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68 results found

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks
Aug 14, 2012

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks

MDP's decision to call off the daily protest demonstrations, demanding early presidential polls, has revived the hopes of early resumption of the All-Party Roadmap Talks, initiated by President Mohammed Waheed Hassan at the instance of Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai in March.

MDP's 'May Day' call, now again to India
Apr 30, 2015

MDP's 'May Day' call, now again to India

Combined with the Maldives government's demonstrated preparations for a face-off, the tone and tenor of the Opposition's preparations for the May Day rally, and their call for the civil society to chip in, indicate a possible repeat of the 'December 23 movement' protests (2011-12) that led to President Nasheed's exit.

It's advantage MDP in Maldives now
Feb 25, 2011

It's advantage MDP in Maldives now

With the first-ever local council elections concluding without incidents, Maldives has completed the first phase of multi-party democracy introduced with the presidential polls of October-November 2011.

Maldives: Advantage MDP, but possibilities still in parliament polls
Feb 26, 2019

Maldives: Advantage MDP, but possibilities still in parliament polls

The MDP did not seem to suffer from poll fatigue, even months after the presidential elections as a high number of them voted in the MDP primaries, to

Maldives: After convicting MDP MP, will court now turn to Nasheed?
Feb 28, 2014

Maldives: After convicting MDP MP, will court now turn to Nasheed?

In Maldives, all the four present and former presidents need to talk to each other, not talk at each other, as has been the case over the past five years if they are serious about constitutional and administrative reforms, in whatever way each one of them visualise.

Maldives: Nasheed quits MDP
Jun 26, 2023

Maldives: Nasheed quits MDP

The current political situation in Maldives seems to have descended into further chaos as the Parliament and the EC face a deadlock

Maldives: Should the MDP be worried over poor turn-out in party poll?
May 18, 2022

Maldives: Should the MDP be worried over poor turn-out in party poll?

The MDP should put a stop to its political infighting and present a united front in the upcoming presidential poll.

Maldives: Solih’s victory in MDP primaries of the presidential poll
Feb 09, 2023

Maldives: Solih’s victory in MDP primaries of the presidential poll

Solih’s recent victory in the presidential primaries deals a blow to the Opposition candidates Nasheed and Yameen’s campaigns

#Maldives: मालदीव की सियासत के लिए क्या है उपचुनाव के नतीजों के मायने?
Jul 30, 2023

#Maldives: मालदीव की सियासत के लिए क्या है उपचुनाव के नतीजों के मायने?

सत्तारूढ़ गठबंधन के नेता और पूर्व राष्ट्रपति अब्दुल्ला �

A blurring dichotomy: Can the new bill prevent the Maldives’ diplomatic disruptions?  
Feb 15, 2022

A blurring dichotomy: Can the new bill prevent the Maldives’ diplomatic disruptions?  

The new bill reflects the Maldives government’s earnest attempt to protect its foreign policy interests, but it could backfire on the domestic front

Building on the Pillars of the India-US Defence Relationship in the 21st Century
Mar 16, 2023

Building on the Pillars of the India-US Defence Relationship in the 21st Century

India and the United States (US) galvanised their defence relationship with the signing of the 'New Framework for India-US Defence Relations' in June 2005. Subsequent years saw further developments, among them the US Congress decision to accord India the status of ‘Major Defence Partner’ (MDP) in 2016. In recent years, the four ‘foundational agreements’ signed between the two countries have expanded their spectrum of defence coope

Gayoom seeking a comeback in Maldives?
Jan 14, 2011

Gayoom seeking a comeback in Maldives?

Is former Maldivian President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom reviewing his political options for the future in the light of the inevitable mid-term crises facing the MDP Government of his successor, Mohammed Nasheed?

Hanging in the balance: Maldives Presidential race & big-ticket infrastructure
Mar 07, 2023

Hanging in the balance: Maldives Presidential race & big-ticket infrastructure

The volatile politics in Male at this crucial juncture can change the course of the Presidential race and the future of big-ticket infrastructure in t

How the Sri Lankan crisis may affect Maldives
Aug 08, 2022

How the Sri Lankan crisis may affect Maldives

One thing the Maldives should learn from the crisis is the consequence of deferring much-needed structural reforms

India-Maldives relations: Solih’s recent visit to India
Aug 05, 2022

India-Maldives relations: Solih’s recent visit to India

Solih’s visit underscored the strengthening of the economic and security ties in the backdrop of the Opposition’s ‘India Out’ campaign.

Maldives: 'Black magic', a national policy?
Jun 08, 2012

Maldives: 'Black magic', a national policy?

