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56 results found

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role
May 24, 2023

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role

Neighbours India and Bhutan have shared five decades of friendly ties. Using as a backdrop Bhutan’s transition from a monarchy to democracy beginning in 1998, this brief makes an assessment of India’s role in Bhutan’s economic development in the past 20 years.  It looks at India’s contribution to Bhutan in terms of trade, hydropower enrichment, and development cooperation. The brief argues that India and Bhutan’s relations have endured

Electronic silk road important for economic development
May 02, 2014

Electronic silk road important for economic development

Dr. Anupam Chander, Professor of Law at UC Davis, says a specific rule which necessitates the consent of data subject in order to process the data coming from foreign countries in India is effectively discouraging foreign investments in India.

India’s continuing role in Nepal’s economic development
Jul 31, 2020

India’s continuing role in Nepal’s economic development

Cooperation on the economic front between India and Nepal can have a healing effect even during occasional ruptures.

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan
May 13, 2020

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan

Despite the persistence and spread of the corona pandemic, China has managed to use cultural centres as a tool to maintain its influence and geopoliti

A case for inclusive wealth assessment of Indian states
Jan 04, 2024

A case for inclusive wealth assessment of Indian states

The Inclusive Wealth (IW) approach provides a more comprehensive analysis of wealth and development, essential for India's diverse and complex socio-e

A New Silk Road Strategy for Afghanistan
Feb 08, 2013

A New Silk Road Strategy for Afghanistan

After the scheduled western forces drawdown from Afghanistan in 2014, one viable option that would assist Afghan economic development is the US-driven New Silk Road Strategy. But, China, Russia, and Iran have specific visions of a viable NSRS, and these do not necessarily sit well with the US strategy.

Blue economy: Beyond an economic proposition
Mar 03, 2017

Blue economy: Beyond an economic proposition

Blue economy’ is the integration of ocean economy development with values of social inclusion and environmental sustainability, along with dynamic and innovative business models. For India, however, blue economy extends beyond being merely an economic and environmental proposition. It presents India with an unprecedented opportunity to meet its national objectives, strengthen connectivity with neighbours, and exert influence in the surrounding

Bridging integration: Infrastructure projects in Kashmir
Mar 27, 2023

Bridging integration: Infrastructure projects in Kashmir

The completion of infrastructure projects in the Kashmir Valley will boost economic development, social integration, and security advantage

Can India's G20 Presidency Facilitate Global Energy Transition
Mar 27, 2023

Can India's G20 Presidency Facilitate Global Energy Transition

India is increasingly serving as a model for countries worldwide by demonstrating how economic development and environmental conservation can be complementary.

China in Latin America: A rising power’s forays into US backyard
Jan 12, 2018

China in Latin America: A rising power’s forays into US backyard

China, a late entrant in Latin America, has now emerged as the region’s major economic partner. Bilateral trade between the two stands today at more than USD 200 billion. By augmenting investments and trade in Latin America, Beijing has managed to project itself as an alternative to the United States, which had previously enjoyed overarching influence in the region. The US’ inability to lead Latin America into a path of sustainable econ

Continuity and Change in Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Deliberating Post-Election Scenarios
Jan 04, 2024

Continuity and Change in Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Deliberating Post-Election Scenarios

Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook, released in April 2023, is a projection of its interests in the region, and a testament to its political nonalignment and commitment to economic development. Its focus on upholding the rule of law and maintaining regional stability makes it a conducive partner for neighbouring countries and major powers in the Indo-Pacific. Bangladesh enjoys close ties with China, Japan, and the US, and a special relationship

Countering terrorism in today’s world
Jul 11, 2023

Countering terrorism in today’s world

Global terrorism can only be countered through cooperation, mutual collaboration, and confidence building amongst the international community

Democratising Technology for the Next Six Billion: India’s ‘Digital Public Goods’ Innovation
Nov 16, 2021

Democratising Technology for the Next Six Billion: India’s ‘Digital Public Goods’ Innovation

Access to, and development of indigenous digital platforms and cutting-edge technologies is imperative for robust socio-economic development and national security. In turn, such process needs to be democratised, and undertaken in a sustainable manner. India is a first mover in this novel idea of democratising technology and developing Digital Public Goods. Operationalised in the digital infrastructure called India Stack, India’s strategy aims t

Economic fusion in South Asia
Jan 20, 2015

Economic fusion in South Asia

South Asia is one of the most populous region in the world, representing about 24 per cent of the world's population. Most countries in the region are in various stages of economic development, and aspire for regional economic integration.

Empowering MSMEs: The role of AI literacy
Apr 03, 2024

Empowering MSMEs: The role of AI literacy

Businesses and individuals in India must seize the benefits of AI and strategically enhance their competitiveness by staying abreast of advancements i

Energy for All: How can India pursue its goal of providing energy to all sustainably?
May 20, 2015

Energy for All: How can India pursue its goal of providing energy to all sustainably?

