Search: For - Osama bin Laden

34 results found

Osama bin Laden Killed: Lingering Questions
May 02, 2011

Osama bin Laden Killed: Lingering Questions

The killing of Osama bin Laden is undoubtedly a military defeat for al Qaeda but on the ideological front, there is still some way to go before it can be said with surety that the global terrorist movement has been put to rest.

Death of Osama bin Laden: The lessons for India
May 10, 2011

Death of Osama bin Laden: The lessons for India

The most important lesson for India from the US operation on Osama bin Laden safehouse is that it should have a clear policy as to how to deal with the principal accused in the concerned case; how to deal with him or them.

20 years since 9/11: Transnational jihadist threat remains constant
Sep 10, 2021

20 years since 9/11: Transnational jihadist threat remains constant

Two decades down the line, the “War on Terror” remains far from over

2004 : State of Jihadi Terrorism
Jan 02, 2004

2004 : State of Jihadi Terrorism

There has been no credible evidence so far of any mastermind having orchestrated the various serious acts of jihadi terrorism reported during 2003, whether from Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq or Turkey. The available evidence indicates that all these incidents were planned and executed by local elements, which share the pan-Islamic ideology of Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and the International Islamic Front (IIF), b

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan
Oct 18, 2004

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan

The kidnapping of two Chinese engineers working in an irrigation project in South Waziristan in the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan by a group of pro-Osama bin Laden jihadi terrorists last week and the death of one of them on October 13,2004,

Bin Laden's new Year's Message
Jan 05, 2004

Bin Laden's new Year's Message

An audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden was aired on the Arabic network Al-Jazeera on January 3,2004. This is the third message exclusively relating to Iraq attributed to him since before the US-led invasion of Iraq by the coalition forces. The first, called a special message to the Iraqi people, was aired on February 11,2003, and the second

CIA'S Exasperation with Pakistan
Jun 21, 2005

CIA'S Exasperation with Pakistan

The exasperation of Porter Goss, the Director of the US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), with Pakistan's role in the hunt for Osama bin Laden and other remnants of the Al Qaeda, is evident from his remarks on bin Laden during an interview with the "Time" magazine which has been carried by it this week

Death of the last Bin Laden?
Aug 03, 2019

Death of the last Bin Laden?

If indeed Hamza Bin Laden is dead, the succession battle within Al Qaeda could get muddled.

Deniability a Must for Infidelity: The US-Pak Affair
May 07, 2011

Deniability a Must for Infidelity: The US-Pak Affair

Pakistani establishment would have to be out of its mind to enter Osama bin Laden's Abbotabad hideout on a white charger. Such foolhardiness would swell the ranks of Jihadi outfits in Pakistan. Murderer of Punjab Governor, Salman Taseer would resurface as a model.

From 2001 to 2021, the return of the age of strategic rivalry
Sep 15, 2021

From 2001 to 2021, the return of the age of strategic rivalry

The Taliban, ably helped by Pakistan, the US’s frontline ally in its global war on terror, has badly dented the notion of US invincibility. Despite President Joe Biden’s efforts in recent months to reassure allies that “America is back”, there is a wariness about both US commitment and its competence.

Have Taleban Promised US That Women Will Be Treated Kindly
Jan 30, 2012

Have Taleban Promised US That Women Will Be Treated Kindly

President Barack Obama's State of the Union address to the US Congress begins with America's recent military engagement in self congratulatory terms. Among the more modest claims is: "For the first time in two decades, Osama bin Laden is not a threat to this country".

How US lost War on Terrorism
Feb 03, 2004

How US lost War on Terrorism

President George W. Bush is a desperate man today. He wants Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. More than 12000 US troops, including a 1400-men strong elite commando unit known as Task Force 121, are in Pakistan and Afghanistan hunting for Laden. Supporting them is a 70,000-strong contingent from President Pervez Musharraf¿s Army.

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan
Jul 11, 2011

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan

The furore generated in Pakistan over the al-Qaeda chief, Osama Bin Laden's death in 'Operation Geronimo' by the US forces is symptomatic of Pakistan's dilemma in the 'war against terror'.

Intensified Hunt for bin Laden
Feb 24, 2004

Intensified Hunt for bin Laden

There has been an intensified hunt for Osama bin Laden and other surviving leaders of Al Qaeda on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Is terror dead, or on a break?
May 05, 2011

Is terror dead, or on a break?

The killing of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, was a crippling blow to the global terrorist group and its violent agenda. The manner in which US special forces took him out in his protected lair will seriously undermine the morale of terrorist groups and their sympathisers across the world.

Kerry, Bush and bin Laden
Oct 26, 2004

Kerry, Bush and bin Laden

In his election campaign, Senator John Kerry, the Democratic candidate, has been blaming President George Bush for the failure to capture or kill Osama bin Laden during the battle at Tora Bora in Afghanistan towards the end of 2001.

LeT likely to target US, West
May 04, 2011

LeT likely to target US, West

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is more than likely to spearhead a reprisal attack to avenge the killing of its mentor and patron, al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. The group will extend its focus to western targets, specially the US, in the days ahead.

