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76 results found

Free Trade after RCEP: What next for India?
May 24, 2023

Free Trade after RCEP: What next for India?

India pulled out of the planned Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2018 after entering negotiations in 2013. India has a trade deficit with 11 out of the 15 RCEP countries and some analysts have theorised that India decided to opt out of the agreement because of such adverse trade balance.  Indeed, India has a trade deficit with most of its trade partners in past free trade agreements (FTAs). It is in this context that this br

China-Maldives Free Trade Agreement: Analysing domestic economic parameters
Mar 18, 2024

China-Maldives Free Trade Agreement: Analysing domestic economic parameters

With a large decline in import duty collection and imposition of high levels of debt due to the China-Maldives FTA, Maldives will find itself in a pre

End of a free trade chimera
Aug 22, 2019

End of a free trade chimera

Even as trade talks between the US and China seem set to resume, geopolitical tensions between the two powers show no sign of abating.

EU-India free trade pact will power India's growth
Jul 05, 2013

EU-India free trade pact will power India's growth

A successful conclusion of the FTA with EU would go a long way in building international market confidence, giving much needed stimulus to the international economy. The loss of revenue from reduction in tariffs should be viewed in gains of transfer of technology, productivity increases and greater competition.

Europe accelerates its free trade agenda
Dec 01, 2022

Europe accelerates its free trade agenda

With the growing need to diversify supply chains, the EU needs to revisit the process of free trade agreements without alienating its members

How effective will be the free trade agreements with East Asia
Apr 09, 2015

How effective will be the free trade agreements with East Asia

The Centre seems to be keen on development of Free Trade Agreements with our East Asian and South-East Asian neighbours. The general idea floated in this context is: Trade is good. More is better. But, unbridled market force in the form of unbridled trade without the concomitant safeguards in regulation and risk management mechanisms might not be a wise idea.

India could disadvantage itself further vis-a-vis China by joining free trade pacts
Sep 12, 2019

India could disadvantage itself further vis-a-vis China by joining free trade pacts

Various estimates show that RCEP’s share in the world GDP may touch 50 per cent by 2050. The fear that India may be left out if it decides not to join the group is real. But given the economic clout of China and other economies, India may find it very difficult to grab a significant share of the this RCEP cake.

India–UAE CEPA and the future of India’s Free Trade Agreements
Mar 15, 2022

India–UAE CEPA and the future of India’s Free Trade Agreements

The India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) will help augment India's economy and help it to pursue its geoeconomic strategy

Modi was right. India isn’t ready for free trade
Nov 20, 2019

Modi was right. India isn’t ready for free trade

Until the country can address its own economic problems, agreements like the RCEP may do more harm than good.

RCEP: India should tread warily on free trade treaty
Oct 31, 2019

RCEP: India should tread warily on free trade treaty

India has to weigh carefully the gains to be had from signing the treaty, which may mean making itself vulnerable to having its markets inundated with Chinese goods.

The African continental free trade area and its implications for India-Africa trade
Oct 08, 2018

The African continental free trade area and its implications for India-Africa trade

The African countries are set to launch the African Continental Free Trade Area or AfCFTA, the biggest free trade agreement in the world since the World Trade Organization was created in the 1990s. When implemented, the AfCFTA is projected to increase intra-African trade by 52.3 percent by 2022, from 2010 levels. In turn, higher trade levels can facilitate economic growth, transform domestic economies, and help the countries achieve the Sustainab

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Opportunities for India
Jul 21, 2023

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Opportunities for India

Unlike in other regions of the world, the value of intra-Africa trade has remained low over the years. Moreover, Africa accounts for just 2 percent of global trade. In 2021, African countries launched the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to create a single African market for the free movement of goods, services, labour, and capital, and increase intra-African trade. AfCFTA may be able to provide Indian firms and in

A digital direction for BIMSTEC
Oct 05, 2017

A digital direction for BIMSTEC

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) was formed to foster socio-economic cooperation between its seven member nations – India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The group signed a free trade agreement (FTA) in 2004, but the pact is still not operational due to the lack of consensus on certain key issues. Some members like India are keen to finalise the terms of t

Africa Monitor | Volume VII; Issue XLIX
Mar 31, 2018

Africa Monitor | Volume VII; Issue XLIX

The latest developments from Africa.

