Search: For - Constitution

180 results found

Constitution-making and Catalonia referendum
Oct 30, 2017

Constitution-making and Catalonia referendum

Catalonia and ‘Kurdistan’ demands have only fuelled fresh flames in the likes of TGTE in converting their ‘virtual government in a virtual world’ into a ‘real state in a real world.’

Constitution: Power-sharing needs a fresh look
Aug 06, 2011

Constitution: Power-sharing needs a fresh look

In the backdrop of the ever-evolving global situations and demands of sustainable development, there is now an increasing need to widen the scope of the discourse on the Centre-State relations, expanding to include new areas of concerns and the various arms of the State.

Constitutional and political disconnect necessary for Nepal's stability
Aug 17, 2010

Constitutional and political disconnect necessary for Nepal's stability

Ms Menaka Guruswamy, Supreme Court lawyer, who has been associated with Constitution making in Nepal, outlined four major areas of divergence in Nepalese Constitution. Federalism is one such area which is highly contested.

Constitutional crisis averted, but road ahead full of traps
May 27, 2011

Constitutional crisis averted, but road ahead full of traps

A constitutional crisis that was threatening to undo all the achievements of the popular struggle against the Nepalese monarchy and establishment of a republic was averted on Sunday.

A day of constitutional infamy
Apr 04, 2022

A day of constitutional infamy

With the No-Confidence Motion against the Imran-led government dismissed, Pakistan descends further into political turmoil.

Blocking online porn: Who should make Constitutional decisions?
Mar 16, 2015

Blocking online porn: Who should make Constitutional decisions?

A constitutional court must not outsource its judgement on freedom of expression online to an industry association even if it convenes others to help make this decision. It must also avoid allowing the executive to take over this role, determining without any transparency what content is blocked.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 32 | State Council pledges allegiance to the constitution
Sep 20, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 32 | State Council pledges allegiance to the constitution

In 2015, China decided that officials at all levels, courts and procuratorates should take a public oath of allegiance to the constitution.

Dissecting India’s constitutional resilience: Lessons for G20 countries
Jan 25, 2023

Dissecting India’s constitutional resilience: Lessons for G20 countries

India’s impeccable story of constitutional promise and practice has much to offer to the G20 members and the world

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all
Sep 17, 2012

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all

Recognising the critical nature of the situation in Egypt, and the role that a successful free and fair elections will have as a stabilizing factor in the establishment of a 'new' Egypt, Observer Research Foundation invited Justice Hatem Bagato,

How Indian constitutional morality strengthens its democracy?
Jan 27, 2023

How Indian constitutional morality strengthens its democracy?

Despite several challenges to its democracy, the embedded values of India’s constitutional morality have played a pivotal role in strengthening it

Introduction The framers of the Constitution of India, which came into force in 1950, put faith in the State to provide  ...
Aug 16, 2023

Introduction The framers of the Constitution of India, which came into force in 1950, put faith in the State to provide free and compulsory education for all children up to 14 years of age. Article 45

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India is enshrined in the Constitution and mandated under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009. Yet, its implementation remains tentative for many reasons, primary of which is the absence of a clear government guideline regarding which Ministry is tasked with policymaking and implementation. This brief attempts to offer an answer for the government. It examines

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time
Aug 06, 2019

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time

It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation.

Maldives: Cohabitation blues cause constitutional crisis
Jul 02, 2010

Maldives: Cohabitation blues cause constitutional crisis

Having kicked off the constitutional deadlock in Maldives, by getting the whole Cabinet resigned, President Nasheed needs to find a wayout of the imbroglio. A snap poll, either for the President or Parliament, or both, are the possibilities.

Maldives: Urgent need to revisit Constitution again?
Aug 08, 2017

Maldives: Urgent need to revisit Constitution again?

The need for a review of the pro-democracy constitutional scheme was felt during the interregnum that followed the exit of President Nasheed on Februa

Nepal upset India did not wholeheartedly support new Constitution
Oct 14, 2015

Nepal upset India did not wholeheartedly support new Constitution

Nepal is upset that India did not whole-heartedly support the adoption of the new Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, according to Mr. Chandra Kumar Ghimire, Consul General of Nepal in Kolkata.