To meet its poverty eradication, human and economic development targets, India will require much greater availability of energy. Poverty eradication is critical for building resilience to potential climate impacts.

Ensuring Water Security in Asia
Feb 18, 2011

Ensuring Water Security in Asia

Adequate access to water is not only a human right but it also forms the cornerstone of economic development. It is growing in importance in Asia where the population is rising at an exponential rate making it home to more than half of the world's population.

Future prospects of Beijing-Pyongyang relations
Jul 03, 2019

Future prospects of Beijing-Pyongyang relations

By improving relations with North Korea, Xi Jinping can project China’s regional hegemony, continue North Korea’s dependence on China and sway Kim

Harnessing the Potential of India-Nepal Partnerships in Hydropower
Aug 11, 2023

Harnessing the Potential of India-Nepal Partnerships in Hydropower

India and Nepal are fellow riparian nations in South Asia and thus could potentially use their shared water resources as avenues for collaborative effort. Using water to generate hydropower for maximum benefit comes from a place of mutual interest, allowing for optimum leverage for the socio-economic development of both countries. This brief outlines a history of the India-Nepal hydroelectric power scenario, and offers recommendations for growth.

India-Nepal oil pipeline to enhance regional connectivity
Oct 01, 2015

India-Nepal oil pipeline to enhance regional connectivity

The 41 km India-Nepal pipeline, designed to supply cost-effective and environment-friendly petroleum products to the landlocked the nation, is the first trans-national pipeline in the SAARC region. This initiative represents a win-win outcome for both the countries which will also enhance regional connectivity and economic development across the region.

India’s Open Credit Enablement Network as a Model to Empower MSMEs in Emerging Economies
Oct 09, 2023

India’s Open Credit Enablement Network as a Model to Empower MSMEs in Emerging Economies

India’s micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) sector is a key driver of the country’s economic and social development by fostering entrepreneurship and generating substantial employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital costs. However, inadequate access to finance is one of the most crucial barriers to the sector’s growth. Recent developments in digital public infrastructure in India could present new solutions to boost MSM

Indonesia’s ‘soft balancing’ against China
May 30, 2018

Indonesia’s ‘soft balancing’ against China

The vision seeks to go beyond economic development internal to Indonesia and the mere enhancing of connectivity between the islands of the Indonesian

Laying new BRICS in Durban
Mar 26, 2013

Laying new BRICS in Durban

China will have to act selflessly if it wants to build alternative institutional arrangements that look at development from the emerging economies prism. The BRICS will also have to be careful about what it regards as its core strength. So far, it has largely been perceived to be pushing for an alternative economic development paradigm.

Limits to efficiency: Rethinking current perspectives on climate action
Sep 19, 2018

Limits to efficiency: Rethinking current perspectives on climate action

Climate change and economic development are emotive subjects that are closely related: yet one is caused by the other. People’s lives are increasingly getting affected by the negative side-effects of climate change, particularly in developing countries which, at the same time, face enormous challenges to their aspirations for economic growth. Leading scientists agree that global warming is a reality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are requir

Locating Xinjiang in China’s Eurasian ambitions
Sep 25, 2018

Locating Xinjiang in China’s Eurasian ambitions

The importance of Xinjiang Province in China’s Eurasian connectivity initiative—the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB)—has received some coverage in the media. However, these news articles offer only a cursory view of China’s primary motive in pursuing the initiative, that is the ethnic unrest in Xinjiang. This paper argues that the conflict in Xinjiang is a main driving force to pursue SREB and that the initiative is congruent with a broader

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis
Apr 22, 2024

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the literature on private health aid and official health assistance between 2000 and 2022. It provides an overview of the sites and themes in the literature pertaining to development assistance in health, and collates the significant policy recommendations presented therein. Several crucial findings emerge from the bibliometric analysis: 44.2 percent of the 489 papers/articles assessed focused on low

Networking the Northeast through the 'rail route'
Jan 22, 2014

Networking the Northeast through the 'rail route'

The rail connectivity schemes in the Northeast, if implemented in a timely manner, would possibly achieve what decades of politico-administrative soft power and military hard power struggled to - bring about peace and economic development in a region embroiled in protracted ethnic conflicts.

