Search: For - Egypt

52 results found

Egypt's President Morsy Comes Calling
Mar 16, 2013

Egypt's President Morsy Comes Calling

These are not cheerful times for South Block in its dealings with neighbours or nations as distant as Italy. But there is a whole range of countries, in the Arab world which have traditionally been warm to New Delhi and who have been sending senior envoys to plead their respective cases and seek Indian support bilaterally and in multilateral forums.

Egypt-India Dialogue
Jun 09, 2013

Egypt-India Dialogue

Egypt and India have long had good relations with each other. Over the last few years, however, both nations have tended to be preoccupied elsewhere and their bilateral relationship has been left untended.

Egypt: Continuing 'revolution' or military 'coup'?
Jul 06, 2013

Egypt: Continuing 'revolution' or military 'coup'?

Even though the Egyptian army has refrained from taking over governance in the interim period, analysts say the fear of repeating the same mistakes are legitimate. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether or not this political transition will have a long-lasting impact on Egypt's nascent democracy.

Egypt: Elections sans democracy and liberalism
Aug 07, 2013

Egypt: Elections sans democracy and liberalism

What are Catherine Ashton and William Burns up to in Cairo? How can they convince a legally elected President overthrown by a discredited Army to share power and work together?

Egypt: President Sisi's Bold Move
Feb 03, 2015

Egypt: President Sisi's Bold Move

On New Year's Day, 2015, just before Milad-un-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Muhammad and a week before the killings at the Paris-based Charlie Hebdo magazine office,

Egypt: Revolution 2.0 and beyond
Dec 18, 2013

Egypt: Revolution 2.0 and beyond

During a discussion on the critical phase of the post-revolutionary period in the Egyptian political system and society, a major part was focused on the nature of demands the discontented Egyptians had when they took to the streets in 2011.

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all
Sep 17, 2012

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all

Recognising the critical nature of the situation in Egypt, and the role that a successful free and fair elections will have as a stabilizing factor in the establishment of a 'new' Egypt, Observer Research Foundation invited Justice Hatem Bagato,

Egyptian President Sisi's Latest Move: Germany
Jul 06, 2015

Egyptian President Sisi's Latest Move: Germany

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has been engaged in significant diplomatic activism since he took office. He has met with regional leaders from Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the UAE and has emerged as a key pillar in Riyadh's attempts to consolidate a Sunni bloc in the region.

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’
Jul 26, 2023

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’

भारतीय विदेश मंत्री के हालिए मिस्र (Egypt visit) दौरे के उपरांत स�

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’
Nov 12, 2022

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’

भारतीय विदेश मंत्री के हालिए मिस्र (Egypt visit) दौरे के उपरांत स�

Is Egypt back to square one?
Jul 22, 2013

Is Egypt back to square one?

The eviction of Muslim Brotherhood from power in Cairo may have significant implications on the course of the civil war in Syria too. The shape of regional politics has definitely taken a new turn.

Is it the end of Egyptian Spring?
Aug 24, 2013

Is it the end of Egyptian Spring?

If one thought that the fall of Hosni Mubarak had actually ushered in an era of great freedom to all shades of political and religious ideologies and organisations to emerge in the 'Egyptian Spring of 2011', then their hopes are already in mud, and mixed with a lot of blood too.

Is Political Islam under threat in Egypt and Syria?
Dec 08, 2013

Is Political Islam under threat in Egypt and Syria?

'Post-Islamism' has become the new face of political Islam which incorporates the positive and accommodating attitudes of the West towards Islam and the pluralistic attitudes of Islam towards the West, according to Mr Talmiz Ahmad, former Indian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman.

Little scope for genuine  democracy in Egypt
Jan 15, 2013

Little scope for genuine democracy in Egypt

Though the 'Arab Spring' had dethroned the long serving President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, there is still little scope for genuine democracy, according to Mr. Swashpawan Singh, former Indian Ambassador to Kuwait.

Media management and regulation in 2021: Perspectives from Egypt
Jan 08, 2021

Media management and regulation in 2021: Perspectives from Egypt

There have been clear attempts from both the public and private sectors to change the use of their media outlets from entity-based benefits to public-

Military cooperation with MENA Region: An Indo-Egyptian connection
Sep 27, 2022

Military cooperation with MENA Region: An Indo-Egyptian connection

Strengthening bilateral ties between India and Egypt could lead to improved multilateral cooperation in the MENA region.

