by the Pakistan Army in the heights of Kargil.

Kashmir, stop being delusional
May 06, 2017

Kashmir, stop being delusional

There is no freedom struggle in Kashmir, but a war foisted on us all these years with ground rules laid down by the Pakistan Army.

Kayani's extension augurs ill for region
Jul 28, 2010

Kayani's extension augurs ill for region

The three-year extension given to Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani by the civilian government recently serves short-term objectives of a few vested interests and compromises long term interests of the region and its people.

Military-mullah nexus wins another round in Pakistan
Dec 07, 2017

Military-mullah nexus wins another round in Pakistan

The military-mullah alliance is fundamental to the pervasive role of the army in Pakistan’s polity. This trend has led to many Islamist and terrorist organisations seeking the status of political parties, a move dubbed as ‘mainstreaming of terrorists.’

Musharraf's loss, jihadis' gain
Oct 26, 2005

Musharraf's loss, jihadis' gain

The October 8 earthquake devastated large parts of Kashmir on both sides of the border, and left thousands dead and millions homeless. It also exposed the Pakistan Army's abysmal lack of experience in handling civilian disasters, a clear absence of higher leadership in coordinating and conducting rescue and relief operations in areas that have been traditionally trodden by the troops.