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256 results found

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?
Oct 14, 2019

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?

Influenced by Pakistan, OIC — a prominent organisation of Islamic countries — has consistently commented on the situation in Kashmir much to Indi

OIC and Myanmar
Aug 16, 2012

OIC and Myanmar

The tragedy of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar has got much attention from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation and a leader of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, has sought to promote a constructive engagement between the OIC and Myanmar, which is a member of the ASEAN, on the Rohingya problem.

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices
Jan 22, 2014

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices

Experts at a conference on "Internet Governance and India: The Way Forward" have unanimously agreed that "anonymity" in cyber world is important for protection of dissenting voices. They also accepted that internet stands on three basic tenets of openness, freedom, universality.

A matter of choice: Determining public transport systems for urban India
Feb 12, 2024

A matter of choice: Determining public transport systems for urban India

The attainment of sustainable urban public transportation in Indian cities will be crucial for its aspiration to rank among the top three economies

After Uri? Choices before Modi
Sep 22, 2016

After Uri? Choices before Modi

Retaliation, as in a neutralisation of the specific groups and masterminds behind the Uri attack, may not be logistically feasible.

Al Qaeda is battered, but don’t rejoice yet
Nov 18, 2020

Al Qaeda is battered, but don’t rejoice yet

It may return if more structural concerns in counter-terror thinking and policies are not addressed over time

As internet matures, India faces a choice on governance
Mar 24, 2014

As internet matures, India faces a choice on governance

Given the Indian government's taste for pushing unilateral mechanisms for governing the internet at an international level, and Indian civil society, which for the most part seems to vocally support a multistakeholder approach, the Indian elections might bring about a new opportunity for both sides to find clarity.

Biden’s choices and America’s moment of reckoning
Aug 28, 2021

Biden’s choices and America’s moment of reckoning

The US has chosen to install a terror group as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and as a departing gift, offered them an estimated $212 million worth of military aircraft, vehicles and ammunition.

Can Communal Violence Fuel an ISIS Threat in India? An Analysis of ‘Voice of Hind’
Sep 04, 2020

Can Communal Violence Fuel an ISIS Threat in India? An Analysis of ‘Voice of Hind’

In early 2020 the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) published an India-centric propaganda material called Voice of Hind. This special report examines the first issue of the publication, which openly recruits Indian Muslims by manipulating the fears and grievances they harbour owing to certain political developments in the country. The analysis uses theories of social psychology, inter-group conflict discourse, and communications theory to pr

Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy makes its policy choices clear
Dec 15, 2022

Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy makes its policy choices clear

The implementation of Canada’s Indo-Pacific can position it as a mature and key player in the region

Children and teenagers: The silent voice of the pandemic
Sep 14, 2021

Children and teenagers: The silent voice of the pandemic

The material and non-material needs of children have been drowned out by other priorities during this pandemic

China’s Big Tech pledges support to common prosperity: By choice or design?
Sep 15, 2021

China’s Big Tech pledges support to common prosperity: By choice or design?

Post a regulatory crackdown, tech CEOs are pledging moral and monetary support for the CPC’s “common prosperity” programme

Chinese and Russian choices impact India’s approach
Dec 29, 2023

Chinese and Russian choices impact India’s approach

India’s ties with Beijing have frayed even as relations with Moscow lose warmth because of their actions

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?
Mar 11, 2024

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?

The Indian electricity market's future might incline towards renewable energy suppliers, possibly featuring specialised green providers.

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice
Feb 12, 2024

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice

Behavioural changes expected in electricity use by the consumer may not play out as anticipated without the intervention of technological inputs

Covid-19: The crisis will strengthen anti-globalisation voices
Mar 16, 2020

Covid-19: The crisis will strengthen anti-globalisation voices

The pandemic will lead to a greater backlash against open borders and economies. It is time for a creative rethink

Emotions and Vote Choice: Perspectives from the US and India
Mar 02, 2021

Emotions and Vote Choice: Perspectives from the US and India

While the idea that emotional appeal is central to political persuasion may serve common intuition, the dynamics underscoring how and why this is so, remain underexplored. This primer collates insights from neuroscience and political psychology to show why emotions are essential to vote choice. It explores the effects of emotional appeals on voter perceptions using examples from campaign advertisements in US elections. The analysis finds that pol

Estimating the Productivity of India’s Agricultural Waters: Towards Water and Nutritional Security Through Crop Choices
Jul 21, 2023

Estimating the Productivity of India’s Agricultural Waters: Towards Water and Nutritional Security Through Crop Choices

This paper presents an approach towards promoting nutritional security on one hand, and water security on the other, in an integrated framework. Using econometric models, it delineates water use efficiency on the basis of calorific estimates of the productivity of agricultural water use in the context of various crops. Based on the estimated marginal product of water across the various crops, the paper finds that alternative crops such as maize a

G20 summit to amplify the voice of the Global South in an era of polycrisis
Aug 16, 2023

G20 summit to amplify the voice of the Global South in an era of polycrisis

As part of the G20 Presidency, India will drive positive change for the world

Giving the marginalized a voice
Mar 26, 2012

Giving the marginalized a voice

The panacea for the current problems emanating from a one-sided media coverages is public service media, insulated as much from the government as the market, something the Prime Minister promised during his earlier term - UPA-I.

