Search: For - China Russia

13 results found

China debates the crisis in Ukraine
Feb 28, 2022

China debates the crisis in Ukraine

The Ukraine-Russia crisis places China in a unique situation as it aims to avoid antagonising the West by openly siding with Russia

China’s endgame in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Jan 19, 2023

China’s endgame in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

According to the Chinese internal discourse, a prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine seems to best serve China’s strategic interests

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy
Apr 25, 2020

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy

As the political leadership cedes to the manoeuvres of the China-Russia combine, Italians are taking a stand.

Putin and Xi Frame a New China-Russia Partnership
Feb 15, 2022

Putin and Xi Frame a New China-Russia Partnership

Pressure that both sides face from the United States and the West gives their partnership new depth.

Return of a new non-alignment?
Jun 25, 2020

Return of a new non-alignment?

The middle powers are taking the middle path to dealing with the US and China, which may lead to significant challenges if New Delhi chooses to build

Russia-China strategic alliance gets a new boost with missile early warning system
Oct 28, 2019

Russia-China strategic alliance gets a new boost with missile early warning system

The development is the latest indicator that the bilateral relationship is getting stronger.

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024
Dec 26, 2023

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024

The year 2024 is poised to be a period of significant transformation, characterised by extensive changes on both domestic and international fronts

Xi- Putin meeting amidst China’s Ukraine dilemma
Mar 29, 2023

Xi- Putin meeting amidst China’s Ukraine dilemma

On the Ukraine conflict, China is delicately balancing the two, where it seeks to be an ally of Russia while not incurring the wrath of the West