Search: For - GRAIN

21 results found

Few grains from the "Thousand Grains of Sand"
Mar 08, 2017

Few grains from the "Thousand Grains of Sand"

The Thousand Grains of Sands approach does enough to complement the opaque nature of the Chinese Politburo — closed yet calculating to raise its hoo

Resource use efficiency and productivity: An analysis of India’s food grain sector
Jan 07, 2020

Resource use efficiency and productivity: An analysis of India’s food grain sector

The concept of food security comprises access, affordability, food safety, food preferences and dietary patterns. Recently, there has been a demand-driven shift in food consumption patterns in India towards nutrition-rich and economically high-value horticulture (fruits and vegetables), livestock and dairy products. Providing for such consumption needs will require diversification of agricultural production beyond the staples, especially wheat an

#Millets: अनाज और पानी के संकट का मुक़ाबला करने के लिए सुपर फूड साबित हो रहे हैं ‘मोटे’अनाज
Apr 08, 2022

#Millets: अनाज और पानी के संकट का मुक़ाबला करने के लिए सुपर फूड साबित हो रहे हैं ‘मोटे’अनाज

दुनिया भर के लोगों को जलवायु के अनुकूल मोटे अनाज के उत्पा�

70 Policies — Food Corporation of India, 1965
Aug 04, 2018

70 Policies — Food Corporation of India, 1965

The new FCI should be a market-friendly agency for food management, with a primary focus on creating competition in every segment of foodgrain supply

Crop Shifting for Improved Water Use and Nutritional Productivity in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plains of West Bengal
Jul 20, 2023

Crop Shifting for Improved Water Use and Nutritional Productivity in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plains of West Bengal

The challenge for agriculture is to meet rising demand for food while dealing with climate change and natural resource constraints. This paper takes the case of cereal production in the lower Indo-Gangetic plains in the state of West Bengal, India, and examines the implications of various crop-shifting scenarios on consumptive water demand and nutrient production. The analysis finds that by replacing summer crop (Boro rice) in each district with

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority
Aug 16, 2023

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority

As the world grapples with uncertainty in the post-COVID-19 era, China appears to be focusing on bolstering its rural economy. China claims to have brought nearly 100 million people out of poverty since 2012, but the regime feels that unbalanced development can jeopardise the gains of poverty alleviation. The widening economic gap could also foment unrest in the rural areas. Additionally, the government believes that the reliance on grain

Four famines in an interconnected world: What can the G20 do?
Jun 28, 2017

Four famines in an interconnected world: What can the G20 do?

Nearly 20 million people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen are facing what has been described as the largest food crisis in the world in 70 years. Conflict is the main reason behind these famines, abetted by drought, climate change, poverty, and the existing vulnerability of the people in these countries. Security issues have led to a dramatic decline in agricultural production and have adversely affected the supply and distribution of

Govt should support farmers to augment production: Ex-WTO member
Dec 20, 2014

Govt should support farmers to augment production: Ex-WTO member

India's former member of the WTO Arbitration Committee, Dr. A.V. Ganesan, thinks that it would be unsustainable for India to rely on imported food grains, and hence it is imperative that India supports its farmers to augment food production to meet the domestic demand.

India's 2022: Capacity utilisation and economic revival
Dec 29, 2021

India's 2022: Capacity utilisation and economic revival

With the looming third wave, the Indian government would have to revive consumption demand and control inflation simultaneously.

India’s Use of Force: The Missing Indirect Approach
Sep 14, 2023

India’s Use of Force: The Missing Indirect Approach

Why does India have so few available options to manage security threats? In crisis management, Indian policy-makers have faced all-or-nothing choices, either passively absorbing provocations, or overreacting with massive mobilisations and threats of general war. In wartime, with the notable exception of the 1971 war, India has generally fought to degrade enemy military capabilities rather than to achieve decisive operational effects. This paper a

Needless controversy over Modi's US visa
Aug 01, 2013

Needless controversy over Modi's US visa

International politics rather than law or policy will also play a key role in a future Modi visit to the US. There is certainly an element of the hyperbole in Obama's declaration that the American relationship with India is "a defining partnership of the century ahead". But it contains more than a grain of truth.

Nutritional security and efficient markets necessary for NFSA’s success?
Jun 15, 2019

Nutritional security and efficient markets necessary for NFSA’s success?

The success of the NFSA depends on the inclusion of non-food grain and nutrient rich commodities, and provision of market mechanisms.

Outrage against fake Bhutanese refugee scam in Nepal
May 30, 2023

Outrage against fake Bhutanese refugee scam in Nepal

Even though the Nepal government is determined to bring the culprits of the fake Bhutanese refugee scam to justice, a grain of suspicion remains since

Planning for a Growing Population
Jul 07, 2004

Planning for a Growing Population

Thankfully, India is today self-sufficient in food-grain production though a wide gap still exists between availability on the one hand, and distribution and pricing on the other. Much as the farming community justifiably argues that agriculture has become less and less attractive as an investment proposal in terms of the risks and costs involved, an increasing section of the Indian population has been finding it even harder to get one square-mea

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa
Oct 12, 2023

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa

Africa has become essential to Russia’s geostrategic posture as Moscow seeks to overcome the backlash to its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. However, in the face of isolation and a contracting economy, Russia has realised that cultivating an entry point in Africa through conventional means such as foreign direct investment (FDI), trade, development assistance, or cultural and educational exchanges may not be its best option. Instead, Mosc

Will the Govt be able to reign in price hike?
Jun 20, 2014

Will the Govt be able to reign in price hike?

The rise in the price of food grains may be cushioned by the enormous stocks held by the government's FCI godowns. But higher vegetable, fruits, eggs, fish and meat prices will contribute to food inflation as they have done in the past.

अनाज और विदेशी मुद्रा का संकट श्रीलंका के किस भविष्य की ओर इशारा कर रहा है ?
Sep 13, 2021

अनाज और विदेशी मुद्रा का संकट श्रीलंका के किस भविष्य की ओर इशारा कर रहा है ?

खाद्य आपातकाल की घोषणा करने के बाद श्रीलंका को मुश्किल स�

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में भारत की ‘अनाज’ कूटनीति!
Mar 04, 2022

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में भारत की ‘अनाज’ कूटनीति!

वैसे तो भारत ने तालिबान सरकार को मान्यता नहीं दी है लेकिन