Search: For - Great Game

23 results found

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward
Oct 27, 2021

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward

It is pivotal for Belarus and the world to raise awareness of how to do successful business with India

India’s soft power advantage in the great game of Afghanistan
Jul 01, 2019

India’s soft power advantage in the great game of Afghanistan

Ideologically and strategically, India seems to be utilising its soft powers better than Pakistan in dealing with their resourceful neighbour, Afghani

Resurgent Russia joins great game in South Asia
Mar 29, 2017

Resurgent Russia joins great game in South Asia

South Asia's foreign policy calculus is increasingly complex as Russia steps up to vie for power with the US

The new Great Game: An all Asian game?
Apr 06, 2017

The new Great Game: An all Asian game?

Major global powers like Russia and China and regional powers like Iran are now ready to embrace the Taliban — in their own interest, but ostensibly

The new great game: China and the intense maritime contest in Indo-Pacific region
Apr 10, 2018

The new great game: China and the intense maritime contest in Indo-Pacific region

China’s growing naval force projection has sparked anintense maritime contest in the Indo-Pacific, where traditional notions of spheres of influence are being challenged.

Afghan peace process must be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned
Apr 07, 2017

Afghan peace process must be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned

Terrorism and criminality are intertwined and fed by an illicit economy that destabilises Afghanistan and undermines regional security.

Drawing lines in the water
Jul 14, 2014

Drawing lines in the water

There are unlimited possibilities for strengthening maritime cooperation with Bangladesh and Myanmar - ranging from joint scientific research to environmental monitoring and from major trans-border projects to trilateral naval exercises. If Delhi decides to play for small stakes in the Bay of Bengal, it will deal itself out of the emerging great game in the east.

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?
Nov 02, 2020

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?

As the theatre of the ‘new great game’, East and Southeast Asia present the US with a choice - defend the existing rules-based order or allow inte

Improbable democracies or impossible governance benchmarks
Mar 22, 2021

Improbable democracies or impossible governance benchmarks

The jury is out on why democracy is in retreat globally.

India, China, and developments in the Persian Gulf
Mar 20, 2023

India, China, and developments in the Persian Gulf

The growing presence of China and India in the Persian Gulf indicates the prospects of power relations between regional, continental, and global actor

India-China-US the most important relationship of the 21st century
Aug 19, 2013

India-China-US the most important relationship of the 21st century

A great game is evolving among India, China and the US in the Asia-Pacific region and the triangular relationship will be the most important relationship of the 21st century, Dr. Stephen Burges said.

Modi picks up the gauntlet
Sep 14, 2016

Modi picks up the gauntlet

PM Modi becoming a proactive participant in the great game

The fall of Afghanistan
Aug 17, 2021

The fall of Afghanistan

Kabul fiasco will affect US’ ability to mobilise coalitions against a common cause

The saboteur and his confederacy plan
Nov 30, 2016

The saboteur and his confederacy plan

Jawaharlal Nehru was clear with his idea of India: an Undivided India which included the Provinces under British Rule and the amorphous mass of small and big Princely States, which did not desire to be part of such an idea of ‘India’. In his battle to subjugate the Princes, Nehru found an ally in the last Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten sent by the new British Prime Minister Clement Attlee. The implementation was then run like a relay race whe

The Storm in the Arab Spring
Mar 03, 2012

The Storm in the Arab Spring

Tunisia, Eygpt, Syria?events may seem to be following a pattern but the changing dynamics in West Asia point to far more complex political and strategic games being played: The US role, Saudi phobia, Israeli and Iranian intrigues. Oil. And, to top it all, the Shia-Sunni face-off. Is Turkey being lured in as a possible Joker in the pack? Welcome to another Great Game.