In Maldives, Government parties need to come clean on their strategy for the future in the Roadmap Talks. Only based on such a strategy could they work back, on accommodating the MDP's demand on advancing the presidential poll.

Maldives: 'Political Islam' here to stay?
Dec 27, 2011

Maldives: 'Political Islam' here to stay?

Maldivians, particularly the security authorities in the country, may have heaved a sigh of relief after the competing rallies by the NGOs and the political Opposition on the one hand, and the ruling MDP on the other, went off peacefully on Friday last.

Maldives: Achieving debt sustainability might prove difficult
Nov 17, 2022

Maldives: Achieving debt sustainability might prove difficult

Global downturns have made it tricky for the Maldivian government to keep debt financing in check

Maldives: C'wealth ultimatum causes call for pull-out
May 01, 2012

Maldives: C'wealth ultimatum causes call for pull-out

The People's Majlis, or Parliament's confirmation of the nomination of Vice-President Mohammed Waheed Deen have taken the punch out of the MDP's argument against the need for a constitutional amendment for facilitating early elections.

Maldives: Coalition partners rally around Solih against Yameen’s ‘India Out’ campaign
Jan 05, 2022

Maldives: Coalition partners rally around Solih against Yameen’s ‘India Out’ campaign

Should Yameen’s Opposition reconsider their campaign strategy for the 2023 polls before it is too late?

Maldives: How ‘swing voters’ matter in presidential polls
Mar 24, 2023

Maldives: How ‘swing voters’ matter in presidential polls

With JP and the Nasheed group possibly stepping into the fray, the swing voters will play a deciding role in the upcoming elections

Maldives: Majlis elects Nasheed Speaker, maiden resolution invites Modi to address the House
Jun 03, 2019

Maldives: Majlis elects Nasheed Speaker, maiden resolution invites Modi to address the House

All nations, including India, would be watching for inclinations on how the ‘new Maldives’ intends to avoid a China-induced ‘debt-trap’ of the

Maldives: Presidential poll falls into a pattern
Nov 11, 2013

Maldives: Presidential poll falls into a pattern

In Maldives, successive elections have shown that the MDP is still not in 'absolute majority' in electoral terms. The DRP cross-over in Parliament after the annulled polls, which alone gave the MDP combine a working majority in the House, may not tell the whole story.

Maldives: Reconciliation hopes remain despite cancellation of third-round talks
Jul 10, 2015

Maldives: Reconciliation hopes remain despite cancellation of third-round talks

In Maldives, despite a last-minute 'cancellation' of the third round of talks between the Government and the MDP leader of the combined Opposition, there is nothing to suggest that the current reconciliation process has derailed, irrecoverably.

Maldives: Split parties, splintering alliances strengthen President's hand
Jul 10, 2011

Maldives: Split parties, splintering alliances strengthen President's hand

For a democratic polity that is still in its infancy, Maldives has faced splits in major parties barring the ruling MDP and splintering alliances, whose aggregate result is to strengthen the hands of President Mohammed Nasheed.

Maldives: Talk of 'another coup'
Feb 11, 2014

Maldives: Talk of 'another coup'

For a second occasion in almost as many weeks, former Maldives President Mohammed Nasheed hinted at a change of the country's leadership. Such reports will sound credible only if the MDP is able to muster two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Maldives: The effects of domestic politics on foreign policy
Jan 06, 2023

Maldives: The effects of domestic politics on foreign policy

The Maldivian domestic politics today is in constant flux as the presidential elections draw close

Maldives: Trouble in paradise
Nov 25, 2022

Maldives: Trouble in paradise

As the affairs of the ruling party seem to be heading towards a political showdown, is Maldives descending into political chaos?

Maldives: What does Yameen’s acquittal mean for domestic politics, India ties
Dec 06, 2021

Maldives: What does Yameen’s acquittal mean for domestic politics, India ties

As former President Abdulla Yameen is released from a four-year incarceration, his re-emergence into politics will have an impact on India-Maldives ti

Maldives: Where from here after emergency
Nov 05, 2015

Maldives: Where from here after emergency

The question of the emergency-declaration by Maldives President Abdulla Yameen being a political ploy for the President if only to effect an across-the-board purge, needs even more convincing arguments than what former President Nasheed's MDP has now put forth.

Maldives: Why the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party is still divided ahead of crucial elections
Apr 02, 2021

Maldives: Why the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party is still divided ahead of crucial elections

The immediate task on hand is for the MDP to stay united and face the 10 April local council elections and ensure a sweep well ahead of the presidenti