Nepal: Another election for a new Constitution
May 28, 2012

Nepal: Another election for a new Constitution

In Nepal, with the dissolution of Constituent Assembly and legislature parliament, the Baburam Bhattarai government will continue under caretaker status. But a political confrontation is unavoidable in days ahead given the deep divisions among and within the political parties of Nepal.

New Constitution is still more about power-politics, not power- devolution
Dec 19, 2016

New Constitution is still more about power-politics, not power- devolution

PM Ranil Wickremesinghe’s Party has decided on retaining the Executive Presidency and ‘power-devolution’ under the existing ‘unitary State’ model

Pensions: Constitutional office holders must lead by example
Jan 24, 2023

Pensions: Constitutional office holders must lead by example

The old pension scheme is a deform that is practically, morally and colonially out of tune with a 21st century modern India; Parliament must start at

Sri Lanka: Critical polls caught between COVID-19 and Constitution
May 06, 2020

Sri Lanka: Critical polls caught between COVID-19 and Constitution

While the government wants early elections despite mixed reports about its handling of the COVID-19 crisis — the opposition wants the polls postponed.

Talks for amending the Constitution
Dec 19, 2014

Talks for amending the Constitution

US President Barak Obama's visit to Myanmar late last year has opened the political space in the country for discussing amendments to the nation's Constitution. A day after speaking to Obama on 30 October,

Unrest in Uzbekistan: Karakalpaks oppose constitutional reforms
Jul 14, 2022

Unrest in Uzbekistan: Karakalpaks oppose constitutional reforms

The recent constitutional amendments proposed by the Mirziyoyev administration have led to widespread protests in Karakalpakstan.

'Neighbourhood first' in Nepal
Jun 12, 2017

'Neighbourhood first' in Nepal

India needs to help Prime Minister Deuba clear the way for elections under the new Constitution.

03 मार्च: पाकिस्तान के कथित ‘लोकतंत्र’ में संवैधानिक बदनामी का दिन!
Apr 05, 2022

03 मार्च: पाकिस्तान के कथित ‘लोकतंत्र’ में संवैधानिक बदनामी का दिन!

इमरान ख़ान के ख़िलाफ़ अविश्वास प्रस्ताव ख़ारिज होने से प

8 windows to view India’s economic reforms: Past, present and future
Jul 24, 2021

8 windows to view India’s economic reforms: Past, present and future

Even though Socialism as a failed philosophy stares us in the face, India’s Constitution continues to Preamble all Articles through it. Perhaps, tha

A divided America and the world
Nov 23, 2020

A divided America and the world

America’s founding fathers didn’t anticipate a situation where a president refuses to accept the election results — the US Constitution has no d

A Primer on US and EU response to India’s Abrogation of Article 370
Oct 16, 2020

A Primer on US and EU response to India’s Abrogation of Article 370

This paper outlines the responses of the US Congress and European Union (EU) parliament to the Indian government’s abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution and the surrounding events, including the communications lockdown in Kashmir. It notes contrasting responses: the US Congress showed a binary reaction of moderate and extreme calls to action, and the EU parliament honed a more expansive approach to address India’s apparent “democrat

Abe's decision could mark a turning point in security policy
Jul 09, 2014

Abe's decision could mark a turning point in security policy

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent decision to reinterpret the Japanese constitution to exercise the right of collective self-defence is truly significant and could mark a turning point in Japan's security policy in the coming years.

Abe's defence
Jul 21, 2015

Abe's defence

It's not often that one sees leaders take risks in the pursuit of a political conviction. Abe, a rare exception, has been steadfast in his determination to remove the extraordinary restraints on Japan's military imposed by its post-war constitution. Abe wants Japan to be a "normal" power, 70 years after World War II.

