Search: For - China

4498 results found

China 'stirring up' anti-India discourse in neighbourhood?
Dec 22, 2017

China 'stirring up' anti-India discourse in neighbourhood?

The new extra-regional player in China seems to want to provoke internal anti-India debates in individual South Asian nations.

China - Hu Jintao era
Oct 26, 2004

China - Hu Jintao era

The People's Republic of China (PRC) witnessed the beginning of a new era - Hu Jintao era, when the sixty one year fourth generation leader was elected to the post of Chairman of the Central Military Commission(CMC) during the Fourth Plenum of the 16th Chinese Communist Party(CCP) Central Committee (Beijing, September 16-19

China acquiring weapons that can target US systems: US scholar
May 11, 2011

China acquiring weapons that can target US systems: US scholar

China has avoided taking up regional and global responsibilities despite the United States' basic policy and efforts to make it a responsible stakeholder in the international community and help it take its rightful place as a global power, according to US scholar Dr Michael Auslin.

China aims to algorithmise Internet Information Services (IIS)
Oct 12, 2021

China aims to algorithmise Internet Information Services (IIS)

As a part of the ongoing tech crackdown, Beijing has decided to introduce AI Algorithm-based regulations to rein in the Big Tech

China and Africa—Is it the end of the honeymoon period?
Oct 27, 2021

China and Africa—Is it the end of the honeymoon period?

The fading of Sino-optimism seen in African countries and the emergence of new western initiatives in counter to BRI are ample reasons for China to re

China and ASEAN: Flourishing at 30
Dec 04, 2021

China and ASEAN: Flourishing at 30

The 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN relations was marked by the reiteration of the mutually beneficial relationship that both enjoy. Is this a shadow

China and Cyberspace
Apr 09, 2013

China and Cyberspace

In the absence of a legal framework, Beijing is in overdrive to build its cyberspace capabilities—with military ramifications—as the world looks askance.  

China and India in Nepal: A new power play?
Dec 10, 2020

China and India in Nepal: A new power play?

Nepal must make the best of the opportunities that it is receiving from its neighbours and tread carefully.

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean
Dec 05, 2022

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean

This has been a longstanding policy of China, but more recently, Beijing has been perturbed by New Delhi’s proactive push in China’s periphery along the wider Indo-Pacific. Beijing is attempting to portray itself as the new leader in the emerging multipolar world

China and India need a way to get out of the maze in Ladakh
Jul 03, 2020

China and India need a way to get out of the maze in Ladakh

It is clear that the old confidence building measures regime initiated in 1993 has broken down. Yet striving to sort out differences over where the LAC lies is the only way forward for Prime Minister Modi and President Xi.

China and India postpone peak coal
Oct 15, 2021

China and India postpone peak coal

Coal consumption sees a resurgence as countries attempt to balance between increasing demands for energy and slow supply of renewables. A new challeng

China and India pull back on Doklam, choosing to fight another day
Sep 15, 2017

China and India pull back on Doklam, choosing to fight another day

India deftly used the BRICS summit to end the standoff with China in Bhutan, but challenges remain for bilateral relations

China and Indonesia: A new tug-of-war
Oct 13, 2017

China and Indonesia: A new tug-of-war

Indonesia is increasing its military presence in the region and upgrading its forces in the Natuna Islands as it seeks to challenge China and maintain its control over an important sea domain containing abundant marine food and energy resources.

China and Iran: JCPOA and beyond
Feb 18, 2019

China and Iran: JCPOA and beyond

Beijing’s Middle-East policy, especially that towards Iran, remains an enigma of sorts. Though it remains heavily engaged with Teheran, it is taking

China and Russia Navigate Shared Threat of Terrorism from Afghanistan
Apr 27, 2023

China and Russia Navigate Shared Threat of Terrorism from Afghanistan

China and Russia both seek closer ties with the Taliban in Kabul, even as they have refrained from fully recognising the regime. This brief explores China’s and Russia’s converging interests in Afghanistan, and argues that their primary concern is a shared existential threat of terrorism from Afghanistan. Beijing and Moscow regard Afghanistan as a potential source of trans-regional instability, and they are adopting a pragmatic approa

China and the 'Global War on Terror'
Mar 19, 2004

China and the 'Global War on Terror'