Hamas attack snarls up US choices in West Asia
Oct 11, 2023

Hamas attack snarls up US choices in West Asia

The Hamas attack may impose new security and political realities on the region and pose challenges in an election year for Biden

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?
Mar 24, 2022

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?

What are the consequences of India's “balancing act” on the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on India's security and geopolitical interests wit

India’s future choices as the Sino-Indian crisis escalates
Sep 25, 2020

India’s future choices as the Sino-Indian crisis escalates

The Sino-India bilateral relationship has been premised on an understanding that the two nations can move forward on other areas of engagement as the border remains “hot” with military activity. Chinese actions are producing the opposite effect of what was intended, and India is now willing to adopt policies with a strong anti-China orientation.

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sep 02, 2021

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

While the virus is threatening to rise again in a ‘third wave,’ China has literally dug in at high altitudes in its quest to secure real estate an

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty
Oct 10, 2019

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty

Since war is a contest between animate entities, how is it possible for India to escape the realities of confrontation with both Pakistan and China?

Is OIC a dead horse?
Oct 31, 2003

Is OIC a dead horse?

The Organisation of Islamic Conference, often called (inappropriately though) the Islamic UNO, had, ironically, never visualized its purported role as the defender of the faith. Over the years, so diffused had its role become that several disillusioned leaders, like Libya¿s Colonel Gaddafi, termed it a Dead Horse, a nomenclature that describes the conference aptly even today.

Is OIC silently endorsing the suppression of Uyghur Muslims?
Mar 25, 2022

Is OIC silently endorsing the suppression of Uyghur Muslims?

Is China's FDI in the OIC member countries preventing the political elites of these states from condemning the injustices carried against the Uyghur

Kerry’s visit to China, climate change, and India’s energy choices
Aug 26, 2023

Kerry’s visit to China, climate change, and India’s energy choices

In the face of worsening climate challenges and limited green finance, the high cost of renewable energy and large land footprint make nuclear power a

Maldives: Backing India at OIC, a new high in bilateral ties
May 26, 2020

Maldives: Backing India at OIC, a new high in bilateral ties

This is not the first occasion in recent times that Maldives figures prominently regarding Pakistan’s attacks on India.

Maldives: What after ruling coalition splitting over Speaker's choice
May 30, 2014

Maldives: What after ruling coalition splitting over Speaker's choice

In Maldives, the three-party ruling coalition, led by President Abdulla Yameen's Progressive Party of Maldives, has split on the very first day of the very first session of the People's Parliament, elected only in March.

Mini Submarine-A Vessel of Choice with Drug Cartels and Terrorists
Apr 01, 2005

Mini Submarine-A Vessel of Choice with Drug Cartels and Terrorists

Following a tip off, the Colombian Police have chanced upon an indigenously built mini submarine in the port of Tumaco, near the Colombian border with Ecuador. Reportedly, the vessel can carry up to 10 tonnes of cocaine valued at about $US200 million in the international market. According to Eduardo Fernandez, head of the Administrative Security Department (DAS), a detective force, ¿They started building the submarine about six months ago, using

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack
Feb 15, 2019

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack

Given the state of India-Pakistan relations, India doesn’t have much diplomatic leverage with Islamabad at this juncture.

Moment, Momentum and Motivation: From Voice of the Global South to the Bank of the Global South
Dec 13, 2023

Moment, Momentum and Motivation: From Voice of the Global South to the Bank of the Global South

Today, India is poised at the moment and GDP that China was in in 2007. Does it have the same gumption?

My money, my voice: The power of financial independence for women
Mar 08, 2021

My money, my voice: The power of financial independence for women

Women across the world have much less to spend and even lesser to save.

Nations make choices based on self-interest, this is true for India and Bangladesh as well
Mar 20, 2019

Nations make choices based on self-interest, this is true for India and Bangladesh as well

Samir Saran, President of ORF, spoke to Dhaka Tribune's Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan about different aspects of the India-Bangladesh bilateral relationship,

Nepal: Hard choices for Prachanda
Mar 19, 2012

Nepal: Hard choices for Prachanda

The United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), which heads the present coalition government, is currently faced with the most severe intra-party differences over key issues of national concern.

New UN chief's choice would have more significance for Sri Lanka
Oct 12, 2016

New UN chief's choice would have more significance for Sri Lanka

Choice of Antonio Guterres, for UN Secretary-General’s job, may have greater consequences for Sri Lanka than may have been considered/thought of previously