Modi in Cairo: Pulling India–Egypt ties out of a deep freeze
Jun 27, 2023

Modi in Cairo: Pulling India–Egypt ties out of a deep freeze

Modi’s visit to Egypt offers a strong platform to build a relationship in the changing world order

Modi’s visit could bring fresh energy to India-Egypt ties
Jun 27, 2023

Modi’s visit could bring fresh energy to India-Egypt ties

The diversity of engagements planned during PM’s visit suggests that after a long hiatus, relations between two of the world’s oldest civilizations are on an upswing

New Egypt Trumps Israel on Peace Process
May 02, 2011

New Egypt Trumps Israel on Peace Process

Winds of change in the Arab world left Israel initially distraught with the fall of Mubarak. But then the mood changed. Changes elsewhere were seen as popular quest for empowerment in which, for once, Arab-Israeli peace was not the centre piece.

Renewing historical ties between Egypt and India
Oct 21, 2022

Renewing historical ties between Egypt and India

The Egypt visit of Indian External Affairs Minister marks a thaw in India-Egypt relations after years of being in the “deep freeze”

Reviving India-Egypt defence cooperation
Mar 20, 2013

Reviving India-Egypt defence cooperation

Although both India and Egypt are distracted by domestic political concerns, establishing a strong institutional links between the two military establishments will benefit both countries.

Water Wars: Could the dispute over GERD project push Egypt and Ethiopia closer to an armed conflict?
Jul 02, 2020

Water Wars: Could the dispute over GERD project push Egypt and Ethiopia closer to an armed conflict?

The challenge for leaders is to strike the right balance between Ethiopia’s developmental needs while considering Egypt and Sudan’s water rights a

What Morsi's ouster bodes for Egypt
Jul 09, 2013

What Morsi's ouster bodes for Egypt

Egypt is the fulcrum of the Arab world and developments there can have a profound impact in other Arab nations. That is why it is important to get things right. The immediate challenge for Egypt is to ensure that it does not degenerate into civil war.

Will Egypt move the Syria way?
Aug 19, 2013

Will Egypt move the Syria way?

Like Syria, both the opposing camps in Egypt do not seem to have any common meeting ground. Also, like Syria, both have enough support and resources to bear losses and continue the conflict. The developing situation, therefore, could not only spiral off into a bloody civil war domestically, but could also polarise the region.

Arab protests: the American dilemma
Feb 11, 2011

Arab protests: the American dilemma

The current wave of protests sweeping across the Arab world has the Obama administration worried, particularly about Egypt. Interestingly, each protest in the region has targeted rulers who have been allied to the US for long. The US thus finds itself in a delicate situation.

Arab Spring: Protests are hard work, but politically organising is harder
Dec 24, 2020

Arab Spring: Protests are hard work, but politically organising is harder

The revolutions were certainly inspiring — and for a time — made many Arabs and the world believe that the troubled region was finally moving towa

BRICS expansion is a desperate bid to maintain relevance
Sep 21, 2023

BRICS expansion is a desperate bid to maintain relevance

The BRICS expansion is a big win for China as it would be able to enhance its geopolitical influence by admitting Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Sa

Collapsing Muslim Dictatorships
Jan 29, 2011

Collapsing Muslim Dictatorships

Riyadh, Jerusalem, Washington, in that order of anxiety, must be in a huddle on the change in Tunisia and chill winds blowing across Egypt, Yemen and Jordan. The State Department has issued a warning that must send shock waves throughout the Arabian peninsula "status quo in the Middle East and North Africa is not sustainable".

COP27: India’s three-point agenda
Nov 11, 2022

COP27: India’s three-point agenda

As a voice for the developing world and as the only G20 country that is on track to achieve its climate targets, India is poised to become a global cl

From London to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From London to Sharm El-Sheikh

Eighty-eight innocent civilians, about 60 of them Egyptians, and the remaining believed to be foreign tourists, were killed in three well-synchronised explosions by unidentified terrorist elements at the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt on July 23,2005.The city is a popular tourist resort on the Red Sea at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula.

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh

Tantalising tit-bits of information relating to the links between jihadi terrorists in Pakistan and Egypt and in Egypt and the UK have been given in an editorial on the Sharm el-Sheikh blasts carried by the "Daily Times", the prestigious daily of Lahore, on July 25,2005. The editorial titled "Terrorist Link Between Egypt and Pakistan " makes the following salient points:

Indo-Pak ties: Time for bolder steps
Aug 29, 2011

Indo-Pak ties: Time for bolder steps

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's initiatives at Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt), Thimpu and Chandigarh to improve relations with Pakistan, viewed with much skepticism at the time, were far-sighted. It is time now for even bolder steps.

