Search: For - FATF

41 results found

FATF: Grey areas in foreign policy and economy catch up with Turkey
Oct 25, 2021

FATF: Grey areas in foreign policy and economy catch up with Turkey

How will Erdogan manage his aspiration for Turkey to be a global Islamic power, whilst maintaining economic and political steam at home remains to be

FATF: धुंधली विदेश नीति और आर्थिक हालात से परेशानी में ‘तुर्की’
Nov 01, 2021

FATF: धुंधली विदेश नीति और आर्थिक हालात से परेशानी में ‘तुर्की’

तुर्की के आर्थिक और राजनीतिक तनाव को संभालते हुए वैश्विक

क्या FATF की ग्रे लिस्ट से मुक्त होगा पाकिस्तान?
Sep 15, 2022

क्या FATF की ग्रे लिस्ट से मुक्त होगा पाकिस्तान?

एफएटीएफ ने आतंकी फंडिंग व मनी लांड्रिंग मामलों पर अंकुश लगाने के प्रयासों को घटिया करार दिया है. आइए जानते हैं कि पाकिस्तान और एफएटीएफ के बीच बड़ी बाधा क्या है. इसके साथ यह भ

क्या FATF की ग्रे लिस्ट से मुक्त होगा पाकिस्तान?
Sep 15, 2022

क्या FATF की ग्रे लिस्ट से मुक्त होगा पाकिस्तान?

एफएटीएफ ने आतंकी फंडिंग व मनी लांड्रिंग मामलों पर अंकुश �

Actualising US-India cooperation on homeland security
Nov 27, 2019

Actualising US-India cooperation on homeland security

New Delhi and Washington must seek the compartmentalisation of homeland security cooperation by delinking progress on HSPD-6 agreement from divergence

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan
Oct 12, 2021

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan

Cut this any which way you like, the US still holds all the aces and can influence different outcomes in AfPak region depending on how it defines its interests.

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it
Sep 20, 2023

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it

Giving support to Khalistani terrorists against India hyphenates Canada with Pakistan. This has security and strategic implications for the world.

Crowdsourcing violence: Decoding online propaganda of new militant groups in Kashmir
Jan 19, 2022

Crowdsourcing violence: Decoding online propaganda of new militant groups in Kashmir

As new militant groups use digital militancy to garner support, the Indian government should implement effective counter narratives to control false p

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding
May 08, 2024

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding

Cryptocurrencies have transformed financial transactions and donations, yet the anonymity they offer has been exploited by terrorist organisations

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles
Dec 26, 2019

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles

Recent verdicts have strengthened civilian authority in principle, but left the PM in a spot with the army

Inching closer to the brink: on JCPOA
May 15, 2019

Inching closer to the brink: on JCPOA

As the US provokes Iran, the onus is on Europe to somehow stand by its end of the nuclear deal

India and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Dec 08, 2020

India and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

India is well placed to collaborate with like-minded SCO members in identifying areas of convergence, particularly in the socio-economic sphere.

India-Central Asia relations: Growing convergence brings relations to strategic heights
Jan 11, 2022

India-Central Asia relations: Growing convergence brings relations to strategic heights

The recently concluded India-Central Asia dialogue saw an upswing in areas of mutual cooperation  

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets
Oct 30, 2021

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets

Multilateral groupings such as the G20 should aim to regulate the cryptocurrency space as it will be the defining asset of the future internet economy

Pakistan cripples SCO’s anti-terror potency
May 20, 2023

Pakistan cripples SCO’s anti-terror potency

Pakistan’s use of terrorism as a foreign policy tool has neutralised the potency of the SCO to effectively tackle this menace at the regional level

Pakistan punched by India's Article 370 move
Aug 09, 2019

Pakistan punched by India's Article 370 move

Pakistan's rational options now are severely limited. However, expecting the rational from Pakistan might be expecting too much. Here's what India needs to be prepared for.

Pakistan will evade blacklisting, but remain greylisted
Feb 15, 2020

Pakistan will evade blacklisting, but remain greylisted

There is very little chance of Pakistan exiting the greylist at the FATF plenary even with the assistance of its all-weather friend China.

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently
Jun 19, 2019

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently

There needs to be a technology acquisition drive to military modernisation plans.

Resurgent Taliban and its implications on Kashmir
Aug 30, 2021

Resurgent Taliban and its implications on Kashmir

With a Taliban working in close tandem with Pakistan-backed militant groups, the spillover of violence into Kashmir might be a distinct possibility

The great disconnect between India and Pakistan
Jun 13, 2019

The great disconnect between India and Pakistan

Taking a lesson from the past, India should resist re-engaging with Pakistan.

The India–US partnership: Strategic convergences and divergences in Afghanistan
Jun 14, 2022

The India–US partnership: Strategic convergences and divergences in Afghanistan

Both India and the US seek to cooperate on the issue of Afghanistan as they share coinciding strategic national interests, including preventing Afgh

The outcome of India’s Kashmir bet could be profound
Dec 17, 2019

The outcome of India’s Kashmir bet could be profound

The altering of Kashmir’s special status poses risks, but it can also help consolidate our periphery

The Pakistan quagmire
Mar 03, 2022

The Pakistan quagmire

Pakistan’s economic instability accompanied by the growing crisis in Afghanistan has pushed it in a tight corner

The spoils of World War 2 are handing World War 3 victories to China
Sep 21, 2021

The spoils of World War 2 are handing World War 3 victories to China

The World Bank Group’s manipulation of Doing Business rankings to promote China is part of a larger and continuing malaise that needs to end now

The undeniable potential of the India-US strategic partnership
Nov 19, 2019

The undeniable potential of the India-US strategic partnership

India and the United States are natural allies because of structural and systemic convergences that the two countries experience in contemporary globa

Understanding India’s expanding international counterterrorism engagements
Nov 19, 2022

Understanding India’s expanding international counterterrorism engagements

India has broadened its counterterrorism engagements in the face of the evolving threat of terrorism

Will Pakistan deliver on key strategic affairs
Jul 06, 2018

Will Pakistan deliver on key strategic affairs

The FATF sword is dangling over Pakistan. With the country on the verge of economic bankruptcy, it desperately needs access to international financial markets.

क्रिप्टोकरन्सी, जकात आणि टेरर फंडिंग यांचा संबंध
May 31, 2024

क्रिप्टोकरन्सी, जकात आणि टेरर फंडिंग यांचा संबंध

क्रिप्टोकरन्सीमुळे आर्थिक व्यवहार आणि देणग्या देण्याच