Assessing the anti-India Sentiment in South Asia (Part 2)
Jan 27, 2022

Assessing the anti-India Sentiment in South Asia (Part 2)

This two-part article series aims to reason the factors that have initiated and promoted anti-Indian sentiments in the neighbourhood. This part will e

Biden lays out his worldview
Mar 06, 2021

Biden lays out his worldview

Biden and his team know that the key to an expansive global agenda lies in “a dynamic, inclusive, innovative national economy.”

BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade
Sep 19, 2017

BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has gained more importance recently because of the many hurdles that have come in the way of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) since 2016, mainly due to issues between India and Pakistan. This brief explores the possibilities of stronger trade and investment ties between the BIMSTEC nations by expediting the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (F

Boris Johnson’s visit launches a khas dosti  ...
Apr 29, 2022

Boris Johnson’s visit launches a <em>khas dosti</em>

The British government's Integrated Review brought out in 2021 places a high priority on its partnership with India

Break down the barriers to trade in South Asia
Mar 14, 2014

Break down the barriers to trade in South Asia

Enabling greater free trade and removing NTBs should be undertaken with the goal of not just regional integration and growth but also development of communities, employment and poverty alleviation across South Asia.

Brexit Blues: Navigating EU-UK trade talks
Nov 24, 2020

Brexit Blues: Navigating EU-UK trade talks

The EU wants to make sure that the UK doesn’t walk away with all the benefits of remaining in the bloc while avoiding the bureaucratic challenges.

Brexit: A challenge for UK, an opportunity for India
Nov 24, 2018

Brexit: A challenge for UK, an opportunity for India

British officials have been signalling that Brexit could augur well for trade ties between India and the EU as the two nations would find it easier to conclude a free trade pact without the involvement of the entire panoply of EU member states.

Challenges ahead for the India-EU FTA
Feb 28, 2012

Challenges ahead for the India-EU FTA

There is need for greater transparency in the Free Trade Agreement negotiations. There could be more information sharing with civil society groups and the general public so that the content of the negotiations would get public approval faster, making it easier to conclude the FTA.

Chinese spy station in Cuba looms over Sino-US thaw
Jun 17, 2023

Chinese spy station in Cuba looms over Sino-US thaw

Beijing hopes expansion in the American backyard will make dominoes fall

Croatia joins the Schengen and Eurozone
Jan 06, 2023

Croatia joins the Schengen and Eurozone

Ten years after joining the EU, Croatia has finally been given the green light to join the Schengen and Eurozone

Deteriorating Japan-South Korea ties threaten trade and diplomacy
Aug 01, 2019

Deteriorating Japan-South Korea ties threaten trade and diplomacy

The rising animosity has a great potential to affect the ability of the two nations to counter regional threats.

Europe faces many challenges and that gives Modi a great opportunity in his six-day visit
May 30, 2017

Europe faces many challenges and that gives Modi a great opportunity in his six-day visit

India and the European Union continue to struggle to conclude a bilateral Free Trade Agreement even a decade after the negotiations were first launched in 2007.

Facing an aggressive China: The US may be inching towards Asian alliance
Nov 08, 2017

Facing an aggressive China: The US may be inching towards Asian alliance

The United States, Japan, India, Australia – may emerge as guarantors of free trade and defense cooperation to check China

Greater  India-Pak trade  interaction can dispel fears
Jul 31, 2013

Greater India-Pak trade interaction can dispel fears

The normalisation of trade between India and Pakistan could lead to preferential trade arrangement under SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Agreement of 1996). This would increase regional trade and stability.

How will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect India?
Jul 21, 2015

How will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect India?

