Search: For - Hafiz Saeed

13 results found

General' Hafiz Saeed
Dec 01, 2009

General' Hafiz Saeed

Lashkar, with its vast network of trained jihadis, commanders and training infrastructure, is Pakistan Army's key strategic instrument in keeping terrorism active in Kashmir and other parts of India

Pakistan and the curious case of Hafiz Saeed
Jul 18, 2019

Pakistan and the curious case of Hafiz Saeed

How Pakistan deals with Kulbhushan Jadhav’s case after the ICJ verdict and to what extent it makes serious attempts at convicting Hafiz Saeed will be test cases for Islamabad’s commitment to seeking normalisation of ties with New Delhi.

Bust the terror syndicates
Jul 20, 2006

Bust the terror syndicates

Decisive and ruthless crackdown on jihadis is the need of the hour, not more empty rhetoric ---- Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), headed by Hafiz Saeed based in Pakistan, is a threat to India's security and sovereignty and must therefore be branded as 'enemy of the nation'. There need not be a legal provision to do so. The Cabinet Committee on Security, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, is empowered to take such a decision.

Pakistan: Internal politics and harassment of Indian diplomats
Mar 19, 2018

Pakistan: Internal politics and harassment of Indian diplomats

Pakistan has alleged harassment of their mission's staff. Its reaction may have something to do with the internal domestic scene and the forthcoming elections.