Search: For - NATO

454 results found

NATO and India: Partners for a peaceful, free, and democratic world
Feb 23, 2024

NATO and India: Partners for a peaceful, free, and democratic world

NATO and India share common values of freedom and democracy and an interest in a stable and secure Indo-Pacific

NATO arrives in Kashmir
Oct 28, 2005

NATO arrives in Kashmir

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) announced over the weekend a major airlift of relief supplies for Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?
Oct 03, 2022

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?

नाटो ने भी पुतिन को ललकारा है. NATO का कहना है कि वह एक इंच जमीन भी रूस के पास नहीं रहने देगा. इसके लिए चाहे जिस स्‍तर पर जाना पड़ा. ऐसे में सवाल है कि क्‍या इस युद्ध का रास्‍ता परमा

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?
Oct 03, 2022

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?

नाटो ने भी पुतिन को ललकारा है. NATO का कहना है कि वह एक इंच जमी�

NATO आणि पुन्हा युतीचे राजकारण
Oct 20, 2023

NATO आणि पुन्हा युतीचे राजकारण

चीनच्या दृष्टीने युरोपीय गटाचे राजकारण यावेळी इंडो-पॅसिफिकपर्यंत विस्तारू शकणार आहे.

NATO की इंडो-पैसिफिक में नई रणनीति: जापान और दक्षिण कोरिया पर विशेष ध्यान
Jun 29, 2024

NATO की इंडो-पैसिफिक में नई रणनीति: जापान और दक्षिण कोरिया पर विशेष ध्यान

नाटो के इंडो-पैसिफ़िक की ओर ध्यान के केंद्र में जापान और द

NATO समिट 2022 अमेरिकेवरील अवलंबित्व कमी करण्यावर फोकस
Apr 25, 2023

NATO समिट 2022 अमेरिकेवरील अवलंबित्व कमी करण्यावर फोकस

NATO समिट 2022 चा मुख्य फोकस अमेरिकेवरील अवलंबित्व कमी करण्याबरोबरच नाटोच्या पलीकडे असलेले संबंध वैविध्यपूर्ण आणि दृढ करण्यावर होते.

NATO: The challenge from within
Feb 01, 2020

NATO: The challenge from within

For NATO to ensure its continued strength and relevance for years to come, it must get to the heart of the issues plaguing its own internal cohesion.

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?
Sep 02, 2022

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?

The Russo-Ukrainian War could have been avoided if Russian security concerns that were spelt out by previous conflicts were addressed.

NATO’s Eighth Strategic Concept: Changing force posture in Europe
Aug 20, 2022

NATO’s Eighth Strategic Concept: Changing force posture in Europe

NATO’s strategic concept may be well-timed but since it harps on defending every inch of allied territory, it may also become its biggest test.

NATO’s inclination towards Japan and other partners in the Indo-Pacific region
Jul 19, 2023

NATO’s inclination towards Japan and other partners in the Indo-Pacific region

The Japan-NATO partnership is expected to be an effective one that would further expand in the near future in light of the growing threat posed by Chi

NATO’s pivot to Indo-Pacific: Focus on Japan and South Korea
Jun 19, 2024

NATO’s pivot to Indo-Pacific: Focus on Japan and South Korea

NATO's pivot to the Indo-Pacific will involve a strategic partnership with Japan and South Korea to bolster deterrence and uphold the rules-based inte

NATO’s Vilnius Summit: Key takeaways
Jul 18, 2023

NATO’s Vilnius Summit: Key takeaways

Though the recent summit failed to meet the expectations regarding Ukraine’s membership, it was able to double down on its commitment to Ukraine in

NATO’s wins and woes: The organisation faces challenges across political, financial, and security domains
Apr 12, 2024

NATO’s wins and woes: The organisation faces challenges across political, financial, and security domains

When comparing the current geopolitical landscape of Europe to the circumstances in the years following NATO’s establishment, it becomes apparent that very little has changed.

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?
Jun 28, 2022

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?

G7 और NATO की बैठक के बीच कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि क्या इस युद्ध को रोकने के लिए कोई कूटनीतिक पहल हो सकती है. एक और सवाल कि क्या इसकी आंच भारत तक आ सकती है. इन तमाम सवालों पर क्या कहते �

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?
Jun 28, 2022

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?

G7 और NATO की बैठक के बीच कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि क्या इस युद्ध �

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?
Jun 30, 2022

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?

सवाल यह है कि क्या क्वॉड या इस तरह का कोई प्लैटफॉर्म एशियन नेटो की तरह उभर सकता है?

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?
Jun 30, 2022

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?

सवाल यह है कि क्या क्वॉड या इस तरह का कोई प्लैटफॉर्म एशियन

A low risk Pak retaliation to NATO attacks
Dec 02, 2011

A low risk Pak retaliation to NATO attacks

Pakistan has no option but to respond to public outrage. Blocking of the two NATO supply routes to Afghanistan and denying the use of a Baloch airfield to the CIA is actually a low risk retaliation when Iran, Hezbullah, Syria are much more in the eye of a huge, global storm.

After the NATO summit in Vilnius, what does the West have to offer Ukraine?
Jul 24, 2023

After the NATO summit in Vilnius, what does the West have to offer Ukraine?