Adopting the One Health approach
Apr 05, 2024

Adopting the One Health approach

Constitutional provisions for the right to health cannot be realised without integrating frameworks for the health of people and the planet.

Affirmative action in higher education : Insights from recent empirical research
May 11, 2023

Affirmative action in higher education : Insights from recent empirical research

Affirmative action, especially in the form of reservation policies, to address the issues of inclusion and equity has been in place in India for a long time. The available evidence suggests that the policies of reservation have not been an unqualified success. Indeed, implementation of the reservation policies has faced a variety of issues ranging from problems of identifying the beneficiary groups and the creamy layer to legal interpretation of

Afghanistan's tryst with reality
Dec 04, 2003

Afghanistan's tryst with reality

After months of painstaking deliberations, Afghanistan's draft Constitution was finally made public on November 3, 2003. However, the road to the final document would in all probability prove to be a daunting process as the formation of the draft was, and might end up being an inconclusive battle for supremacy between the liberals in charge of the country at present and the radicals who once called the shots.

Anna's arrest and after...
Aug 16, 2011

Anna's arrest and after...

The events after the presentation of the 'Jan Lok Pal Bill' draft by 'Team Anna' has unfolded on expected lines. The Government's softened Bill, defending its politico-constitutional position on the inclusion of Prime Minister.

Anti-defection law: Time for a relook?
Jul 24, 2019

Anti-defection law: Time for a relook?

A precarious situation has developed resulting in a constitutional logjam in Karnataka. There is a need to have a relook at the Act.

Assessing the Merger of Delhi’s Municipal Corporations
Jul 20, 2023

Assessing the Merger of Delhi’s Municipal Corporations

In April, the Delhi Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2022, merged the North, South, and East Delhi municipal corporations into a single urban local body (ULB) called the Delhi Municipal Corporation. The unification is expected to lead to better service delivery, greater financial strength, economies of scale, and eliminate administrative duplication. However, the Act does not outline the functional and financial domains of ULBs and aspects

Beyond the Preamble: Measuring up the right to education in practice
Jan 24, 2024

Beyond the Preamble: Measuring up the right to education in practice

While the right to education is widely recognised by national constitutions, its actual implementation remains inadequate

Bhullar case verdict and after
Apr 26, 2013

Bhullar case verdict and after

In the 'Bhullar case', the Supreme Court could now be construed to have applied the 'reasonable restriction' theory in the larger application of Article 14 of the Constitution, promising 'equality before law and the equal protection of the laws'.

Blame game continues in Nepal
Jan 23, 2015

Blame game continues in Nepal

Nepali political leaders have missed a self-imposed deadline for promulgation of the country's new Constitution. Last year, in the wake of the election to the second Constituent Assembly (CA), the lawmakers had kept January 22 as the deadline.

Building on foundations: Kishida’s premiership post-Abe
Jun 21, 2024

Building on foundations: Kishida’s premiership post-Abe

As the PM, Kishida has upheld Abe's legacy by maintaining Japan's focus on regional security and economic resilience, while introducing initiatives to

Case for an all-India Election Service
May 18, 2005

Case for an all-India Election Service

By not backing the political demand of the RJD ally for the exit of then Election Commissioners, B B Tandon and N Gopalswamy, the Centre and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have silenced avoidable criticism of the constitutional body entrusted with the task of ensuring common man¿s continued faith in parliamentary democracy.

Centre-State ties: New protocol needed
Apr 09, 2012

Centre-State ties: New protocol needed

While the debate on federalism is likely to continue before a consensus can be arrived at for amending the Constitution to strike a fresh balance between the States and Centre, it is worthwhile to explore possibilities for pushing the developmental agenda meant essentially for the people.

Chandrika's Gamble
Nov 05, 2003

Chandrika's Gamble

By sacking three crucial ministers, proroguing Parliament and telling the nation that she was ¿willing to discuss with the LTTE, a just and balanced solution within the parameters of unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka¿, President Chandrika Kumaratunga may have precipitated a politico-constitutional crisis with far-reaching consequences.