The US-led TPP would face increasing competition as China recently concluded a free trade agreement with Australia (ChAFTA) and South Korea and is pushing for a broader Asia-trade pact - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

India calling with quite a lot of trade in mind
Feb 05, 2022

India calling with quite a lot of trade in mind

A ‘new age’ free trade deal with India remains critical in anchoring the United Kingdom economically to the Indo-Pacific

India in Central and Eastern Europe: From Non-Alignment to Multi–Alignment
Sep 13, 2021

India in Central and Eastern Europe: From Non-Alignment to Multi–Alignment

India and the Central and Eastern European countries can work together towards a rules-based international order

India Inc. in ASEAN: Reclaiming its receding footprint
May 23, 2023

India Inc. in ASEAN: Reclaiming its receding footprint

Has India’s free trade agreement with the 10-member Association of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) spurred India Inc.’s globalising drive eastwards? This region, after all, has recently emerged as a major destination for investments from Japan – which is widening its options due to its conflicts with China – and the US, with its so-called ‘pivot to Asia’. India’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with ASEAN, which kicked off in January 20

India needs to be ‘vigilant, pro-active’ in regional trade viz China
May 13, 2019

India needs to be ‘vigilant, pro-active’ in regional trade viz China

In order to get an accurate picture of trade in India’s neighbourhood, one has to look beyond Free Trade Agreements.

India, Sri Lanka Working on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: Sri Lanka Minister
Dec 17, 2007

India, Sri Lanka Working on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: Sri Lanka Minister

India and Sri Lanka are now working on a comprehensive economic agreement following the success of the Free Trade Agreement of 1999. This was stated by Sri Lanka's Minister for Export Promotion and International Trade,

India–UAE CEPA: भारत के मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों का भविष्य क्या होगा?
Jul 31, 2023

India–UAE CEPA: भारत के मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों का भविष्य क्या होगा?

भारत और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात का व्यापक आर्थिक भागीदारी समझ

India’s FTAs with East and SE Asia: Impact of India-Malaysia CECA on the Edible Oil Value Chain
Oct 06, 2015

India’s FTAs with East and SE Asia: Impact of India-Malaysia CECA on the Edible Oil Value Chain

is paper formulates an analytical framework to assess the impacts of India's Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on commodity value chains. Existing academic literature have relied on examining Balance of Payments (BoP) to assess the impact of FTAs. is paper views such methodology as reductionist, and instead oers alternative lenses of the impacts on the commodity value chain. is paper brings into fold the concerns for the wellbeing of various stakehold

Israel’s Silicon Wadi: A promising semiconductor partner for India
Jul 20, 2023

Israel’s Silicon Wadi: A promising semiconductor partner for India

As India aspires to become a global semiconductor hub, Israel can be a model to follow and a partner to work with

Looking ahead retrospectively: A Bangladeshi perspective
Jan 15, 2021

Looking ahead retrospectively: A Bangladeshi perspective

The revival of the multi-modal connectivity web in today’s context — with the Bay of Bengal central to it — holds rich promises for all South an

Need for public debate on the EU-India FTA
Nov 19, 2011

Need for public debate on the EU-India FTA

With the good news from the 17th SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) meeting in the Maldives about the future effective implementation of the South Asian Free Trade Area agreement, trade relations among member-countries will get a big boost.

New friends
Dec 29, 2017

New friends

The Maldives became the second country in South Asia, after Pakistan, to enter into a free trade agreement with China. The Yameen government pushed the FTA through the nation's Parliament, the Majlis, stealthily, with the opposition not attending the parliamentary session.

PM Abe waiting for the right time to push his pet ideas?
Mar 30, 2013

PM Abe waiting for the right time to push his pet ideas?

China, Japan and South Korea have a long way to go in their trilateral free trade agreement. The road to an agreement is going to be long and complex. However, how this trilateral venture is going to be viewed by the US is to be watched with care and interest.

Reflections on Phuket ministerial meeting
Jan 15, 2021

Reflections on Phuket ministerial meeting

The signing of the framework agreement on free trade area was not anticipated during the event, which later appeared as a new revelation in the wake o

Rise of the Eurosceptics could hurt Indian interests
Jun 21, 2014

Rise of the Eurosceptics could hurt Indian interests

The recent European Parliamentary election shows the rise of the extreme right wing parties. This is something that would hurt Indians living in Europe and UK. Some of these parties are strongly nationalist and anti immigration (racists), free trade and outsourcing.