The Vilnius Summit appears to be a transit point to more consequential future decisions even as it is unclear what security guarantees the G7 will pro

Can't allow NATO bases in Ukraine, reiterates Russia
Mar 16, 2014

Can't allow NATO bases in Ukraine, reiterates Russia

Accusing the US and the EU of practising double-standards, Russian Consul General in Chennai, Dr Nikolay A Listopadov, has said the interests of the EU and the US would be accepted as long as they did not come in the way of Russia's.

COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘Spanish lifestyle’ terminator
Sep 28, 2020

COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘Spanish lifestyle’ terminator

The impact of COVID-19 has shown that Spain, like many other countries, must work hard on improving its internal capability to manage pandemics.

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?
Aug 17, 2016

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?

A Donald Trump presidency could change the status quo of American participation in the NATO if his campaign statements are to be believed.

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators
Nov 06, 2015

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators

The Indian diaspora in the US has been instrumental in deepening and strengthening India-US relations and will continue to do so in the future, says State Senator Ellen Roberts from Colorado Legislature and Minnesota State Representative Paul Thissen.

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?
Apr 22, 2004

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?

The immediate concerted European response in the aftermath of Madrid blasts on March 11, 2004 was the creation of the post of a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, who would directly work under the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In fact, the idea of effective counter-terror coordination and intelligence sharing

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?
Apr 22, 2004

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?

The immediate concerted European response in the aftermath of Madrid blasts on March 11, 2004 was the creation of the post of a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, who would directly work under the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In fact, the idea of effective counter-terror coordination and intelligence sharing

Five issues to navigate at the upcoming 2023 NATO Summit
Jul 10, 2023

Five issues to navigate at the upcoming 2023 NATO Summit

Against the critical security backdrop and Kyiv’s counteroffensive, the NATO leaders will assemble for the upcoming summit in Lithuania

Geopolitical realities may yet push India closer to Nato
Jun 30, 2023

Geopolitical realities may yet push India closer to Nato

It offers a notable contrast that India’s ties with Russia haven’t taken off despite New Delhi’s keenness while its relationship with the US has expanded notwithstanding hesitations.

Going beyond the conventional: NATO Summit 2022
Jul 14, 2022

Going beyond the conventional: NATO Summit 2022

The major focus of the NATO Summit 2022 was on diversifying and solidifying relationships beyond NATO along with reducing the US dependency

India’s Maritime Security Coordinator has his mission cut out
Feb 21, 2022

India’s Maritime Security Coordinator has his mission cut out

The newly-appointed National Maritime Security Coordinator will need to ensure cross-agency coordination to successfully strengthen India’s maritime

Is Kyiv trying to incite a direct NATO-Russia war?
Dec 21, 2022

Is Kyiv trying to incite a direct NATO-Russia war?

The possibility of further provocative assaults by Kyiv on Russian territory, designed to incite a conflict between the West and Russia, poses a clear

Libya: Anatomy of a Disaster
Mar 09, 2015

Libya: Anatomy of a Disaster

It was the latest carnage by the Islamic State (IS) that finally brought Libya to world attention. Largely unnoticed, this ruthless predator had created space for itself in Libya in the New Year.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be NATO’s next Secretary General of all?
Feb 08, 2024

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be NATO’s next Secretary General of all?

Throughout the war, Stoltenberg has maintained NATO’s unity and built consensus in its response to Russia, making his shoes difficult to fill.

Open Letter to Senator Edward Kennedy
Jun 27, 2005

Open Letter to Senator Edward Kennedy

I am addressing this open letter not only to you, but also to other members of the US Congress, who have expressed their concern over the course of the US-led war against international terrorism in Iraq and have started suggesting, if not demanding, the withdrawal of the US troops from there.

Pakistan as a Major Non-Nato Ally(MNNA) of US
Mar 22, 2004

Pakistan as a Major Non-Nato Ally(MNNA) of US

During his visit to Islamabad last week,Gen.Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, announced the decision of the Bush Administration to designate Pakistan as a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) of the US. The decision would become effective 30 days after a notification in this regard has been sent by the President to the Congress.

Paris plays spoiler on NATO’s deepening Indo-Pacific ambitions
Jul 27, 2023

Paris plays spoiler on NATO’s deepening Indo-Pacific ambitions

Despite plans for a Tokyo liaison office being on hold for now, NATO cooperation with the Indo-Pacific4 is likely to deepen

Protesting veterans overshadow NATO summit
May 25, 2012

Protesting veterans overshadow NATO summit

War on terror was the rationale for the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. What was the rationale for the destruction of Libya and now persistent destabilization of Syria?

Jun 07, 2012


For Indian Foreign Policy radicals, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, whose leaders are meeting this week in Beijing, is about an undying dream from the past - building an eastern bloc against the West.

Sweden and a stronger NATO
Mar 08, 2024

Sweden and a stronger NATO

Although facing initial obstacles from Türkiye and Hungary, Sweden has ultimately secured NATO membership, marking a significant milestone for the No

Sweden’s NATO bid: Facing the Turkish wall
Mar 24, 2023

Sweden’s NATO bid: Facing the Turkish wall

Sweden’s NATO bid hangs in the air as Türkiye stalls the ratification of the accession bid

The impact of Sweden’s growing relationship with NATO
Aug 24, 2016

The impact of Sweden’s growing relationship with NATO

In the past few years, Sweden has been growing closer to NATO than ever, causing some to see Stockholm as very close to joining the Alliance.

The India–NATO Council and a Tri-Polar World
Jan 26, 2022

The India–NATO Council and a Tri-Polar World

India–West cohesion is vital for global democracy with the NATO–India Council filling a strategic gap