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance
Dec 24, 2017

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance

India is commonly — and rightly — considered as a reluctant democracy promoter. But while sceptical about the motives behind Western attempts to promote democracy and about the effects of their democracy promotion efforts, India has since the mid-2000s moved warily to involve itself in “democracy assistance”. This article argues that New Delhi has engaged in these activities in the context of a wider shift in strategy, in parallel with t

Optimising digital innovation ecosystems for development
May 17, 2024

Optimising digital innovation ecosystems for development

Digital innovation ecosystems are crucial for global development, but balanced growth requires adaptive capacity to optimise their performance

Relocating Mumbai in the geoeconomics of the Indo-Pacific
Jan 30, 2021

Relocating Mumbai in the geoeconomics of the Indo-Pacific

Positioning Mumbai in the Indo-Pacific will require planning. A new version of the ‘Bombay Plan’ — Bombay Plan 2.0 — is needed to build on the

Roots of Extremism in Bangladesh
Jan 18, 2005

Roots of Extremism in Bangladesh

In many ways, Bangladesh seems an excellent place for al-Qaeda to find sanctuary in the decisive years ahead. It is an impoverished Islamic nation, politically weak and backward in its economic development. Its ports have been active hubs for transnational crime, including weapons running.

Securing Sea Lines of Communication in Asia
Jul 17, 2023

Securing Sea Lines of Communication in Asia

The Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC) in the Indo-Pacific are a critical enabler of economic development and prosperity in the region but receive little policy attention. In an era of geopolitical contestation, with regional powers reluctant to exert military effort in preserving exclusive access in ‘contested’ spaces, joint military endeavours remain largely confined to non-traditional areas of security. The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukr

Smart city making in India: Union budget 2020 and the way forward
Mar 04, 2020

Smart city making in India: Union budget 2020 and the way forward

The commitment towards local economic development, sustainable development, ease of living, etc. must be showcased by inviting reputed countries of th

South Asia South Asia Weekly 19
May 18, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 19

The CPN-Maoists are clear about their economic agenda: they want an economic miracle in Nepal within 10 years. To achieve this objective, they have promised to adopt a liberal economic policy to boost the country's economic development and revive the dormant industrial sector.

The China-India Defense Dialogue
Apr 20, 2015

The China-India Defense Dialogue

China is touting its vision of linking two Indian projects (Mausam and Spice Route) with its One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. China's main goal is to coordinate regional policy so that each country's economic development plan becomes part of a larger regional vision.

The India Stack as a Potential Gateway to Global Economic Integration
Mar 22, 2024

The India Stack as a Potential Gateway to Global Economic Integration

India’s Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), known as India Stack, has not only had a profound impact on the country’s economy but also has potential significance for global economic integration. This brief elucidates how this framework has facilitated financial inclusion, spurred innovation, and propelled economic growth in India. It highlights the foundational role of the India Stack in transforming the country’s financial landscape, and

The New Economy of Climate Change
Apr 29, 2016

The New Economy of Climate Change

Climate change presents significant risks to long-term economic growth and socioeconomic development in developing economies. Thus the response to climate change necessitates major revisions around how economies are structured and how they function. The Observer Research Foundation organised a symposium on the subject, “The New Economy of Climate Change”, on 15 March 2016. This Special Report builds on the key themes presented by the panellis

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre
Oct 17, 2021

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre

Countries in the Global South are keen on leveraging cyberspace for their economic development, and thus, have a considerable interest in the security

The Role of the State in Facilitating an India-First Technological Imperative
Jul 21, 2023

The Role of the State in Facilitating an India-First Technological Imperative

The role of the state is paramount in incentivising and facilitating a continental-scale indigenous technology and intellectual property development ecosystem in India. The world's two largest economies, US and China, have amply demonstrated the payoffs of this approach through tangible socio-economic development. This paper documents successful strategies from both economies that India can emulate in its own context. It argues that multi

Trade with Bangladesh: Opportunities for North East
Jun 15, 2012

Trade with Bangladesh: Opportunities for North East

India?s improved relations with Bangladesh have brought new opportunities for economic development in the North East region. To maximise the benefits, there is need for identifying the factors and the issues that might hinder the growth of economic ties.

Understanding the BCIM Economic Corridor and India’s Response
Jun 16, 2016

Understanding the BCIM Economic Corridor and India’s Response

The Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor (EC) has been receiving increased public attention in the last few months because of a strong push by China. When implemented, the project promises mega cites, infrastructure, jobs and better living standards for people living in its fold. Is the BCIM EC really a gamechanger? Or will this project, like others proposed by China under its One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative, result in

Vying for investments: Nepal’s quest to become a ‘zone of investment’
May 27, 2024

Vying for investments: Nepal’s quest to become a ‘zone of investment’

Despite Nepal's aspirations to become a ‘zone of investment,’ structural and political obstacles prevent the country from achieving this goal.

Will governance issues influence poll outcomes in J&K?
Apr 16, 2019

Will governance issues influence poll outcomes in J&K?

Economic development is held to be synonymous with the provision of infrastructure, especially roads, hospitals and educational institutions. Job crea

With China’s new interest in Nepal, sources of tension in Indo-Nepal ties can’t be ruled out
Jul 19, 2017

With China’s new interest in Nepal, sources of tension in Indo-Nepal ties can’t be ruled out

Citizens of India and Nepal enjoy mutual rights of residence, freedom of movement, ownership of property, and can participate in each other’s industrial and economic development without discrimination.