Search: For - Oslo

6 results found

Shaping The Mind of The Oslo Killer
Jul 29, 2011

Shaping The Mind of The Oslo Killer

Oslo killer Anders Breivik is the creature of the Murdoch press which has throttled the Murrows of this world. His mind set would synchronize perfectly with Bill O'Reilly's the famous anchor of Fox News. The coverage of American military action in Afghanistan in November 2001 would have been orgasmic for Breivik.

India’s engagements with Central Europe: Historical links, shared values and global objectives
Dec 09, 2018

India’s engagements with Central Europe: Historical links, shared values and global objectives

Modern-day India deals with the independent Czech and Slovak republics, where bilateral relations are friendly, genuine and positive. The leaders buil

The Middle East Initiative claptrap
Sep 30, 2004

The Middle East Initiative claptrap

In 1991, President George H.W. Bush proclaimed that the victory in the Gulf war presented an extraordinary opportunity to settle the Middle East conflict. This led to the Madrid conference, secret parleys between Israeli and PLO negotiators in Norway and then to signing of what came to be known as the Oslo accords in a grand ceremony at the White House in 1993.

The Ukraine Conflict: Pathways to Peace
Jan 27, 2023

The Ukraine Conflict: Pathways to Peace

Now in its twelfth month, the Ukraine crisis is caught in a protracted winter of war rather than one of frozen hostility or attempted peace. Most prognoses point towards continuing military action instead of dialogue in the near term. This is primarily because Russia and Ukraine have made their maximalist positions clear. But is the door to dialogue completely shut, or is there room for ‘strategic accommodation’ through creative peace diploma