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179 results found

Coup by Court — The Pakistani Army's new modus operandi
Sep 12, 2017

Coup by Court — The Pakistani Army's new modus operandi

In earlier coups, the Army used the Court as an afterthought to "justify" its actions. Now for the time the Court was used as the first port of call

Coup is a setback to Myanmar’s unique experiment with democracy
Feb 03, 2021

Coup is a setback to Myanmar’s unique experiment with democracy

Given India’s position in the region and its history of supporting democratic traditions, Delhi is likely to exert pressure for the restoration of democracy.

Coups are making a comeback in Africa, but what’s driving them?
Nov 01, 2021

Coups are making a comeback in Africa, but what’s driving them?

Successive coups in Africa will only further destabilise the region; African regional groupings need to resort to active intervention to curtail it.

Coups in khaki and other colours
Sep 25, 2017

Coups in khaki and other colours

Prolonged periods of military rule in Pakistan have enabled the military to penetrate all structures of the Pakistani state. Political parties, the judiciary, bureaucracy, and the media — today all have their share of pro-khaki elements. Therefore, a military coup d’etat is no longer the only way to unseat a democratically elected political leader who may have differences with the Army. Indeed, if former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had compl

A soft coup in Islamabad: Army the clear winner
Aug 02, 2017

A soft coup in Islamabad: Army the clear winner

The Supreme Court's decision has given a huge jolt to the fragile democratic system. And, Sharif's political legacy is lying in tatters.

Africa’s coup contagion: Factors driving an upsurge in military intervention
Feb 11, 2022

Africa’s coup contagion: Factors driving an upsurge in military intervention

Several factors aside from mismanagement, corruption, and poverty under democratic rule have led to the rise of military coups in the African continen

Another military coup in Sudan
Nov 08, 2021

Another military coup in Sudan

As Sudan’s dance with democracy was cut short by the recent military takeover, concerns have emerged as this puts regional security at risk

Blinken's visit to China: From de-coupling to de-risking
Jul 01, 2023

Blinken's visit to China: From de-coupling to de-risking

Finding common ground could contribute to more cooperation, but achieving this will require compromises and sustained engagement from both sides

Decoupling from China may be tricky while Chinese exports are surging
Dec 16, 2020

Decoupling from China may be tricky while Chinese exports are surging

The chances for implementation of decoupling appear very slim — at least for the time being.

Egypt: Continuing 'revolution' or military 'coup'?
Jul 06, 2013

Egypt: Continuing 'revolution' or military 'coup'?

Even though the Egyptian army has refrained from taking over governance in the interim period, analysts say the fear of repeating the same mistakes are legitimate. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether or not this political transition will have a long-lasting impact on Egypt's nascent democracy.

Growing Chinese investments in Myanmar post-coup
Nov 09, 2021

Growing Chinese investments in Myanmar post-coup

Post-coup, Myanmar has lost most of its foreign investments, however Beijing has taken this opportunity to ratchet up its investments instead

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup
Jan 05, 2022

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup

Intelligence agencies are prone to exaggerate an adversary’s capabilities. Indian intelligence in the mid-1970s, meanwhile, severely underestimated Pakistan’s nuclear cunning. For a crucial part of those years, India could not identify AQ Khan’s clandestine nuclear activities to acquire Uranium enrichment technology. This brief names three reasons: hubris, biases, and overlearning from one’s experiences. For New Delhi, this is as much a p

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup
Nov 03, 2022

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup

Though nobody is sure what will be the outcome of the march to Islamabad, it is clear that Pakistan is in for a period of continued instability

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories
May 17, 2018

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories

The bigger question the Karnataka verdict poses to us is: in the emerging disruptive trend of India’s democracy does voter choice matter at all?

India’s Connectivity Projects with Myanmar, Post-Coup: A Stocktaking
Feb 22, 2023

India’s Connectivity Projects with Myanmar, Post-Coup: A Stocktaking

Myanmar, which shares a border with four of India’s north-eastern states—Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, and Nagaland—is crucial to the country’s ‘Act East’ policy. India has a number of projects with Myanmar in the pipeline, seeking to improve physical connectivity through transport links, which in turn can assist in both countries’ development goals. Since the military coup in Myanmar on 1 February 2021, the country has been

India’s Foreign Secretary Visits Post-Coup Myanmar
Jan 03, 2022

India’s Foreign Secretary Visits Post-Coup Myanmar

Given the geopolitical and security interests, India cannot afford to ignore or isolate Myanmar.

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time
Aug 06, 2019

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time

It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation.