Musharraf's Frankensteins Come Home To Haunt Him
Dec 30, 2003

Musharraf's Frankensteins Come Home To Haunt Him

The two assassination attempts in quick succession on Gen.Pervez Musharraf, the President of an Islamic state, who is a key ally of the United States in the war in Afghanistan, came at a time when the US-led coalition forces in Iraq were rejoicing over the capture of Saddam Hussein, the enemy number two only after Osama bin Laden.

Osama's death: The Key Question
May 03, 2011

Osama's death: The Key Question

The killing of Osama bin Laden, one of the most prized assets of Pakistan Army, is likely to exacerbate differences among the top and middle-rung Army leadership which has been quite uncomfortable with the US over the Raymond Davis affair and the Drone attacks. The key question is what effect this event will have on the Army and the ISI.

Osama: Impact on Indo-Pak Relations
May 16, 2011

Osama: Impact on Indo-Pak Relations

The end of Osama bin Laden will loom so big in global consciousness that anything resembling terrorism, even the cross border variety, will come under close scrutiny of the international community. Pushed thus against the wall, the mind may furnish some sensible solutions.

Pak Army's Second Kargil
Apr 13, 2004

Pak Army's Second Kargil

Waziristan last month ostensibly to hunt down al Qaida and Talibanelements has been a visible failure which could dramatically alterthe already existing fault lines in the force divided betweenloyalty to Musharraf, nation and religion.South Waziristan is one of the seven areas -Khyber, Kurram,Orakzai, Mohmand, Bajaur, North and South Waziristan - which wereclubbed together as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)by the British who wanted

Pakistan's Army, Post-Osama
May 17, 2011

Pakistan's Army, Post-Osama

The Pakistani Army is keen to repair its image after the battering it has taken following the discovery that Osama bin Laden was ensconced in a mansion in Abbotabad. And while US criticism has made international headlines,

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism
Oct 13, 2005

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism

No accurate estimate is as yet available on the human losses and material damage suffered by the Al Qaeda and other jihadi terrorist organisations belonging to Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (IIF) as a result of the earthquake, which struck Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan on October 8, 2005.

Russia and Pakistan: Getting Closer
May 17, 2011

Russia and Pakistan: Getting Closer

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's official visit (May 11) to Russia is interesting especially as it occurred within a fortnight of the US raid in Abbottabad, killing Osama bin Laden.

Saif Al-'Adl: New Interim al Qaeda chief
May 23, 2011

Saif Al-'Adl: New Interim al Qaeda chief

Within a fortnight of the death of Osama bin Laden, news came of the appointment of a senior al Qaeda leader, Saif Al-'Adl, as the interim chief, indicating clearly an internal tussle for the leadership of the global terrorist group, raising, in the process,

The Delhi Blasts: What Next?
Nov 09, 2005

The Delhi Blasts: What Next?

The three synchronised Delhi blasts of October 29,2005, have proved¿¿if further proof was needed¿¿that the motivation and the morale of the pan-Islamic jihadi terrorists belonging to the International Islamic Front (IIF) formed by Osama bin Laden in 1998 continue to remain undamaged, despite the successes scored by our security agencies in neutralising many of their sleeper cells.

The Intriguing Silence of Osama
Sep 13, 2004

The Intriguing Silence of Osama

Since the terrorist strikes of September 11, 2001, in the USA, at least ten taped messages attributed to Osama bin Laden have been telecast by the Al Jazeera TV channel.

Third Anniversary of Op Enduring Freedom: International Islamic Front Strikes
Oct 11, 2004

Third Anniversary of Op Enduring Freedom: International Islamic Front Strikes

Coinciding with the third anniversary of the start of the US military strikes in Afghanistan on October 7,2004,code-named Op. Enduring Freedom, terrorist elements, suspected to be from Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (IIF), have carried out four co-ordinated terrorist strikes involving explosives on October 7 and 8,2004.

Time to declare ISI a global terrorist entity
May 07, 2011

Time to declare ISI a global terrorist entity

Besides Osama bin Laden, Pakistan Army and ISI have been hand in glove with the Taliban for over 10 years, helping them with safe houses, recruitment bases, training and weapons. Their alliances have been effectively documented not only by the Indian security agencies but also by different western security and intelligence agencies.

US-Pak-Afghan talks: Is there a point?
Aug 08, 2011

US-Pak-Afghan talks: Is there a point?

The tripartite meeting between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US representatives on August 2 took place against the backdrop of souring relationships, killing of Osama bin Laden and President Barak Obama's 2014 withdrawal plan.

What does Gilani's China visit signal to the US?
May 25, 2011

What does Gilani's China visit signal to the US?

Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani visited China on May 17, barely two weeks after the killing of Osama bin Laden. The original purpose of the third Prime Ministerial meeting in 17 months - celebration of 60 years of Sino-Pakistan relations - was overshadowed by the Abbottabad raid,