New balance of powers
Jul 17, 2015

New balance of powers

The Iran nuclear deal could mark a strategic realignment between the US and its traditional Sunni allies in the region. The Arab countries have been vocal in criticising Washington's policies in Egypt, Syria and Iraq, which they say have given an upper hand to "Iranian allies".

Of safe bets and best bets
Feb 05, 2011

Of safe bets and best bets

Egypt, because of its huge population and central role in history has traditionally been the heart of "Arab Street" in world affairs. It has always been the cultural capital of the Arab world - Egyptian Arabic is understood throughout the Arab world,

Pipelines to swords: How Covid-19 shifted focus from energy cooperation to securitisation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Jun 06, 2020

Pipelines to swords: How Covid-19 shifted focus from energy cooperation to securitisation in the Eastern Mediterranean

Covid-19-related economic repercussions have rendered the unifying, cooperation-creating element of a common energy market in the Eastern Mediterranea

Qatar’s Stakes in an Evolving West Asia
Aug 17, 2023

Qatar’s Stakes in an Evolving West Asia

In November 2022, Qatar will become the first state in West Asia and the Arab world to host the coveted FIFA football World Cup. Doha’s winning the hosting rights has brought the country—home to only 2.9 million people, more than eight out of every ten of whom are foreign workers—out of the shadow of its large, and more powerful regional neighbours such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This brief views thi

Rekindling old ties: Sisi’s visit to India
Jan 12, 2023

Rekindling old ties: Sisi’s visit to India

The upcoming visit by President al-Sisi provides an opportunity to boost relations between India and Egypt

Reviving the Cairo-Delhi Axis
Dec 04, 2022

Reviving the Cairo-Delhi Axis

Present-day geopolitics has provided a unique opportunity for both India and Egypt to bolster their relations

Saudi Arabia: A nation in turmoil
Jul 16, 2004

Saudi Arabia: A nation in turmoil

¿Unlike in Egypt, Algeria and Yemen, no well¿defined group engaged in sustained terrorism has emerged in Saudi Arabia¿i. A lot has been said and written about Saudi Arabia¿s role in the largely defunct ¿war on terror¿. The ruling family of the House of Saud has been an unabashed US ally in the campaign to hunt out terrorists.

Taksim Test
Aug 08, 2013

Taksim Test

Turkey, which had invested heavily in the success of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, was obviously agitated by the circumstances in which the Egyptian President had to go. The Turkish government had given them aid, advise and even garbage cans as a step towards improving the quality of governance.

The Arab Spring at 10: A more complex West Asia
Dec 19, 2020

The Arab Spring at 10: A more complex West Asia

The Arab Spring taught everyone that democracy, transition and political movements are not a spectator sport, but require rigour, time, planning and c

The great American divide
May 03, 2024

The great American divide

The American political landscape has been witnessing a great divide due to the growing immigration problem and the US’ support to ongoing wars.

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape
Aug 02, 2013

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape

Qatar is creating a large footprint for itself in the West Asian Qpolitical landscape. The Gulf state was previously known primarily for its oil and gas reserves, and compliance with US interests in the region. However, Qatar has in the recent past made significant efforts to assert regional pre-eminence through an aggressive foreign policy. Emir Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who recently handed over the reins of power to his son, Tamim bin

Why the CTBT remains an elusive goal
May 23, 2023

Why the CTBT remains an elusive goal

The last multilateral negotiations in the field of nuclear disarmament took place more than 20 years ago, resulting in the long awaited Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The treaty, however, has yet to enter into force. India is often held responsible for such uncertainty, in spite of having withdrawn from the negotiations before it was even concluded; at other times, it is the US which is blamed for failing to ratify the CTBT—giving reason

अमेरिकेत फूट
May 17, 2024

अमेरिकेत फूट

स्थलांतराची वाढती समस्या आणि सध्या सुरू असलेल्या युद्ध�

भारत-मिस्र संबंध: क़ाहिरा और दिल्ली के संबंधों में नई जान फूंकने की कोशिश!
Dec 10, 2022

भारत-मिस्र संबंध: क़ाहिरा और दिल्ली के संबंधों में नई जान फूंकने की कोशिश!

वर्तमान समय की जियोपॉलिटिक्स ने भारत और मिस्र दोनों को ए