Lessons from the foiled Coup in Bangladesh
Feb 06, 2012

Lessons from the foiled Coup in Bangladesh

Three quick lessons can be drawn from the recent coup attempt in Bangladesh. These are growing unrest among political and military circles against the Awami League government for its policies towards India and fundamentalism;

Maldives: Talk of 'another coup'
Feb 11, 2014

Maldives: Talk of 'another coup'

For a second occasion in almost as many weeks, former Maldives President Mohammed Nasheed hinted at a change of the country's leadership. Such reports will sound credible only if the MDP is able to muster two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Military takeover in Gabon: A coup d’état or palace revolution?
Sep 15, 2023

Military takeover in Gabon: A coup d’état or palace revolution?

The coup in Gabon highlights a fundamental cause of coups throughout Africa: The demise of electoral processes and the rising popularity of military a

Modi's historic Obama coup reveals PM's 'out of the box' vision for India
Nov 24, 2014

Modi's historic Obama coup reveals PM's 'out of the box' vision for India

The decision to invite US President Barack Obama to be the chief guest at the 66th Republic Day is the clearest indicator of the directions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's strategic outlook.

Myanmar: Coup, COVID-19, and the ongoing economic crisis
Jun 15, 2022

Myanmar: Coup, COVID-19, and the ongoing economic crisis

Myanmar is currently fraught with rising humanitarian needs, and an impending economic meltdown that seems quite probable

Myanmar: The Rohingya question in the current coup
Feb 11, 2021

Myanmar: The Rohingya question in the current coup

The change of power will hardly alter the fate of the displaced; more neglect and violence is currently being dreaded.

PM's Masood Azhar ‘coup’ with China’s help: A political bargain?
May 03, 2019

PM's Masood Azhar ‘coup’ with China’s help: A political bargain?

The most important question that comes to mind after China has lifted its hold on Masood Azhar’s designation as a terrorist under UN rules is: Why now? Why plumb in the middle of the general elections?

Rethinking Decoupling: Interdependence, dependence, independence
Oct 20, 2020

Rethinking Decoupling: Interdependence, dependence, independence

Tensions between government and industry over encryption, vulnerabilities and privacy are now compounded by a geo-technological rupture between the wo

Revamping BRI in post-coup Myanmar
Dec 08, 2022

Revamping BRI in post-coup Myanmar

Myanmar government is proceeding with the BRI projects in an attempt to resuscitate the economy but this could come at a huge cost

Royal coup and its implications
Feb 05, 2005

Royal coup and its implications

FOR all those following the developments in Nepal, the King¿s coup, has not come as a surprise. Notable, however, is the sweep and sting of the King¿s action.

Soft Coup, hard fall in Pakistan
Apr 29, 2019

Soft Coup, hard fall in Pakistan

The first cabinet reshuffle is intimation of the govt's impending demise. The army has taken back control of vital portfolios. They will find a new puppet PM. Till then, Imran Khan's options are severely limited.

The aftermath of post-coup Niger
Aug 21, 2023

The aftermath of post-coup Niger

Regional African blocs should try to find solutions through diplomacy before the coup in Niger causes regional instability and leads to a full-fledged

The great US-China tech decoupling
Nov 02, 2022

The great US-China tech decoupling

The US export controls might push China towards an impetus for a strong domestic semiconductor industry

The third wave amidst a military coup in Myanmar
Jul 20, 2021

The third wave amidst a military coup in Myanmar

Myanmar currently requires prioritisation to secure the lives of citizens. The doctors rather than being arrested, wounded, or killed should be brough

Untangling Niger’s military coup
Aug 26, 2023

Untangling Niger’s military coup

As the new regime tries to establish itself, it is being pulled in several directions from powers and forces within and without Niger

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19
Jun 09, 2020

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19

Questions about the utility of globalisation are not new. Could the COVID-19 outbreak be the final nail on the coffin for an idea that drove the world economy in the past three decades?  In theory, countries would produce what they specialised in, leaving it to the market to ensure everyone got a better price for it. As 2020 began, the pandemic spread from one province of China and soon disrupted production across the world. Countries banned the

“Market coupling” in the power sector: Is India doing enough?
Feb 26, 2024

“Market coupling” in the power sector: Is India doing enough?

While India emphasises on harnessing the potential of integrated power exchanges, regional trends worldwide suggest “market coupling” as a concept

#Myanmar में तख़्तापलट के एक साल: ‘म्यांमार नीति’ को लेकर उलझन में भारत!
Jul 30, 2023

#Myanmar में तख़्तापलट के एक साल: ‘म्यांमार नीति’ को लेकर उलझन में भारत!

म्यांमार के साथ भारत का जटिल इतिहास और उसका रुख़, भारत को �

#Myanmar में तख़्तापलट के एक साल: ‘म्यांमार नीति’ को लेकर उलझन में भारत!
Feb 10, 2022

#Myanmar में तख़्तापलट के एक साल: ‘म्यांमार नीति’ को लेकर उलझन में भारत!

म्यांमार के साथ भारत का जटिल इतिहास और उसका रुख़, भारत को �