Search: For - Decolonisation

4 results found

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope
Aug 20, 2023

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope

Even after the decolonisation of Africa, the continent was unable to formulate, let alone implement its own agenda because of its deep political and economic vulnerabilities. This situation has changed in the last two decades, and today, Africa is witnessing political and economic resurgence. Its leaders realise that the time has come for African development to be owned and driven by the African people themselves. There is a new enthusiasm for th

Diego Garcia: India’s conundrum
Jun 16, 2020

Diego Garcia: India’s conundrum

New Delhi declared unequivocal support for “all peoples striving for decolonisation”, only to keep conspicuously quiet.

North Africa in the Indian foreign policy matrix
Oct 13, 2021

North Africa in the Indian foreign policy matrix

Taking into account their shared history of cooperating over decolonisation, India and North African nations have much potential to develop deeper rel

The saboteur and his confederacy plan
Nov 30, 2016

The saboteur and his confederacy plan

Jawaharlal Nehru was clear with his idea of India: an Undivided India which included the Provinces under British Rule and the amorphous mass of small and big Princely States, which did not desire to be part of such an idea of ‘India’. In his battle to subjugate the Princes, Nehru found an ally in the last Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten sent by the new British Prime Minister Clement Attlee. The implementation was then run like a relay race whe