2003 was an important year in the evolution of China¿s counter-terrorism policy. In December last, its Ministry of Public Security issued a list of identified 'Eastern Turkistan' terrorist organizations. Figuring in the list are the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the World Uighur Youth Congress (WUYC),

China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Nov 01, 2019

China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

AIIB is designed to please and be pleasing. In its dealings with established MDBs, it comes to praise, not to bury. It is in this respect an effective

China and the New Leadership in Myanmar
May 25, 2011

China and the New Leadership in Myanmar

As part of its political transition from military to "civilian" rule, Myanmar adopted a new constitution through a national referendum in 2008 and conducted its first national elections in two decades in November 2010.

China and the Saudi-Iran conflict
Dec 20, 2017

China and the Saudi-Iran conflict

Beijing would find it hard to sustain its balancing act between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

China and the UN: Investigating multilateral bureaucracy
May 04, 2024

China and the UN: Investigating multilateral bureaucracy

A focus on UN 2.0 and bureaucratic cushioning from state influence need to be high on the agenda of the Summit of the Future as allegations of countri

China and the US push in West Asia
Jan 20, 2020

China and the US push in West Asia

Beijing's expanding footprint in this oil-rich region has set the stage for a competition with Washington

China and Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport: Reading between the lines
Dec 09, 2021

China and Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport: Reading between the lines

The alleged seizure of the Ugandan airport by China has set in motion yet another “debt-trap” debate.

China as India’s main bulk drugs supplier: Helplessness or cautious evolution?
Aug 09, 2017

China as India’s main bulk drugs supplier: Helplessness or cautious evolution?

There is indeed no room for complacency while dealing with China, but as a big market for Chinese goods, that should not prevent India from using Chin

China asks Maldives to pay up ‘private loan’, an eye-opener for all debtor-nations?
Jul 30, 2020

China asks Maldives to pay up ‘private loan’, an eye-opener for all debtor-nations?

The Solih government is under tremendous pressure on multiple fronts — the China factor is one on which it may have the least control.

China at 70
Oct 01, 2019

China at 70

It’s not what’s on display alone that worries the world, but China’s race towards becoming capable of fighting “intelligent warfare” based o

China banks on the Fourth Plenum to set future course
Sep 05, 2019

China banks on the Fourth Plenum to set future course

As the Fourth Plenum approaches, the Communist Party of China will use this platform to further discuss important socio-political and economic issues.

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

China brings Afghanistan and Pakistan together to discuss regional issues, but divergences remain
Dec 29, 2017

China brings Afghanistan and Pakistan together to discuss regional issues, but divergences remain

It is unlikely that the trust deficit between Afghanistan and Pakistan will reduce in the near future despite Chinese mediation.

China brokers a diplomatic thaw between Saudi Arabia and Iran
Mar 13, 2023

China brokers a diplomatic thaw between Saudi Arabia and Iran

The revival of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran that was negotiated by China is a major diplomacy victory for the latter

China building Tibet-Nepal railway is not quite a setback for India
Jun 27, 2018

China building Tibet-Nepal railway is not quite a setback for India

While Nepal has signed up for a rail link with Tibet, it stands to gain more from projects with the Indian Railways.

China builds new coast guard ships
Apr 20, 2017

China builds new coast guard ships

Although converting coast guard ships to warships may not be effective, they can be used to ferry troops.

China Can No Longer Take Sri Lanka for Granted
Oct 17, 2023

China Can No Longer Take Sri Lanka for Granted

Since the early 2000s, China's debt profile in Sri Lanka has increased rapidly, with estimates indicating that over 20% of the overall debt stock is owed to China. Beijing's lending has been opaque on high-interest loans and has often contributed to several white elephant projects. Much of this lending comes from Chinese policy banks, such as China Exim Bank and China Development Bank that is entrusted to further Beijing's economic and commercial

China challenges the US position in human space exploration
Sep 06, 2017

China challenges the US position in human space exploration

China has decided to construct its own space station. It has even approached the United Nations declaring this space station open for international co

China changes its tone and tenor on India—for now
Jan 03, 2019

China changes its tone and tenor on India—for now

The challenge will be how India and other countries use this opportunity to restore strategic balance in the region.