Search: For - Indo-US Strategic Partnership

3 results found

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership
Nov 30, 2021

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership

As India’s strategic partnership with the US deepens, it is not necessary that India get caught in the crosshairs of US-Russia tensions

India-US defence relations: A close look at the emerging realities
Oct 20, 2010

India-US defence relations: A close look at the emerging realities

The Indo-US strategic partnership is still evolving. At present, it seems that political sensitivity, deep-seated distrust, bureaucratic and procedural hurdles and some short-sighted domestic policies in both countries are stalling this process.

Why New Delhi featured in Pompeo’s salvo against Iran
Jul 02, 2020

Why New Delhi featured in Pompeo’s salvo against Iran

India, which maintains good relations with Iran and has strategic interests in that country, has walked the trapeze wire regarding the issue of its nu